
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2019 – Week 29

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2019 – Week 29


Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our track team as they head to Lapwai for a meet, this Tuesday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt).

Easter Weekend: We will not have school this Friday or next Monday. Please enjoy the time with your family as we remember Christ’s work on the cross.

Teaching Positions for 2019-20: We are currently accepting applications for the following positions. Please email your resume to mwhitling@logosschool.com . Feel free to forward these openings to your friends and respective church email groups.


Preschool – Connie Kimmell will be retiring from teaching 2nd grade at the end of this year. Micaela Blum has been hired to teach 2nd grade, Tracie Handel to teach 1st grade, and Holly Berry to teach kindergarten. Please congratulate and thank these ladies when you see them! This leaves our MWF and TTh AM preschool classes open.

2nd and 3rd Grade Art – Mrs. Nielson is expecting her 4th child and will be scaling back the number of classes that she can teach. We are looking for someone to teach 2nd and 3rd grade art next year (4 hours per week total).

5th-6th & JH Latin – Mr. Roberts will be teaching down at the new classical Christian school in Lewiston next year and therefore we have some Latin classes open for next year. Please thank him for his service to the school when you see him.


Given the fact that we are adding another 10th grade class and having some movement and turnover in the secondary, we have full-time and part-time positions open for next year. If you are interested in applying to teach in any of the following classes, please contact me:

Math/Science (biology, pre-algebra, pre-calculus)

Humanities (rhetoric, history, English, literature, Bible)

Logos Summer Camps: We have a number of great camps open to students and adults this summer. Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here.


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2019 – Week 23


Accreditation: Many of you are aware that Logos had our ACCS re-accreditation visit on Monday and Tuesday last week. We have received a 5-year renewal with no discrepancies minor or major. Well done, teachers and students!


Preschool & Kindergarten 2019-20: We are very thankful to report that we will be renting classroom space at the Nazarene Church for our preschool and kindergarten classes next year (two M/W/F preschool classes and one T/Th preschool class). All classes at the Nazarene Church will meet in the morning from 8:40-11:40.

Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 28 & 29): Families with three or more students in the elementary should have received an email last week with details on how to sign up. If your family falls in this category, and you didn’t receive an email, please contact the front office. All other families will receive an opportunity to sign up this Friday.

1st Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Blum’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 5th grade (Kramer) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.


Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place this Friday, February 22. More details are available on the school website. Parents are welcome to attend the awards ceremony and hear a few of the top performances at 2:30 in the gym.


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2019 – Week 21


Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms come home this week. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by next Wednesday.

2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A blank midterm form will come home this week. Please log on to RenWeb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out RenWeb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by next Wednesday.

2nd Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Kimmell’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 3rd grade (Akin) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.


Secondary Grades: We are halfway through the 3rd quarter and grades are current in RenWeb. This would be a good time to sit down with your secondary student and check on their progress.

Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 22. More details are available on the school website.

Jumps Coach: Our JH and HS Track teams are looking for a jumps coach. Please see Mrs. Spencer for more information.

Elementary Friendship Talk

Over the past few weeks I have been visiting the elementary classes (2nd-6th grades) to discuss friendship. The conversation starts out with Matthew 22.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’”

The focus of the talk is loving our neighbors. We talk about the fact that at Logos, if you want a BFF, it’s Jesus and your family, everyone else is a good friend. We don’t want these friendships to be severed through ungodly exclusions (ignoring the 3rd Wheel) or Friend Hogs (who dominate one person and push everyone else away). We also addressed the AA (Angry Arguer: who wants to yell and scream over whether he was tagged or not during the football game.) The simple message is, “love your neighbor as your self.” As always, please feel free to follow up on these conversations at home and let me know if you have ideas for what could be covered in the future.


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2019 – Week 19


Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will be open until January 28. After that time we will begin processing new applications.


3rd Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Akin’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 2nd grade (Kimmell) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.

Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 1.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.

Lanyards: Parents of Preschool and Kindergarten students, please continue to wear your 'Parent' lanyards at pick up. Thank you!


Knights’ Festival: Knights’ Festival is an annual three-day secondary school celebration. It will take place next Wednesday through Friday. This year’s theme is Medicine. Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…). Mrs. Whitling has been providing details over the last few weeks.

Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 22. More details are available on the school website.

Jumps Coach: Our JH and HS Track teams are looking for a jumps coach. Please see Mrs. Spencer for more information.


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – Christmas Break


Welcome Back: School starts Monday, January 7. Welcome to the 3rd quarter!

Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will take place in January. Please keep an eye out for information from Mr. Euhus.


Saturday Hoops: Saturday Hoops will run for the next two Saturdays (9-11 AM).

Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 2.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.


CTP 4 Tests (standardized testing for 7th-9th grades): Testing will take place on January 23 (one day only). Please avoid appointments.


Matt Whitling




Christmas Program Reminders: The Logos Christmas program will take place December 14 at 7:00 PM at the Nazarene Church. Please see details below.

Rehearsal: Please drop your child off at the Nazarene Church between 8:15-8:30 AM Friday, December 14 (all preschool-6th graders and 7th-11th grade students who are in choir). Secondary students who are not in choir will have class as usual. We will bus the students back to school afterward. Preschool Families: If your child does not have school that morning, please remain at the Nazarene Church until the rehearsal is over so that you can bring your child home-thank you!

Performance: Please bring your child to the Nazarene Church that Friday night (6:30-Secondary Students, 6:45-Elementary Students). The program will take place between 7-8 PM. After the program please find your child and keep him/her with you. As our school grows, we are focusing on being good guests in these situations, and so we ask that you do not allow your children to play in the sanctuary or lobby before or after the event.

Attire for Performers

Elementary: Logos dress uniform (young ladies may wear a special Christmas dress if desired, and young men are welcome to wear blazers).

Secondary: Logos dress uniform only. Blazers for young men and women are welcome.

Friday School Attire: During the school day this Friday we will be in regular school uniform to keep our dress uniforms clean for the Christmas program that evening.


Saturday Hoops:  Saturday Hoops will run from 8-10 AM this Saturday (one hour earlier than the normal time).


Final Exam Schedule: The week before Christmas is finals week for our secondary students. Please see the attached special schedule.

Trivia Day: Next Friday, after finals, we will play our traditional game of “Logos Trivial Pursuit” and have a pizza party.  Guys: please bring six “individual” drinks - cans of pop, bottles of water, or Gatorade (No two-liter bottles please).  Ladies: please bring something for dessert.  

Game Clock: We are looking for someone to help keep the clock for high school boys home basketball games. If you are interested, please see Mr. Lopez.


Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – #14   General Winter Ball: The Winter Ball will take place Friday, December 7 (hosted by the 8th grade class). This is for Logos students only. Dress: GENTLEMEN - Dress shirts, ties and slacks. LADIES - Knee length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES - Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person and $15 family.   Snow Boots: Elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear snow boots throughout the winter season.   Elementary Saturday Hoops: Registration (form attached) is due December 5, this Wednesday. We have 7 slots left. Confirmed registrations can be found here.   Elementary Lunches: Please be sure to send lunch with your child each day. The front office will no longer be stocking soup.   Winter Clothes: Be sure to send your children to school with warm clothes. We will have recess outside unless it is raining hard or below 20 degrees. This may be a good time to make sure that winter clothing is labeled – just in case!   Secondary Honors Classes: The following honors classes will be offered for the second semester: 9th Grade European History, 10th Grade Latin, 11th Grade Classical Literature and 12th Grade British Literature. Invitations will be coming home to all students who earned a 94% or higher in these subject areas in the 2nd quarter. Further details about our honors classes are included on the invitation.   Final Exam Schedule: The week before Christmas is finals week for our secondary students. Please see the attached special schedule.   Cheers!   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – #12   General Thanksgiving Vacation: Please note that we have the entire week of Thanksgiving off. Enjoy the time with your family.   Snow Removal: We need help with snow removal this winter. If you are willing to help before or after school please contact Adam Berry.   Elementary 4th Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Sumpter and Mrs. Bradley’s class will be performing in the gym. The show will open with a recitation by Mr. Becker’s 6th grade class at 8:35. All are welcome!   Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms will be coming home this Wednesday. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by Wednesday, November 28.   2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A midterm form will be coming home on Wednesday. Please log on to Renweb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out Renweb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by Wednesday, November 28.     Secondary Fight’n Knight Day-Tuesday:  Come and cheer on the high school girls basketball team as they open their season against Genesee at home this Tuesday night (JV-6:00, V-7:30).   Secondary Midterms: After Thanksgiving there will be four weeks left in the second quarter. This is a great time to sit down with your student and check their progress on Renweb.   JHBBB, HSGBB, & HSBBB Basketball Scrimmages: We have a triple-header planned for the day before Thanksgiving at the Logos gym! Come for a night full of Logos basketball (Junior High-6:00, High School Girls-7:00, High School Boys-8:30). Admission is free and all are welcome to come.   Extracurricular Calendars: For those of you who would like to have Logos extracurricular calendars on your phone, tablet, or computer, please use the following links. Some phones will automatically ask if you would like to add the calendar when you click on the link. Here are instructions for manually copying the links to your device.   JHBBB: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_1t47uv80hm3or6fgapqnkkis2s%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics   JHGBB: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_3f1lurhhhhmv7cqf4gra6994ko%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics   HSGBB: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_gfplmod2cjhmnpddrom9djv638%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics   HSBBB: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_1v8be3rebqv9corvrca9sukass%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics   Mock Trial: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_dttocmkcqr5hd9oiovtrh2106c%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics   Logos Events (games, productions, etc.): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/twhitling%40gmail.com/private-55e49937b168c2a43be7b8b69ad98d0d/basic.ics     Cheers!   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – #10   General The Count of Monte Cristo: The Logos drama production of The Count of Monte Cristo will be running from November 1-3. Click here for information about the dinner theater and other details!   Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our drama cast and crew as they prepare to open this week, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt).   BB Training: A private basketball skills and ball handling clinic is happening in November at the Logos gym with John Draine the "I'm Possible" trainer out of Spokane. There will be a 2-hour session for boys 3-9 grade and another 2-hour session for girls 7-12 each Saturday. The cost is $125 per student. Here are the dates and times (boys are the first two hours and girls are the last two hours):   November 3rd:  11am-3pm November 10th: 12:30pm-4:30pm November 17th: 12:30pm-4:30pm November 24th: 11am-3pm   Slots are filling up. Email aaronrench@gmail.com if you would like to get in.   Court Mop Kids: Idaho Vandal basketball is looking for 1st – 7th graders to serve as court mop kids at Vandal basketball games this season. Students will receive free admission for themselves and their family to the games they sign up for. Please use this link to sign up for games.   Elementary Promotion Policy: Now that the first quarter report cards are out, I thought it would be helpful to include a reminder about the elementary promotion policy. This is especially important if your child earned an “F” in any subject. Please see the attachment for details. Don’t hesitate to call with any questions or clarifications.   Homework-O-Meters: Each fall we survey the elementary families regarding homework. This Friday each K-6th grade student will bring home a short form with their HAS. Please keep track of homework next week and return it to your child’s teacher.   Secondary Dialectic Speech Meet 7th-9th: Next Friday, November 2 is the dialectic speech meet.  There will be an awards assembly for all 7th-12th graders in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:30 in the gym.  All are welcome to attend.   Extracurricular Activities and Schoolwork There are lots of great activities going on in the secondary (drama, junior high boys basketball, high school girls basketball, planning for mock trial and high school boys basketball, chess club, etc.). At Logos, schoolwork comes first. This means that students who participate in extracurricular activities will be held to the same standard as everyone else. Students should look ahead, plan ahead, and redeem the time during busy seasons.   Cheers!   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2018 – #9   General The Count of Monte Cristo: The Logos drama production of The Count of Monte Cristo will be running from November 1-3. Click here for information about the dinner theater and other details!   Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our cross country runners and volleyball players as they head to state, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt). A few people have asked about other shirts: Feed the Need, volleyball, basketball, summer camps, etc. Only the navy game day shirts qualify, from any year.     Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences: Almost all of the scheduling is complete. If you have not scheduled yet, please visit this site to do so: http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Logos . The Wilson/Calene fourth grade Parent/Teacher conferences will be on Monday and Tuesday (Oct. 29 and 30). Please see the HAS for details.   Speech Meet: Wednesday, October 24.  Parents are welcome to attend.  No camcorders or younger siblings please. Report Cards: Elementary Report Cards will come home with your students this Wednesday afternoon.     Secondary Dialectic Speech Meet 7th-9th: Next Friday, November 2 is the dialectic speech meet.  There will be an awards assembly for all 7th-12th graders in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:30 in the gym.  All are welcome to attend. Junior High Boys Basketball: Begins tonight at the informational meeting at 6:30. High School Boys and Girls Basketball: Girls begin on 10/29 and boys on 11/9. All 9th and 11th graders coming out for basketball need to have a physical on file with the school before the first day of practice. All 10th and 12th graders coming out for basketball need to have an Interim Questionnaire Form on file with the school before the first day of practice. These forms can be found on the school website under the Athletics tab. The participation fee for High school basketball is $90 per athlete. Students must have earned a 2.5 GPA or higher the previous quarter in order to play. Cheers!   Matt Whitling