
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021/2022 – #17 (Jan 12, 2022)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Thank you Snow Team!  As you know, last week was full of crazy weather on the Palouse. We want to give a huge shout-out to our snow crew who came to the rescue especially on Thursday and Friday in the midst of lots of snow, rain, ice, and even a broken tractor. These gentlemen quite literally are the reason that we were able to have school at the end of the week. Thank you Trent Frigone, Micah Shryer, Eric Sawyer, Jason Croyle, Jim Miller, and Snow Captain Adam Berry! Logos School could not operate without the sacrificial investment of faithful parents like you every day.  Thank you so much!

Parking Lot (main campus): Please pull all the way into parking spaces, and pull all the way forward when dropping off or picking up.  Snow berms are narrowing parking and Baker Street, increasing congestion.  We are looking at options, but it’s simply tight.  

Re-enrollment for fall 2022 is underway through January 24th.  In conjunction with this, we are rolling out a new online financial system for parents to review balances, pay fees, etc.  

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

This Friday’s assembly at South opens with a recitation by Mrs. Rauch’s 1st-grade class, followed by Mrs. Hawthorne’s 2nd-grade class play.  All are welcome. We will begin at 8:30 a.m.  Limited parking is available in front of the school and in the Canon Press warehouse parking lot. Please do not park along the highway or the loop behind the school. 

Pick-up times.  Reminder that Logos South students need to be picked up by 3:05 for 1st grade and 3:15 for 2nd grade.  

Spelling Bee: The 3rd – 6th graders (Main Campus) will be competing in the in-school spelling bee on January 31 by classroom.  The big showdown will be on February 4th at 1:00 in the gym.  South students will have their in-class competitions on February 1st.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.

Facilities: We have installed security cameras at Logos South, and are evaluating this setup for other campuses.  

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Knight’s Fest begins in two weeks.  Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…).  Classes will be doing lots of prep!  




Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021/2022 – #16 (Jan 5, 2022)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Report cards will be handed out this week, today (Wednesday) for the elementary and Thursday for the secondary.  Report cards are also available online on FACTS, along with the grade details for specific classes & subjects.  

Re-enrollment for fall 2022 begins later this week.  In conjunction with this, we are rolling out a new online payment system.  Stay tuned for more information and instructions via email.  

------------- ACTIVITIES  ------------

Knights’ Festival is an annual three-day secondary school celebration. It will take place January 26-28.  Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…).  

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

New Students!  We are excited to welcome 6 new elementary students to Logos this week.  

Spelling Bee: The 3rd – 6th graders (Main Campus) will be competing in the in-school spelling bee on February 4. The 1st & 2nd-grade students at Logos South will compete on February 1st.  Lists and rules are posted on the school website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.  

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Secondary Assembly: Our next assembly is Tuesday, Jan 11th, 8:25 am - 9:15 am in the gym. Pastor Kirk Brower will be speaking on the topic of confession of sin.  Parents are welcome to attend.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #15 (Dec 15, 2021)

For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  (Luke 2:11)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Friday is a Fight’n Knight Day!  Both elementary and secondary are welcome to wear their Logos t-shirts and nice jeans to celebrate the end of final exams, and last day before Christmas break!  

------------- ACTIVITIES  ------------

JH Basketball begins in January.  Practices will be before school.  Girls will practice Mondays and Wednesdays, Boys Tuesdays and Thursdays, teams will alternate Fridays.  Gabe Rench and Ben Bowen will be coaching the girls.  We have 40 boys interested in playing basketball.  We need more coaches.  If you are interested in coaching please contact Mr. Lopez at plopez@logosschool.com.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Assembly:  This Friday Mr. Brockwalder’s class will be putting on a Greek myth play (Main Campus gym). The show will open with a 3rd grade (Blum) recitation at 8:35 AM. All are welcome to attend. 

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Electives:  A reminder to select elective preferences for the second semester by Monday, December 20th.  On Tuesday we’ll begin placing students into their new elective classes.  



