
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Summer #4

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Summer #4   General 2018-19 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary (or) Secondary Program.   Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place the Friday before the first day of school: August 24 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please).   Secondary 7th Grade Latin: This year’s 7th graders have been split up between Honors Latin 7 and Latin 7 based on their performance in Latin last year. Those with a 92% or higher in the 4th quarter of 6th grade Latin are automatically registered for honors. If you have questions or would like to discuss this further, please contact me at your convenience.   Fall Sports: Fall sports seasons are about to begin.   To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities students must have earned at least a 2.5 GPA during the 4th quarter of last school year. High school athletes must bring all required forms to the first practice. Your child will not be able to participate until all forms are in. You can find required form information at www. logosschool.com (Athletics/Athletics Forms). 6th – 8th grade athletes do not need to complete any paper work.   High School Volleyball will begin practice on August 10th at 6:00 AM in the Logos Gym with a parents meeting to follow at 8:00 am.   Junior High Volleyball will begin Monday, August 27th at 3:30 pm with a parent meeting immediately following practice at 5:00 pm. Both High School and Junior High Cross Country will begin on the 10th with a parents meeting at 8:30 am and practice afterwards.  Sixth grade students are eligible to participate in Junior High Cross Country.   Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.   Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 13th to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details. If there is a senior interested in doing an elementary drama internship (overseeing set, lights, and sound) please let me know.   Cheers!   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 34

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 34   GENERAL Upcoming Events: Elementary Teacher Work Day (no school for elementary)   May 21 Secondary Final Exams                                   May 22-25 Kindergarten (Mrs. Merkle) Graduation        May 22 @ 8:30 AM Field Day                                                        May 22 from 1-3 PM Kindergarten (Mrs. Sawyer) Graduation        May 23 @ 8:30 AM Elementary Awards Assembly                       May 23 @ 9:30 AM Secondary Awards Assembly            (afternoon)      May 24 from 2:30-3:20 PM Senior Assembly (9th-12th only)                     May 25 from 12:15-12:45 PM Graduation Practice (seniors only)                 May 25 from 1:30-2:30 PM Graduation                                                      May 26 @ 3 PM at the U of I   (Parents are welcome to attend all of these events, except for the final exams!)   Logos Summer Camps: Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here. A few camps are filling up. Now is the time to guarantee your spot.   Fight’n Knight Day: This Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day to help send off the high school track team as they head down to southern Idaho for the state competition.   ELEMENTARY Elementary Field Day will take place next Tuesday. All elementary students will be dismissed from school at 11:30. This is a parent drop-off and pick-up event. Some families like to pack a picnic lunch, eat in the park and stay for the activities (races, tug-o-war, capture the flag, etc.). Play clothes are welcome! Rain cancels.   The Elementary Awards Ceremony will take place next Wednesday morning from 9:30-10:30. School starts at the normal time. We will meet in the gym to distribute year-end awards to our 1st – 6th grade students. After the ceremony, the students will return to their classrooms for a few minutes to receive their report cards and to say farewell. They will be dismissed at about 10:30 and that will be the official end of the elementary school year. Preschool students will be dismissed at 10:30 as well. Students should wear their dress uniform for this event.   SECONDARY Finals Schedule: The secondary finals schedule can be found here. Please note that only the 9th-12th graders will come to the senior assembly on Friday. 7th and 8th graders will be dismissed at 12:05. We are simply running out of space in the lunchroom!     Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 33

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 33   GENERAL Logos Summer Camps: Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here.   Fight’n Knight Day: This Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day to help send off the high school track team as they head down to Lapwai for the district competition.   ELEMENTARY SATs: The 1st-6th graders will be taking the Stanford Achievement Tests this week. Please avoid scheduling appointments at this time if at all possible.   SECONDARY Finals Schedule: I have attached the secondary finals schedule so that we can start to plan ahead.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling  

