



*Class Picture Day: Moved to September 19. T/TH Preschool Class please come to school at 8:30 to have your pictures taken with the rest of the preschoolers. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we would love to have everyone in the picture! Friday Attire: Students are to either wear their dress uniform or their Fight'n Knight t-shirt and nice jeans (tennies are fine).


*Elementary Speech Meet: Friday, October 24. Selections are due September 19. Fight'n Knight T-Shirts: The volleyball team will play their first home game on Friday, September 12. This will be the first opportunity for students, in the elementary and secondary, to wear their Fight'n Knight t-shirts and nice jeans to school. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for your elementary student or for a younger sibling, they will be for sale for $10 at Secondary Back to School Night (Sept. 11) and during lunch in the auditorium on September 11. Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th - 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Thursday, September 18th @ 12:00 in the lunch room. See Mr. Whitling for a copy of the two songs.


*Back to School Night: This Thursday at 7:00 is Secondary Back to School Night. *First Home Volleyball Game: This Friday the girls will play their first game. Be sure to wear your Fight'n Knight t-shirts and come prepared to sing the doxology (competitors and fans) at the end of the game!

Study Tip for the Week

Busy dads need to have a system for staying in touch with how their kids are doing in school. Don't wait for the midterm progress report to come home and tell you how things are going. Require your child to drop off all graded and returned school work at your spot at the dinner table right when he gets home. Before dinner you can look through the pile to check progress. This will also give you the information required to ask intelligent questions during dinner about the topics that are being covered in school. *For more information on the designated events above, please see https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




*Class Picture Day: Moved to September 19. Friday: This Friday we will begin our normal pattern of wearing our dress uniforms. Sometimes it is tempting to want to slide into the weekend both mentally and physically. By dressing up we want to remind ourselves and each other to finish strong.


*Back to School Night: This Friday at 7:00 is Elementary Back to School Night. Parents only for this event, please. *Elementary Speech Meet: Friday, October 24. It's time to start looking for selections! Fight'n Knight T-Shirts: The volleyball team will play their first home game on Friday, September 12. This will be the first opportunity for students, in the elementary and secondary, to wear their Fight'n Knight t-shirts and nice jeans to school. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for your elementary student or for a younger sibling, they will be for sale for $10 at Elementary Back to School Night (Sept. 5) and during lunch in the auditorium on September 11. Preschool Remodel: The new preschool room is done and has been a huge blessing to the school and families of kids in the class. Thank you so much to those of you who donated money and/or came out to swing a hammer. The work crew was headed up by Mr. Joe Casebolt and his supporting cast included: Dave Casebolt, Josh Wright, Jeff Handel (and kids), Ed Driskill, Stephen Sawyer, Joe Kline, Phil McMurray, Jody Jacobs, Nancy and Rebekah Rust. Please join us in thanking these folks for their hard work, dedication and support.


*Back to School Night: Next Thursday at 7:00 is Secondary Back to School Night. *For more information on the designated events above, please see https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling

Update #2



*Individual Picture Day: The M/W/F Preschoolers who want pictures taken should come to the auditorium right at 8:30 on Tuesday, September 2. Remember to bring your envelope and payment. Parking Lot: In order to facilitate all of us getting in and out of school safely each day, please note the following descriptions of each lane in the parking lot in front of the school: Left Lane: Drive through, do not stop Right Lane: Pull as far forward as possible, you may stop to pick up students.


Elementary *Elementary Speech Meet: Friday, October 24. It's time to start looking for selections!


*For more information on the designated events above, please see https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling

Summer Update #5

LOGOS SCHOOL Summer Update #5


Attendance Policy: If your child needs to miss school for any reason, please call the office in advance and let the secretaries know so that they do not record the absence as a truancy. Student Dress: Remember that the first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see handbook for details). Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday. Uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.


Elementary Welcome Assembly: Monday morning at 9:00 there will be an elementary welcome assembly in the auditorium. All K-6th grade students will be present, and parents are welcome to attend.


Secondary Welcome Assembly: Monday morning at 10:00 there will be a secondary assembly in the auditorium. All 7th-12th grade students will be present, and of course, parents are welcome to attend! New Activities Phone Number: If you are trying to reach John Carnahan for secondary activities, please call 883-3137. Pianist: Tom Garfield is looking for a back-up pianist for the high school drama production of Oklahoma. Please contact him if you are interested. Secondary Pool Party: The 2008 graduated senior class will be renting the pool for the entire secondary including staff. All are welcome to bring friends and family to this event. We have it rented on August 30th from 8-10 PM. Please feel free to call Ashlynn Hoeft at 874-3750 if you have any questions. All the best, Matt Whitling

Summer Update #4


Summer Update #4


New Individual Picture Day: The day for individual pictures has been rescheduled for Tuesday, September 2. New order forms reflecting the correct date will come home with your child. Students are allowed to be out of the uniform guidelines this day as long as they are dressed nicely and adhere to the modesty standards in the guidelines.

