
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #5

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Phone Numbers: When reporting a sick or absent student, contact the specific campus directly:  

        Logos Main:         208.882.1226

        Logos Nazarene:     208.892.9771

        Logos South:         208.997.1006

      These are also the numbers to call for most other purposes, i.e. call the campus your child attends directly. 

Study Tip of the Week: One helpful way to teach your kids not to procrastinate is to ingrain in them the need to study at least Two Days Out. This means studying for Friday’s test on Wednesday and Thursday instead of simply the night before. Studying for predictable subjects like spelling and Latin should be spread over the course of the entire week, but for other quizzes and small tests, especially in the secondary, Two Days Out helps form a pattern of planned investment rather than last-minute gambling.


-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Preschool-1st Midterms: Today (Wed.),  parent-led assessments will be sent home along with your child’s behavior grades.  Please complete your child’s midterm assessments and return by Wednesday, September 29. 

2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A midterm form is coming home today (Wed). Please login to FACTS and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out FACTS and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by Wednesday, September 29.

Helpful Uniform Reminder of the Week:  As the weather gets cooler, students begin to wear sweaters more often.  For elementary ladies the sweater colors are red (not maroon), navy blue (not a heather mix), and white (not creamy white).  These can be a pullover, vest or cardigan.  For elementary gentlemen the sweater color is navy only.

Speech Meet: Selections need to be memorized by September 24.

Class Picture Day with LaMoreaux Photography for the Naz Campus:  Friday, Sept. 24th.  Picture day attire is Friday dress uniforms.  Photo envelopes have been provided.  

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Midterms: Now that we are halfway through the quarter (4.5 weeks out of 8), this is a great time to sit down with your secondary student, log on to FACTS, and check progress in each class.  There are no formal midterm reports for the secondary.  

Absences: If secondary students leave sick or leave for an appointment, they need to check out at the front office.  The parent should notify the front office of any appointments or absences before they occur.  Notifying the teachers is good too, but always notify the front office.  



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #4

Teacher Development (Half Day):  Friday September 17th is a half-day of school, while teachers spend the afternoon in teacher training and curriculum development.  Release times for students are as follows:  

  • Logos South, 1st grade     11:20 am
  • Logos South, 2nd grade    11:30am
  • Logos Nazarene                11:40am
  • Logos Main (elementary) 11:50am
  • Logos Main (secondary)  12:05pm


Fight’n Knight Day: This Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (Main and Nazarene campuses only, Logos South will need to be in dress uniform for class pictures) in support of the Cross Country team who will run in the Asotin Invitational in Lewiston on Saturday. 


National Merit Semifinalists: Congratulations to seniors Kenny Kline and Kaylee Vis on being named semifinalists in the 67th annual National Merit® Scholarship Program, based upon scores from the PSAT qualifying test. The 16,000 semifinalists represent less than 1 percent of the nation’s high school seniors. They join the 81 other Logos alumni who achieved National Merit Honors.  Congratulations as well to Ameera Wilson for being a commended student in the same program.  


Class Picture Day with LaMoreaux Photography: 

   Main Campus:  Friday, Sept. 10th

   Logos South:  Friday, Sept. 17th

   Naz Campus:  Friday, Sept. 24th

Picture day attire is Friday dress uniforms.  Photo envelopes will be coming home the week before pictures for each campus. 


Activities Department Openings.  If you are interested in serving with the Logos Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com.  We currently are seeking individuals in our Mock Trial, JH Basketball and Lacrosse programs. 

  • Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November. 

  • JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

  • JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.


Secondary Assembly.  We were blessed to have Pastor Toby Sumpter speak with the Secondary School on Tuesday during our second assembly of the year.  The topic was the power of the Gospel.  If you were able to attend, we thank you and hope it was as beneficial for you as it was for your student(s).  If you were not able to attend, please ask your secondary student(s) to discuss the topic with you.  The next assembly is October 12th.  


Review of the guidelines for keeping sick children home:

Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e. uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy). Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): Follow your doctor’s advice for returning to school.

Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and / or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.

Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees. The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin).




Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #3

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Teacher Development (Half Day):  Friday September 17th is a half-day of school, while teachers spend the afternoon in teacher training and curriculum development.  Release times for students are as follows:  

     Logos South, 1st grade 11:20 am

     Logos South, 2nd grade 11:30am

     Logos Nazarene 11:40am

     Logos Main (elementary) 11:50am

     Logos Main (secondary) 12:05pm


Class Picture Day with LaMoreaux Photography: 

     Main Campus:  Friday, Sept. 10th

     Logos South:  Friday, Sept. 17th

     Naz Campus:  Friday, Sept. 24th

Picture day attire is Friday dress uniforms.  Photo envelopes will be coming home the week before pictures for each campus. 


Activities Department OpeningsIf you are interested in serving with the Logos Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com.  We currently are seeking individuals in our Mock Trial, JH Basketball and Lacrosse programs. 

  • Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November. 
  • JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.
  • JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.


Email from Logos:  Google, Hotmail, and others have been more aggressive about automatically filtering out emails it thinks are spam.  Check your spam folder for e-mails from Logos.  For example, 12th Grade parents, please check your spam/junk files for an email that Mr. Wiggins sent on Tuesday, Aug 31 explaining the "Principal's Pig Fest."


-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Next Tuesday (Sept 14th) is our Secondary World View Assembly in the gym.  These talks by local pastors are typically once a month.  This month, Pastor Sumpter will be speaking on “The Gospel.” This is a mandatory event for ALL secondary students whether or not you normally have a class during the first period on Tuesdays.  Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend.  


-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts:  4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies.  Tryouts will take place tomorrow, Thursday, September 9 during lunch recess in the lunchroom.  Packets of sheet music went home last week.  Student accompanists chosen receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. 

Speech Meet: Selections are due to teachers Monday, September 13.

Logos South:  Please remember to follow the School Uniform Policy.  Common violations we are seeing:  no belt; wrong shirt colors for the Friday dress uniform (boys are to wear a white oxford; girls, white blouse).  Thank you!



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #2

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Grievance / Improvement Policy:  Logos is committed to making small improvements each year so that our school becomes better over time. If you have a suggestion that you think would help improve the school, or if you have a concern (or grievance) with someone involved with the school, please follow the Grievance / Improvement Policy listed in the Parent/Student Handbook. Here are a few basics to keep in mind:

  1. Always assume the best (the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbor).

  2. Go directly to the person responsible and graciously ask for their perspective. Explain your concern or idea. Do not pass your concern along to others as this can hurt the school, spread gossip, and possibly make the problem worse.

  3. If you still have a concern, go to the next level of authority. We want to hear from you and we want to use your perspective to help improve the school.

Picture Days This Week: Families may choose an outfit: dress uniform or in a special outfit of your choice. This is not a day to dress down (professional sports jerseys, jeans, etc.).  Modesty standards still apply.   The photographer recommends avoiding light colors - dark is better.  We have “proof” ordering this year; no pre-ordering. Everyone will receive an email and a “proof” letter, with a personal access code for each student’s photos.  You will view and pick the best photo to order.  All photo orders will be mailed directly to parents.  Our individual pictures days are:

Logos South            Tuesday 8/31/21

Logos Nazarene Campus    Wednesday 9/1/21

Logos Main Campus        Thursday 9/2/21


School on Labor Day.  A reminder that Logos has school on Monday, Sept 6th.  Logos doesn't take 3-day weekends so we can take an entire week off in October.  The school calendar for 2021-22 with all holidays, etc. is found on the Logos website here:  Annual Calendar


-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Honors Classes: Additional opportunities to take honors classes will be presented to the 10th and 12th grades in Biology and Literature respectively.  Teachers will provide invitations to prospective honors students by Friday this week.

Qualities of a Knight: Each day during the student announcements, home room teachers will be reading, “The Qualities of a Knight” to the students.  Each day will feature a particular attribute of Knights that was covered during the Secondary Welcome Assembly.  This may provide you with solid “grist for the mill” during dinner table discussions with your secondary students.


-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts:  4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies.  Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 9 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom.  Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. Mr. Becker distributed the music on Monday, 8/30.

Speech Meet: Speech Meet information packets will be coming home with your students this week. All students in 1st-6th grade participate. Selections are due to teachers September 13.

Logos South.  If you would like to contribute to our campus beautification fund, please contact Gwen Spencer. We have some exciting plans for the Great Room and stage!  The South teachers appreciate all the encouragement they have received from you; thank you for your prayers, kind words, and generous donations. It’s going to be a fantastic year!  