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #14 (Dec 8, 2021)

"And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.”  - Matthew 1:21

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

The Christmas Program will be 7 pm Friday, Dec 10th at the Nazarene Church.  This is a great event for family and friends. 

Christmas Break is for 2 weeks, December 20-31st.  School resumes on Monday, Jan 3rd.  

Report Cards for the second quarter will be distributed on January 5th and 6th.  

Re-enrollment for current students for next school year (2022-23) will begin January 6th.  The application for new students is on the Logos website.  

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Elective Choices for the 2nd semester will be sent out this week.  All 7th-12th grade students will wrap up their 1st-semester electives this week, and will pick new Tu/Th electives for the new semester.  Stay tuned for elective descriptions and instructions. 

Finals:  Next week, secondary classes (with exception of Tu/Th classes, which end this week) have comprehensive final exams to finish the semester.  This week, teachers provide review material which may include study sheets, practice finals, etc.  The Fall Finals Schedule is linked here.  



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #13  (Dec 1, 2021) 

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Winter Ball: The Winter Ball will take place Friday, December 3 (hosted by the 8th grade class). This is for Logos students only. Dress: GENTLEMEN - Dress shirts, ties and slacks. LADIES - Knee length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES - Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person or $15 family.  

It’s a Fight’n Knight Day this Friday (12/3).  Students are allowed to wear nice blue jeans (no holes, tears, etc.) and their blue Logos Fight’n Knight t-shirt from any year.

The Christmas Program will be 7pm Friday, Dec 10th at the Nazarene Church.  

Semester End.  Dec 17th is the last day of the semester and is a half day of school for all elementary and secondary.  We will stagger dismissal times to allow parents to make all 3 campus pick-ups on time.  

  • 1st grade dismissed at 11:20
  • 2nd grade dismissed at 11:30.
  • Morning PreK and Kindergarten 11:40.  
  • Afternoon PreK won't meet.
  • Upper Elementary 11:45.  
  • Secondary is dismissed at 12:05


------------- ACTIVITIES  ------------

Public Address position: Logos Athletics is looking for the “Voice of the Knights”.  If you would be willing to volunteer at Logos home games please contact Mr. Lopez.  The duties include: Player Introductions, Pre-game prayer, and playing music.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Elementary Lunches: Please be sure to send a disposable fork or spoon with your child if they need one for soups, etc.    The school does not supply utensils for lunch.  

Winter Clothes: Be sure to send your children to school with warm clothes.  We will have recess outside unless it is raining hard or below 20 degrees.  This may be a good time to make sure that winter clothing is labeled – just in case!

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Finals Schedule:  The Fall Finals Schedule is linked here.  Please take note that there are designated study halls throughout the week.  If a study hall falls in either the 1st or 7th period, parents have the option of late drop-off or early pick-up.  Parents of 11th to 12th-grade students have the option of late arrival or early dismissal. If you plan to allow your student to miss a study hall, please communicate with the front office so that we can maintain attendance.  11th and 12th grade students who have study halls scheduled in the middle of the day may elect to go off campus during those hours, however this must also be coordinated with the front office ahead of time with parent approval.  Please take the time to review the schedule with your children and communicate with the front office as early as possible.  Thank you for your help in our effort to maintain accountability of your children while also maximizing their time to study for their finals. 

Secondary Worldview Assembly: On Tuesday, December 7th, 8:25-9:15 am the secondary school will host Pastor Toby Sumpter who will discuss “Wokeism.”  Parents are welcome to attend.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #12 (Nov 17, 2021)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Winter Ball: The Winter Ball will take place Friday, December 3 (hosted by the 8th-grade class). This is for Logos students only, as are all Logos balls. Dress: GENTLEMEN - Dress shirts, ties, and slacks. LADIES - Knee-length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES - Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person and $15 family.  

------------- ACTIVITIES  ------------

JH BB will have sign-ups in December and begin practice after Christmas Break.  All boys and girls in grades 6-8 are allowed to participate in the Logos Intramural Basketball programs.  More information will be available in December with meetings and practice schedules released.   All athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate in Logos athletics. 