Milk Fees: Daily price - $.40 / Semester price - $28.00

If you choose the semester payment option, each carton of milk costs $.35 so you have a savings of $4 per semester compared to if you bought milk daily throughout the semester. The milk fees can be turned in at the front office.

Hot Lunch: Attached is the September hot lunch order form. The September hot lunch order form will also be distributed in each of the elementary classrooms the first week of school. However, from then on the monthly hot lunch order form will only be emailed out to each family. They will not be distributed in the classrooms. There will be a pile of blank forms in the front office each month if needed. Make sure you check the bottom of the hot lunch order forms for the date they must be turned in by so that you do not miss the chance to order that month. The hot lunch forms and payments should be turned in at the front office.


New Elementary Family Orientation: For those parents who are new to the elementary or others who would like a refresher regarding “Life at Logos Elementary School”, you are cordially invited to our New Elementary Family Orientation. This will take place this Friday, August 22 at 3:00 PM in the Auditorium.

PE: We are still looking for a few more parent volunteers for elementary PE. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out.


PE Shirts: The new JH PE shirts are currently available from Hall Closet.

7th Grade Orientation: All 7th graders and their parents are welcome to attend 7th Grade Orientation this Friday, August 22 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. This is a time to learn about life in junior high, receive textbooks, and get set for the new school year.

All for now,

Summer Update #3

LOGOS SCHOOL Summer Update #3


First Dress-Uniform Day: Please note that the first day of school will be a dress-uniform day for the elementary and secondary. We are looking forward to starting the year off strong. Fight'n Knight Shirts: The Logos Game Day Fight'n Knight shirts are in and all secondary students will receive theirs on the first day of school. Fight'n Knight shirts will be available for sale at Registration Days if you would like to purchase one for your elementary student, friends or family. Students, elementary and secondary, may wear the Fight'n Knight shirt and a nice pair of jeans to school on special designated occasions (1st home games, 1st tourney games, Trivia Day, etc...).


Preschool Waiting List: Preschool currently has a total of 19 students enrolled in two classes. Due to the great interest in preschool this year the board has directed me to open a preschool waiting list for 2009-2010. If you are interested in reserving a slot for your child next year, please follow this procedure: 1. Complete an application. These can be found at the Logos Principal's Page. 2. Schedule a parent interview with the front office (unnecessary for current Logos families). 3. Pay the preschool materials fee of $50. There are two students already on the list! PE: We are still looking for a few more parent volunteers for elementary PE. Please contact me if you are interested in helping out.


Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices: Given the recent media attention to cell phones in the classroom, some of you may be wondering what our guidelines are. Here you go:
  1. Cell Phones, Palm Pilots, etc.: These are allowed at school but not in the classrooms. Students should store their phone in their car or in their locker at the beginning of the day.
  2. IPODs, MP3s, cameras, hand-held games, etc.: These are not allowed at school.
  3. Laptop Computers: These are allowed at school and may be used only for writing papers or giving power point presentations. Students are not allowed to access the internet at school. Movies and music may not be used at school.
All for now. We're looking forward to a great year!

Summer Update #2

LOGOS SCHOOL Summer Update #2


Hair Cuts: Gentlemen, please note the 08-09 hair guidelines, "If a young man's hair is below the middle of his collar, hanging down in his face, or covering any part of his ears it will be considered too long." Registration Days (Aug. 18 & 19): Please bring the following information with you: -Elective Choices (7th-12th only) -Class registration form (seniors only) -Updated contact information (phone, email, address) -Any school clothes that you want to donate to the Uniform Exchange -Updated immunization records (State law requires that each child either be current in their immunizations or that the parents sign an exemption form. See https://iris.idaho.gov/irisweb/main.jsp for immunization requirements.


Elementary PE: A few fathers have volunteered to teach PE in the elementary so far-thank you! There are still 4-5 classes that could still use a parent volunteer. Most elementary PE classes meet twice a week for 30 minutes each. Please let me know if you are interested in helping out in this way.


