Logos Business Directory
Following is a list of corporate sponsors for the 2023/2024 academic year. The generous support of these local businesses is truly a blessing! Please consider these local companies as you have need of goods and services.
Canon Press, Aaron Rench
Carlton Builders, Tim Mortimore
Carpet Mill, Bob Bell
Eifert Law Firm, Ellis Eifert
Erber Auto, Jonathan Erber
Forged Construction, Brad and Nicole Covington
Germer Construction, Dave Germer
Hodgins Drug & Hobby, Pam Hays
Kestrel Realty Group, Mike Church
Logos Online School, Dr. Larry Stephenson
Moscow Family Dentistry, Dr. Ben Bowen ’98
New Saint Andrews College, Moscow, Idaho
Norm’s Glass, Brad and Nicole Covington
Populi, Isaac Grauke ’01
Short’s Family Chiropractic, Scott and Ashley Short
Story Family Medicine, Dr. and Mrs. Rod Story
Thrivent Financial, Andrew Nicholas & Rick Littlejohn