Activities Department Openings.  If you are interested in any of the openings in the Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com

  • JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.

  • Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November. 

  • JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

  • JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #1

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 27th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30pm, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00pm. After the dance practice, the secondary ball will run from 8:00-10:00pm.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels. 

Picture Days are Coming: Families may choose between having their child wear his or her dress uniform or dressing up in a special outfit of your choice. Modesty standards still apply. This is not a day to dress down (professional sports jerseys, jeans, etc.).

We have “proof” ordering this year; no pre-ordering. Everyone will receive an email and a “proof” letter, with a personal access code for each student’s photos.  You will view and pick the best photo to order.  All photo orders will be mailed directly to parents.  

Our individual pictures days are:

  • Logos South             Tuesday 8/31/21
  • Logos Nazarene Campus    Wednesday 9/1/21
  • Logos Main Campus         Thursday 9/2/21


New Applications: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2022-2023 school year (current students will re-register in the spring).  If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found on the school website. 

Preschool classes tend to fill up quickly - now is the time to apply. Remember that the preschool age cutoff is 4 years old by June 1. We will process those students who meet this requirement first, and then any age waiver requests after that. 

If your child is in the waiting pool for 21-22 we will automatically roll the application forward, therefore, you will not need to complete a new application.  

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts:  4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies.  Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 9 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom.  Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. Mr. Becker will distribute music this week.

Logos South is looking for volunteers to assemble our brand-new play structure! We will meet at Logos South this Thursday (8/26) at 6 pm.  Please bring your own tools.  Contact Tracie Handel if you are able to help.  Thank you! 

If you would like to contribute to our campus beautification fund, please contact Ginny. We have several fun projects in mind!  

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Field Day for secondary students will be held on Friday, August 27 at Mountain View Park. Students will be bussed from Logos School. The bus will depart promptly at 8:45am. Older students who normally drive are welcome to drive directly to the park by 9:00am. Seniors must arrive at the park by 8:30am to set up. Activities will conclude by 2:45 and the bus will depart shortly thereafter to return to Logos. Driving students will be dismissed from the park, all others will be dismissed from Logos at 3:15pm. Parents are welcome to attend.

Activities Department Openings.  If you are interested in any of the openings please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com

  • JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.

  • Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November. 

  • JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

  • JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.




Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Summer #6

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

School Day Times for our three campuses:

Logos South                8:20-3:00

Secondary                   8:25-3:20  

Main Elementary        8:30-3:10          

Nazarene Campus       8:40-11:40         12:00-2:50 (MWF)

2021-22 Information: Check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, etc. 

Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place the Friday before the first day of school: August 20 at 5:00 Nazarene Campus (multipurpose room), 6:00 Logos South (Great Room), and 7:00 Main Campus (in the gym). This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). Parking for Nazarene: east end, Education Wing. Parking for South: CHS Primeland--please don’t block gas pumps, park in an orderly manner.  You may also park at Canon Press (behind Dale’s Boat Service).

Dress Uniform: The first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see the school website for details).  Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday of the first week. Elementary students will wear their regular M-Th uniforms and secondary students will be in Field Day attire (more information coming) on Friday the 27th.  Dress uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.


Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 27th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. After the dance practice, the secondary ball will run from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Elementary Welcome Assemblies: First day of school.  Main Campus:  August 23rd, from 9:00-9:30 AM in the gym.  9:15-9:35 AM at Logos South in the Great Room (limited seating). Parents are welcome to attend.

Elementary Ties will need to be purchased online. The front office no longer sells ties.

Main Campus Elementary Lunch Times:  Parents are welcome to bring and eat lunch with their students.  The lunch times have been changed for this year.  Grades 3 and 4 will have lunch in the lunchroom at 11:20-11:40.  Grades 5 and 6 will have lunch at 11:45-12:05.

Plastic Silverware: Please make sure to send plastic utensils with your kids if they need them for lunch. The school does not provide plasticware for lunches.  Thank you.