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 32

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 32   GENERAL Logos Summer Camps: Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here.   Plastic Silverware: Please make sure to send this with your kids if they need it for lunch. The school will not provide it in the future. Thanks!   New Hires! Half Time 4th Grade: We are very glad to have Jenny Sumpter back at Logos next year! She has been hired to teach 4th grade with Dianne Bradley. She taught for us a few years ago when we offered Logos Recitations, and she is an amazing teacher. Jed Whitling will be retiring to pursue a career in real estate. We will miss having him at Logos, but we’re excited for this new adventure.   Music/Preschool: We are very pleased to announce that Aaron Snell has been hired as our full time music teacher for next year. Aaron and his wife, Amy (who has been hired to teach our afternoon preschool class) come from Porterville, California where he has been the choir director for the past 15 years. His choirs have been recognized as being among the top high school performing groups in California in choral festivals across the state from 2003-2017. The Snells five children will be at Logos next year. Mr. Erber is looking forward to devoting his time and attention to the booming Erber Auto. We will miss his faithful and cheerful oversight of our music program.   AD/Secondary Teacher: We are thankful to announce that Patrick Lopez has been hired to teach US History, Rhetoric I, and OT Survey, and to serve as our athletic director for next year. Patrick has 15 years of teaching/AD/coaching experience at a Christian school in Missouri and most recently retired from an 11-year career in the Army. Patrick and his wife Shelley recently moved to Moscow and will have their two youngest kids at Logos. Please welcome them when you see them!   ELEMENTARY Midterms: Please be sure to return signed midterm forms this Wednesday to your child’s classroom teacher.   Grandparents’ Day: We have a super day planned for grandparents, parents, family, friends, and prospective families Friday, May 4th. The morning will open with a continental breakfast for grandparents followed by class plays and presentations throughout the morning and early afternoon. There will be a ball Friday evening (elementary 6:30-7:30, dance practice 7:30-8:00, secondary 8:00-10:00). Logos students, parents and grandparents are welcome! Even if you don’t have grandparents in town we would love to have you come to your children’s presentations and then join us for the Open House at 11:30 AM. Most parents and grandparents take their students out for an extended lunch (11:45-1:15). We are looking forward to a great day!   SATs: The 1st-6th graders will be taking the Stanford Achievement Tests on the week of May 7th. Please avoid scheduling appointments at this time if at all possible.   SECONDARY Valedictorian and Salutatorian: We are pleased to announce that Jemima Merkle and Keidi Anderson have been selected to represent our senior class at commencement as valedictorian and salutatorian, respectively. Congratulations! Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 31

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 31   GENERAL Logos Summer Camps: Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here.   Thursday Basketball Lunch: The high school boys basketball team will be hosting a lunch this Thursday. $3 for a hot dog, chips, and cookie & $2 for an ice cream sundae. Come support your team and help them earn their way to Gonzaga Team Camp this summer!   Plastic Silverware: Please make sure to send this with your kids if they need it for lunch. The school will not provide it in the future. Thanks!   ELEMENTARY Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms will be coming home this Wednesday. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by next Wednesday, May 2.   2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A blank midterm form will be coming home on Wednesday. Please log on to Renweb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out Renweb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by Wednesday, May 2.   Grandparents’ Day: We have a super day planned for grandparents, parents, family, friends, and prospective families Friday, May 4th. The morning will open with a continental breakfast for grandparents followed by class plays and presentations throughout the morning and early afternoon. Even if you don’t have grandparents in town we would love to have you come to your children’s presentations and then join us for the Open House at 11:30 AM. Most parents and grandparents take their students out for an extended lunch (11:45-1:15). We are looking forward to a great day!   SECONDARY Secondary Midterms: Secondary grades are available at any time via Renweb. Since we are halfway through the quarter, this would be a great week to sit down with your secondary student and see how they are doing in each class.   Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 26

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 26   General Fight’n Knight Day: This Friday is a Fight’n Knight Day to celebrate the Mock Trial teams making it to state! Wear your Logos t-shirt and nice jeans to school (or the regular school uniform).   Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 22 & 23): We are looking forward to meeting with you. Please note that Miss Clemans (now Mrs. Kramer!) is handling conferences differently due to being out of town this week. Grandparents’ Day Projects: Many elementary classes are working on special projects to display on Grandparents’ Day (May 4). Please be encouraged to allow your student to do the majority of the work on the diorama, castle, trebuchet, state float, etc. Grandparents’ Day should be impressive, because we have motivated and creative kids, but we don’t want to inadvertently raise expectations beyond what our students can really accomplish in a reasonable amount of time.   Secondary Spring Sports: Junior high lacrosse and track begin next Wednesday. Look for more details from Mr. Jed Whitling. Athletes need to have earned a GPA of 2.5 or higher in the previous quarter in order to compete.   Secondary Student Surveys: Next week our secondary students will be filling out student surveys for each of their classes. Please take a few minutes and talk this through with your children so that they are prepared. This is a great opportunity to prepare your kids to help make our school better and to encourage their teachers with words.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 23

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 23   General Fifth Disease: We had at least one confirmed case of Fifth Disease at school last week. This is a potential concern for expecting mothers. Please see the following link for details. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/fifth.html#   Elementary Preschool 2018-19: Due to strong interest, we are opening up a M/W/F afternoon preschool class (12:30-3:10 PM) for next year. If your child has already been accepted into one of the morning classes and you would prefer this new afternoon offering, please let me know. Also, if you know of any families who are interested in applying, let them know that there are seats available in preschool for next year.   4th Grade Play: This Friday Miss Wilson and Mrs. Calene’s class will be on stage performing a play. The show will open at 8:35 with a recitation by the secondary choir. All are welcome to attend!   Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 22 & 23): Families with three or more students in the elementary will receive an email this week with details on how to sign up. If your family falls in this category, and you don’t receive an email by Friday evening, please contact the front office. All other families will receive an opportunity to sign up next week.   Secondary Academic State Champions: Congratulations to the high school boys basketball team for earning the 1A DII Academic State Champions award this season!   Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 23. More details are available on the school website.       Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 21