Public Address position: Logos Athletics is looking for the “Voice of the Knights”.  If you would be willing to volunteer at Logos home games please contact Mr. Lopez.  The duties include: Player Introductions, Pre-game prayer, and playing music.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

6th Grade Play: This Friday Mr. Belk and Mrs. Anderson’s class will be performing in the gym (main campus). The show will open with a recitation by Mrs. Akin and Mrs. Bradley’s 3rd-grade class at 8:35. All are welcome!

Elementary Midterms (Main, South, and Nazarene Campuses) will be coming home this week. Please complete and return these by Wednesday, December 1. 

Homework-O-Meter Results: Homework surveys are in, and we’ve crunched the numbers below (averaged between the double/triple classes).  Parents, thank you for taking the time to complete the surveys!  Grade / Actual Numbers / Guideline Targets (per night/5 days a week):

    1st      =     13 min.     (15 min.)

    2nd     =     21 min.     (30 min.)

    3rd     =     18 min.     (45 min.)

    4th     =     16 min.     (45 min.)

    5th     =     38 min.     (45 min.)

    6th     =     45 min.     (60 min.)

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Secondary Electives: We are looking for elective teachers for the second semester. If you have an area of interest that you think would be appealing to 8th-12th graders, please contact Mr. Wiggins for details. We are open to a variety of topics: art, music, hobbies, basic Christianity, etc. Elective classes are volunteer-taught and meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:25-9:15.


Mr. Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent

Logos School, Moscow ID

208.882.1226 x12

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #11  (Nov 10, 2021) 

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Recess Volunteers.  We want to reduce the number of recess duties that our full-time teachers are assigned; some are doing 5 recesses a week.  Picking up one recess duty a week is a real blessing to teachers and a fun way to get to know the students.  Opportunities at all campuses.  Contact Sandy Hoeft.  

Sub List.  We could use more parents on our sub list for all grades.  Contact Jannell Farrell. 

Show Shovellers: We’re in need of volunteer parents to shovel sidewalks and steps on mornings it snows (plowing is taken care of).  We’d like to have a team of 10-15 so that it goes fast and not everybody has to show up every time.  Contact Adam Berry.  

------------- ACTIVITIES  ------------

JH BB will have sign-ups in December and begin practice after Christmas Break.  All boys and girls in grades 6-8 are allowed to participate in the Logos Intramural Basketball programs.  More information will be available in December with meetings and practice schedules released.   All athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate in Logos athletics. 

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

The assembly at South this Friday opens with a recitation by Mrs. McIvor’s class, followed by Mrs. Brower’s class play.  All are welcome. We will begin at 8:30 am.  Parking is available in the marked parking spaces in front of the school, in the overflow grassy area behind the school, and in the Canon Press warehouse parking lot. Please do not park along the highway. 

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Student Drivers:  Parents, please talk to your students about their driving, especially in the school parking lots.  Before and after school the campus is full of small children on foot which are very hard to see.  

Electives:  It is the time of year when we start selecting secondary electives for the Spring Semester.  If you are interested in teaching an elective in the Spring, please contact Mr. Wiggins with your proposal.


Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #10  (Nov 3, 2021)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Show Shovellers: We’re in need of volunteer parents to shovel sidewalks and steps on mornings it snows (plowing is taken care of).  We’d like to have a team of 10-15 so that it goes fast and not everybody has to show up every time.  Contact Adam Berry.  

Updated Family Info.  Please verify and update your information online (address, phone numbers, email, allergies, emergency contacts, student nickname, church membership, etc.)  Login to FACTS Family Portal, then go to "Family ..Family Home...."  Click on "Family Demographic Form" at the bottom.  Make corrections and save.  

Projects at Logos South:  We are tackling a variety of wonderful projects at the Logos South Campus.  Here’s a description and sign-up sheet for volunteers and donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E044CA4AB2DA6FB6-south 

Keeping sick children home:  Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees.  The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees.  The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin).  https://logosschool.com/for-parents/sick-children/

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Homework-O-Meters: (Main & South)  Please return these to the classroom teacher on Friday.