Senior Proposals: This Friday Senior Proposals are due for those students who want to participate in an Internship, Independent Study, Correspondence Course, or University Class. Please email me (mwhitling@gmailcom) your proposal on or before Friday. Check the Logos Principal's Page for details on writing your proposal. Elective News: The board interviewed and hired Mr. Matt Meyer yesterday to teach our Practical Christianity elective. Matt works closely with Jim Wilson at Community Christian Ministries here in Moscow. We are delighted to have him teaching at Logos.

Welcome to the New Academic Year!

Dear Logos Parents and Students, July 18, 2008 I trust that your summer has been restful and full of good times with your families. I want to express my deep appreciation for the encouragement and support that many of you have expressed as I begin my first year as elementary and secondary principal here at Logos School. It is with a deep sense of joy and gravity that I look forward to working with our entire student body, staff, and parents. Please keep us in your prayers this year, and as always, do not hesitate to let me know if you have ideas for how we can continue to improve the school. As the school year approaches there are a few items that I want to keep you abreast of: 1. New Teachers: We are very pleased to add a number of mature experienced staff members to the school this year. Jack and Dianne Bradley have joined us from Colville, WA. Dianne will be our 6th grade afternoon teacher and Jack will be teaching full time in the secondary (European History, Civics, NT Survey, US History, Classical History and 9th Grade Rhetoric I). We are excited to have Matt Gray back at Logos this year. He will be teaching Christian Doctrine to the 11th graders. Nate Wilson, class of '96, will be teaching 10th grade Rhetoric II (more information on Rhetoric I and II to come). I am very thankful for these new teachers and for our seasoned veterans that invest so much in our kids. 2. New Administrative Structure: Since we have made some significant changes over the summer I thought it might be helpful to clarify who is responsible for what this year. This may aid you in directing the right question to the appropriate individual. Superintendent: Tom Garfield Tom is responsible for the overall administration of the school. Questions regarding facility, secondary drama, school vehicles, employee contracts, marketing, development, the overall school budget, and janitorial staff should be directed to him. Principal: Matt Whitling I am responsible for the administration of the elementary and secondary schools. Questions regarding students, teachers, curriculum, course scheduling, discipline, etc... should be directed to me. Activities Director: John Carnahan John is responsible for all special activities in the secondary. Questions regarding athletics, mock trial, knowledge bowl, Field Day, Knight Day, Knights' Festival, standardized testing, speech meet, protocol, and the Secondary Awards Night should be directed to John. Front Office Secretaries: Sandy Hoeft (AM) & Penny Anast (PM) These ladies run the place. Questions regarding attendance, communication with parents/students, honor rolls, scheduling, etc... should be directed to them. Registrar's Office: Charlene Polek & Ginny Knecht The old secondary office has been converted into a bookkeeping/registrar's office. We are hoping to reduce the amount of traffic in this office so that these ladies can hum away at their respective jobs. Please direct all questions about transcripts, senior advising, immunization records, and tuition to Mrs. Hoeft and Mrs. Anast at the front office. 3. Elementary PE: Our elementary PE program is staffed by volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering to help out by teaching your child's PE class, please contact me ASAP. Each PE class meets twice a week for 30 minutes. 4. Senior Electives: Those who will be participating in senior electives (independent studies, internships, or college courses) should be starting to construct their proposals. You should have received a packet describing how and when to go about getting these proposals done. If you need another packet, please call the office. Be sure to have these turned in by August 15 or earlier if possible. 5. Elementary and Secondary Class Registration: Registration for all Logos students will take place on August 18-19 between 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Please make time on one of these days to come by the front office for 15 minutes and register. This cannot be done over the phone or via email as there are certain forms that need to be signed and updated (immunizations, emergency forms, etc.). The student/parent handbooks, locker lists, and more will be available at that time. 6. Secondary Class Schedule: The secondary class schedule and elective options will be coming out within the next few days. Stay tuned. 7. Important dates: Friday, August 15 Varsity Drama, Volleyball, and Cross-Country begin, Senior proposals are due Mon/Tues, August 18-19 Elementary and Secondary Registration 7:00 AM-3:00 PM Thurs-Friday, August 21-22 Teacher Orientation Friday, August 22 7th Grade Orientation @ 1:00 PM Friday, August 22 Elementary New Family Orientation @ 3:00 PM Monday, August 25 First Day of School! (Dress Uniforms Pre-12th) Thank you for your involvement in Logos School this year! We are working hard to prepare for the return of our favorite people - your children! All the best, Matt Whitling Logos Principal