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 21   General New Enrollment: We are currently processing new applications for the 2018-19 school year. Please see the school website for the online application.   Track Coach: The HS track team is looking for volunteer coaches who would be willing to help coach the following events: High Jump and Throwing. Please contact Jed Whitling: ad@logosschool.com if you are interested. Ball: The Knights Fest Ball will take place Friday, February 2 (hosted by the 12th grade class). This is for Logos students only. Dress: GENTLEMEN - Dress shirts, ties and slacks. LADIES - Knee length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES - Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person and $20 family. Elementary Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms came home this week. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by next Wednesday.   2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A blank midterm form came home this week. Please log on to Renweb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out Renweb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by next Wednesday.   Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 2. Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.   Secondary Secondary Grades: We are halfway through the 3rd quarter and grades are current in RenWeb. This would be a good time to sit down with your secondary student and check on their progress.   Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 23. More details are available on the school website.     Elementary Friendship Talk Over the past few weeks I have been visiting the elementary classes (2nd-6th grades) to discuss friendship. The conversation starts out with Proverbs 16:28, “A perverse man stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.” One of our goals is that your children will become close friends as they work and play together at Logos. Solomon tells us that gossip breaks friends apart. I discuss this with the students and then go on to identify other threats to friendship as well. We talk about the fact that at Logos, if you want a BFF, it’s Jesus and your family, everyone else is a good friend. We don’t want these friendships to be severed through ungodly exclusions (ignoring the 3rd wheel) or friend hogs (who dominate one person and push everyone else away). As always, please feel free to follow up on these conversations at home and let me know if you have ideas for what could be covered in the future.   Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 19

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 19   General Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will be open until January 21 (this Sunday). After that time we will begin processing new applications.   Logos Auction: The auction is this Saturday. Doors open at 6:00 and dinner starts at 7:00 at the SEL Event Center.   Elementary Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 2. Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.   Kindergarten Play: This Friday Mrs. Merkle’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 2nd grade (Kimmell) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.   Secondary Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 23. More details are available on the school website.   Secondary Student Surveys We have our secondary students evaluate each class they take twice a year. Here are a few things that students had to say about Mr. Euhus:   -Firm but fun, knows the material well. -He encourages us to do our very best in every class assignment. -I really enjoy the discussions he gives us. -I appreciate that he is funny and knows the Bible well. -I enjoy the way this class is taught and the obvious enthusiasm Mr. Euhus has for this subject! Thanks. -He knows very much about the history of the Bible that I didn’t know. -I appreciate his kindness and patience. -Mr. Euhus is very effective at using class time efficiently. He is able to clearly teach the subjects and still consistently gives us enough time to get started and help us with our homework. -He makes hard concepts fun, not easier, but fun nonetheless. -Mr. Euhus is patient and always willing to answer questions. -Without his reviews I would die! -He knows the material really well. -Mr. Euhus can make jokes in physics during 6th hour, which is very impressive and much appreciated. -His humor adds flavor to our math classes. -He definitely knows the material, and really works to make sure that we do too. -I appreciate the consistent joy he brings to every class and his servant’s heart. -Mr. Euhus is a patient instructor and secretly super funny, he makes a hard subject better. -I love calculus and math puns. -He knows his stuff and is always willing to help out no matter what. -Mr. Euhus basically has office hours whenever he is not teaching. Being able to come to him with any questions, anytime is huge. Thanks. -Mr. Euhus has an amazing ability to explain complicated mathematics in a way that is easy to grasp.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling  

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 17

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Week 17   General Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will take place in the first half of January. Please keep an eye out for information from Mr. Euhus.   Logos Auction: The RSVP deadline for our 2018 Logos Benefit Auction has been extended until Wednesday, January 10! For auction details or to register online, please go to logosschool.com/news-events/benefit-auction   Elementary Report Cards: Elementary report cards will come home this week with your children. Please sign and return the envelope, you may keep the card.   Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 2. Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.   Elementary Basketball Clinics: Saturday Hoops will run for one more Saturday (9-11 AM).     Secondary Report Cards: Secondary report cards will come home this week with your children.   CTP 4 Tests (standardized testing for 7th-9th grades): Testing will take place on January 17 (one day only). Please avoid appointments.   Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 23. Selections are due Monday, January 8. More details are available on the school website.     Secondary Student Surveys We have our secondary students evaluate each class they take twice a year. Here are a few things that students had to say about Mr. Struble this semester:   -He knows his stuff. -He always has great stories to tell. -He gives us enough time to complete assigned work. -He knows the material well. -I think it's amazing how he knows so much about science, and that he has answers to every single scientific question we ask. -I like science but Mr. Struble makes it all the more interesting with his insights. -He’s awesome, nice, funny, and likes to tell stories. -I now love science because it’s so fun. -He knows the material very well! He enjoys explaining the concepts to us. -I’ve been enjoying chemistry very much. The class is really interesting and I like being taught by Mr. Struble. -His “humor” is funny – he loves what he does. -I’m really bad at science, but I truly enjoy the class because Mr. Struble is an excellent teacher. Thank you. -He is brilliant. -He is very patient. -He is always willing to help students who are struggling and go over the material. -He knows a lot about space probes. -Mr. Struble models a very wonderful Christian life. -Mr. Struble is such an amazing and interesting teacher! Thank you! -Thank you!     Cheers,   Matt Whitling