Logos South Lunch Times:  Lunch will be in the classrooms.  Parents are welcome to bring and eat lunch with their students, on or off-campus.  Please check-in at the office when you arrive. 1st grade: 11:20-11:35 (recess 11:35-11:55). 2nd grade:  11:40-11:55 (recess 11:55-12:15).  Please do not send Cup Noodles for lunch as we do not have access to hot water.  Thank you!

Logos South is looking for a full-sized working refrigerator. Contact Tracie Handel if you are able to help.

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 20, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom.  This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit FACTS, print out your schedule (available soon!), and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about FACTS please contact Mr. Euhus.  

Secondary Welcome Assembly: August 24 from 8:25-9:15 AM in the gym. The topic is, “What is a Knight?”  Parents are welcome to attend. Since this will be Tuesday morning during our normal elective time, the first day of secondary electives will be Thursday.

Field Day for secondary students will be held on Friday, August 27 at Mountain View Park. Students will be bussed from Logos School. The bus will depart promptly at 8:45am. Older students who normally drive are welcome to drive directly to the park by 9:00am. Seniors must arrive at the park by 8:30am to set up. Activities will conclude by 2:45 and the bus will depart shortly thereafter to return to Logos. Driving students will be dismissed from the park, all others will be dismissed from Logos at 3:15pm. Parents are welcome to attend.

Activities Department Openings

  • JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.
  • Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November.
  • JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.
  • JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.

If you are interested in any of the openings in the Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Summer #5

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

School Day Times for our three campuses:

Logos South                8:20-3:00

Secondary                   8:25-3:20  

Main Elementary        8:30-3:10,           

Nazarene Campus       8:40-11:40         12:00-2:50 (MWF)

2021-22 Information: Check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, etc. 

Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place the Friday before the first day of school: August 20 at 5:00 Nazarene Campus (multipurpose room), 6:00 Logos South (Great Room), and 7:00 Main Campus (in the gym). This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). 

Dress Uniform: The first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see the school website for details).  Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday of the first week. Elementary students will wear their regular M-Th uniforms and secondary students will be in Field Day attire (more information coming) on Friday the 27th.  Dress uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.

Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 27th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. After the dance practice, the secondary ball will run from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Elementary Welcome Assemblies: First day of school, August 23rd, from 9:00-9:30 AM in the gym.  9:15-9:35 AM at Logos South in the Great Room (limited seating). Parents are welcome to attend.

Main Campus Elementary Lunch Times:  Parents are welcome to bring and eat lunch with their students.  The lunch times have been changed for this year.  Grades 3 and 4 will have lunch in the lunchroom at 11:20-11:40.  Grades 5 and 6 will have lunch at 11:45-12:05.

Logos South Lunch Times:  Lunch will be in the classrooms.  Parents are welcome to bring and eat lunch with their students, on or off-campus.  Please check-in at the office when you arrive. 1st grade: 11:20-11:35 (recess 11:35-11:55). 2nd grade:  11:40-11:55 (recess 11:55-12:15).  Please do not send Cup Noodles for lunch as we do not have access to hot water.  Thank you!

Playground.  Logos South is looking for playground donations:  1-2 old tractor tires, a bench or picnic table with shade umbrella, 2-3 balls, 2-3 jump ropes, swing set, climbing structure.  Contact Tracie Handel if you are able to help.

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 20, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom.  This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit FACTS, print out your schedule (available soon!), and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about FACTS please contact Mr. Euhus.  

Secondary Welcome Assembly: August 24 from 8:25-9:15 AM in the gym.  Parents are welcome to attend. Since this will be Tuesday morning during our normal elective time, the first day of secondary electives will be Thursday.

Activities Department Openings: 

      JH XC Coach - Assist with the 6-8 Cross Country program. Practices are in the morning before school.

      JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.

      Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial team. Practice begins in November.

      JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

      JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.

If you are interested in any of the openings in the Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at plopez@logosschool.com



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Summer #4


School Day Times for our three campuses:

Main Elementary         8:30-3:10,           Secondary  8:25-3:20  

Nazarene Campus      8:40-11:40,         12:00-2:50 (MWF)

Logos South                8:20-3:00

Annual Board Report: Attached, you will find the summary for 2020-21 that our school board compiles after their annual school visit in which they observe classes and interview staff and families. This will give you a good snapshot of what the Lord has been doing at our school over the past year.

2021-22 Information: Check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, etc. 

Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place the Friday before the first day of school: August 20 at 5:00 Nazarene Campus, 6:00 Logos South, and 7:00 Main Campus (in the gym). This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). 


Update on Logos South (2305 S. Main): All of the sheetrock and texturing is complete and we are on track to finish the painting this week. Next week we are hoping to complete the electrical, roll out astroturf on the playground, and start moving teachers in! Please pray for Mr. Berry and the work crews as they seek to have the campus ready by next Friday.


New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 20, from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom.  This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).

Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 9th to Mr. Wiggins via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.     

Activities Department Openings

JV VB Coach - Lead the JV program throughout the season.  Assist with Varsity VB.  Practices are in the morning before school.

JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.

Drama Coordinator - Provide support and develop the Drama department throughout the year.  Support the director during the fall production.

Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November.

JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

JH Lacrosse - Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.

If you are interested in any of the openings in the Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Summer #3


Help Needed: Mr. Berry has been hard at work with his crew remodeling Logos South. The framing and electrical are done and much of the drywall is up. If there are any parents with skill in the areas of dry walling, mudding, and/or texturing, please contact Adam Berry at 208-301-1511. We would love help during the day, but are flexible to facilitate volunteers coming in during the evenings and weekends as well. Thank you for those who have come already!

2021-22 Information: Check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, etc. 

New Teacher: We are very pleased to announce that Mrs. Hattie Maggard has been hired to teach 6th-8th grade Latin for this coming year. Hattie and her husband, Tim, have moved within the last year from Montana with their daughter, Ingrid, who will be in 3rd grade. Hattie graduated from the University of South Florida with a BS and MA in Biology, she is fluent in Spanish and is quickly learning Latin. She has experience as a former DEA Special Agent and Firearms Instructor. Please welcome Hattie and her husband when you see them!


Tracie Handel: I am pleased to report that the board has approved a title change from “Lower Elementary Lead Teacher” to “Lower Elementary Principal” for Mrs. Handel. This will create clearer communication regarding her role in Preschool-2nd grade.


Teacher Opening: We are still in need of a secondary Latin teacher. If you are interested in teaching even one class per day, please contact Mr. Wiggins at wwiggins@logosschool.com

Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 9th to Mr. Wiggins via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.     

Activities Department Openings

JV VB Coach - Lead the JV program throughout the season.  Assist with Varsity VB.  Practices are in the morning before school.

JH VB Assistants - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this fall.

Drama Coordinator - Provide support and develop the Drama department throughout the year.  Support the director during the fall production.

Mock Trial B Team Coach -  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November.

JH BB Coach - Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.

JH Lacrosse - Assist with our Spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.

If you are interested in any of the openings in the Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez at ad@logosschool.com


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021-22 – Summer #1


School Day Times for our three campuses next year:

Main Elementary         8:30-3:10,           Secondary  8:25-3:20  

Nazarene Campus       8:40-11:40,         12:00-2:50 (MWF)

Logos South                8:20-3:00

Teaching Positions for 2021-22: We are currently accepting applications for the following position. Please email your resume to mwhitling@logosschool.com. Feel free to forward these openings to your friends and respective church email groups.

-Secondary Latin (part-time and/or full-time)

New Hires for 2021-21: We are very pleased to announce the following hires for next year. Please congratulate them when you see them!

Lindsey Tollefson (our current Rhetoric III teacher) has been hired to teach ½ time 4th grade with Mrs. Calene.

Josiah Anderson has been hired to teach 8th grade New Testament Survey and 9th Grade Church History next year. Josiah graduated from Logos in 2016 and the U of I this past May, and has been assisting our track and cross-country teams this past year.

Stephen Belk has been hired to teach 6th grade. Stephen and his wife, Jessica, have moved from Coila, Mississippi. Stephen earned his BA in humanities from Leavell College and is working toward his MA in Biblical and Theological Studies from Southwestern Baptist.


Preschool: All three of our preschool classes will share one room at the Nazarene Church next year (M/W/F AM, T/Th AM, M/W/F PM).  If your child has been accepted to preschool, Mr. Euhus will be contacting you individually this summer to discuss your class preferences.

Class selection Process: Next week Mr. Euhus will send an email out that will guide you through this process. Stay tuned!


Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 9th to Mr. Wiggins via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.                            


Matt Whitling