Reminder for Logos South parents: For Feed the Need this Thursday, you’ll need to drop your first or second grader off at the Logos Main gym that morning between 8:15 & 8:30.  We will bus them to the South Campus after their shift.

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Dialectic Speech Meet 7th-9th: November 5 is the dialectic speech meet.  There will be an awards assembly for all 7th-12th graders in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:30 in the gym.  All are welcome to attend.  

Choir Festival: On November 12th, the high school choir will be going to The Oaks in Spokane to compete in the ACCS Choir Festival.  Since the majority of our high school students are in the choir there will be no classes held for 9-12th grade on that day.  7-8th grade will be released early at 12:05pm for teacher development day.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #9  (Oct 27, 2021)

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our cross country runners as they head to state, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt). A few people have asked about other shirts: Feed the Need, volleyball, basketball, summer camps, etc. Only the navy game day shirts qualify, from any year.

Report Cards.  It’s the end of the first quarter; report cards will come out Wednesday for the elementary and Thursday for the secondary.  Elementary parents: please sign the envelope and have your student return the envelope to their teacher.

-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

New Hire: Please join us in welcoming Kortnie Brockwalder to the Logos teaching team!  Mrs. Brockwalder has been hired to teach the afternoon preschool class, starting Monday, November 1st.  We are grateful for her desire to serve our youngest students and their families. When you see her, please congratulate her!

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences begin Thursday morning.  If you have not scheduled yet, please visit this site to do so: http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Logos .

-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Choir Festival: On November 12th, the high school choir will be going to The Oaks in Spokane to compete in the ACCS Choir Festival.  Since the majority of our high school students are in the choir there will be no classes held for 9-12th grade on that day.  7-8th grade will be released early at 12:05pm for teacher development day.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #8

-------------  GENERAL  -------------

Fall Break.  Next week (Oct 18-22) is our Fall Break, no school.  It’s also the end of the first quarter; report cards will come out the week after break.  

Student Self Assessment:  The Fall break is a great time for your students to self-assess on where they are academically, in extracurricular participation, and in character.  Parents are encouraged to help them in this process so that they can set some goals for the second quarter and come back from Fall Break both renewed, energized, and focused. 

Projects at Logos South:  We are tackling a variety of wonderful projects at the Logos South Campus.  Here’s a description and sign-up sheet for volunteers and donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E044CA4AB2DA6FB6-south 

Activities Department: Varsity Drama presents the Fall production of “You Can’t Take it With You” directed by Miss Elli Sensing.  The final performance is this Friday October 15 at 7pm. 

The Logos Drama Department is looking for Directors for our JH Drama Productions.  If you love Drama and you would be interested in being considered for one of these positions please contact Kirstin Miller or Patrick Lopez for more information.


-------------  ELEMENTARY  -------------

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Almost all of the scheduling is complete. A reminder email will be sent out the Monday before conferences. If you have not scheduled yet, please visit this site to do so: http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Logos .

Assembly: This Friday morning, at the main campus gym, Mr. Becker and Mr. Belk’s 6th grade class will be performing their Shakespeare play. The assembly will start with a short recitation by Mrs. Loyd’s 3rd grade class.  All are welcome! 

Speech Meet for Logos South will be on Thursday, October 14th.  First grade presentations begin at 8:40; Second grade presentations begin at 10:30.  Please see your child’s HAS for more information.


-------------  SECONDARY  -------------

Quarterly Locker Inspection: On Friday there will be a locker inspection for all secondary students prior to departing on break.  The intent of this inspection is to ensure that lockers are neat, orderly, and that all trash has been removed (especially perishable items).  Please encourage your student(s) to clean their locker prior to inspection.

Secondary Assembly:  On Tuesday the secondary students heard a powerful word from Pastor Kirk Brower on the Christian response to abortion and euthanasia.  Please ask your students what they learned.  


Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School