
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Summer #1


5th Grade Opening: Our beloved 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Kelsey Kramer, is expecting in January! Due to the fact that she will have more important priorities at that time we are accepting resumes for the second semester of the year. Please congratulate Mrs. Kramer when you see her!



Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.


Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 10th to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.                            


Uniform Swap: The Class of 2025 will be hosting a "Logos School Uniform Swap" on August 8 as a way to help our Logos families meet some of their uniforms needs and to raise funds for their 8th Grade History Trip next spring. Please consider donating uniform items that no longer fit your children. There is a box for donations right outside the school office (closed this week, but open next).





Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Logos School @ Home Week #5


Reopening Logos School: In consultation with the mayor and dependent upon Governor Little lifting the stay at home order on April 30, we will be resuming classes on May 4. Here are some details as we seek to finish strong.

At Home: This is our last Logos School @ Home week. There has not been work assigned for Thursday and Friday (4/30-5/1) so that we can all prepare to hit the ground running the following Monday. If at all possible, please have your student work turned in Friday morning, to classrooms for the elementary and lunchroom boxes for the secondary, so that teachers can finish grading before the weekend.

Limited Hours: School hours for the elementary will be 8:30-2:10 and for the secondary 8:25-2:25. Preschool and Kindergarten times will remain at 8:40-11:40.

Finish Line: The last day of school for the elementary is May 22 and for the secondary is May 29. More details will be coming as we get closer.

Fight’n Knight Days: As an expression of our gratitude to be back in school, each Friday between now and the end of the year will be a Fight’n Knight Day.

Additional Cleaning: Desks and doorknobs will be disinfected at the end of each class period for the secondary and at each recess for the elementary. The cleaning staff will be focusing on deep cleaning and disinfecting the building every night. Students are welcome to wear masks for all or part of the day.

Water Bottles: Please have your child bring these so that they do not need to use the water fountain during the day.

Teaching Positions for 2019-20: We are currently accepting applications for the following positions. Please email your resume to mwhitling@logosschool.com . Feel free to forward these openings to your friends and respective church email groups.

-Elementary: Music (Pre & K)Art (1st)

-Secondary: NT Survey (8th Grade)Latin I (9th Grade)Honors Latin III (11th Grade)Rhetoric III (2 sections, 11th Grade)Classical History (2 sections, 11th Grade)Pre-Calculus (11th Grade)

Continuing @ Home: We know that each situation is different. If you would like your child to continue to work from home please contact their teachers each Thursday and request a packet of work for the following week. Teachers will leave these packets on the student’s desk (elementary) or in their locker (secondary) to be picked up before or after school on Mondays. Teachers will not be updating the Elementary Google Sheets or the LMS as they need to focus their attention on teaching their classes.


Healthy Space at Lunch and Recess: Students will wash their hands and eat lunch in their classrooms. Recess will be held by grade level only (each grade will have its own time) with classroom teachers supervising. If you’d like to help with supervision, please contact your child’s teacher.

4th Quarter Grades: We will be giving letter grades for reading, writing and math only. This is a good time to check Renweb and encourage your child to finish strong as we wrap up Logos@Home. All other subjects will receive an AU (audit) or Pass. We are committed to ensuring that the Logos@Home portion of this quarter will not hurt overall grades for students who are working hard and doing their best.


Limited Daily Schedule: Each school day we will begin with 2nd period at 8:25 (1st period choir and electives are canceled), eat lunch in our 5th period classrooms, and be dismissed at the end of 7th period at 2:25. The transitions between classes will be staggered so that desks can be cleaned, students can wash their hands between each period, and so that only half of the students are in the halls at the same time.

JH Bible & PE: The junior high students will have time to complete their Bible reading and OT/NT Survey work three days a week and will have PE organized by individual grade two days a week.

4th Quarter Grades: We will be giving letter grades for all graded classes like usual. This is a good time to check Renweb and encourage your child to finish strong as we wrap up Logos@Home. We will not be giving final exams this semester. We are committed to ensuring that the Logos@Home portion of this quarter will not hurt overall grades for students who are working hard and doing their best.


Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Logos School @ Home Week #3

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Logos School @ Home Week #3


2020-21 Calendar: In the past we’ve tried to take both National Holidays and timely school vacations off, but have found it difficult to do both, and be able to manage the total number of days in school. The school board has decided to line up our vacations with the ends of each grading period. As a result, you will notice in next years’ calendar we aren’t taking Labor, Columbus, Veterans, Martin Luther King Jr., Presidents, or Memorial Days off of school. Instead, we will take a week between the 1st and 2nd quarter, a week at Thanksgiving, two weeks between the 2nd and 3rd quarter, two weeks between the 3rd and 4th quarters, and Easter weekend (Good Friday and Monday). Hopefully, by sharing this now you will be able to plan longer extended vacations with your families during our academic breaks throughout the year. The new calendar is posted on our website

Assistance: If your family needs any financial assistance during this time please contact Dr. Stephenson.  Logos School is committed to working with every family to assist them in having a Christ-centered education for all their children.


Play your Audit Card: If you are concerned that your child will be unable to complete all of the work (for whatever reason), prioritize your subjects (Bible, reading, writing, math, history, science, Latin) and then write AUDIT on any unfinished pages and we will deal with it accordingly.

Friday and Monday: We will continue our “normal” drop-off and pick-up of student work on Friday and Monday mornings. Work is not officially due until Monday but parents are welcome to turn it in on Fridays as well.

Recommended Schedule (Nazarene and Main Campus):

8:00 Families with last names starting with A-E

9:00 Families with last names starting with F-K

10:00 Families with last names starting with L-R

11:00 Families with last names starting with S-Z

House Calls: If you would like your child’s materials picked up and dropped off at your door, please email me by Sunday night and we will deliver them to you Tuesday afternoon.

Google Sheets: Throughout the week simply check our elementary Google sheets for updates and instructional videos. Be sure to click on the correct tab at the bottom of the page to find the class you are looking for.


Time Management: Teachers have reduced the overall workload for each class by 30%. I've heard really good feedback from many families, but each child is different and processes this change in schooling differently. There will be grace when it comes to 4th quarter grades-we are committed to not having this challenging situation hurt our students as long as they are doing their best. If you have a diligent secondary student who is still not able to complete his work in a reasonable amount of time each day, please contact me so that we can make a plan.

Friday and Monday Morning: Parents do not need to visit the school unless a particular teacher has designated that new books are there to be picked up in student lockers. If you want to turn in hard copies of student work there are teacher boxes in the lunchroom designated for this. Please see the recommended times above if you plan to visit.


Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Logos School @ Home Week #2

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2020 – Logos School @ Home Week #2



Assistance: If your family needs any financial assistance during this time please contact Dr. Stephenson. Logos School is committed to working with every family to assist them in having a Christ-centered education for all their children.


Easter Weekend: There will not be schoolwork assigned for this Friday or next Monday. Please enjoy the time with your family as we remember Christ’s work on the cross.



Play your Audit Card: If you are concerned that your child will be unable to complete all of the work (for whatever reason), prioritize your subjects (Bible, reading, writing, math, history, science, Latin) and then write AUDIT on any unfinished pages and we will deal with it accordingly.


Thursday and Tuesday: Due to Easter Weekend, our materials drop off and pick up days will be this Thursday and next Tuesday.

Recommended Schedule (Nazarene and Main Campus):

8:00 Families with last names starting with A-E

9:00 Families with last names starting with F-K

10:00 Families with last names starting with L-R

11:00 Families with last names starting with S-Z


House Calls: If you would like your child’s materials picked up and dropped off at your door, please email me by Sunday night and we will deliver them to you Tuesday afternoon.


Google Sheets: Throughout the week simply check our elementary Google sheets for updates and instructional videos. Be sure to click on the correct tab at the bottom of the page to find the class you are looking for.



Thursday and Tuesday Morning: Parents do not need to visit the school unless a particular teacher has designated that new books are there to be picked up in student lockers. If you want to turn in hard copies of student work there are teacher boxes in the lunchroom designated for this. Please see the recommended times above if you plan to visit.




Matt Whitling




Spring Break: Just a reminder that Spring Break is a two week vacation, March 9-20. Have a wonderful time with your family!

Curriculum ½ Day: March 6 we will have an early dismissal (elementary at 11:50 and secondary at 12:05) so that teachers can meet and work on improving the Logos curriculum.


Parent/Teacher Conferences (March 28 & 29 for 1st-6th and the following week for preschool and kindergarten): We are looking forward to meeting with you after spring break!


Extracurricular Calendars: For those of you who would like to have Logos extracurricular calendars on your phone, tablet, or computer, please use the following links (Some phones will automatically ask if you would like to add the calendar when you click on the link. Here are instructions for manually copying the links to your device.):

HSLAX Practice


JHLAX Practice


HS Track Practice


JH Track Practice


JH Drama Practice


Logos Events (games, productions, etc.): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/twhitling%40gmail.com/private-55e49937b168c2a43be7b8b69ad98d0d/basic.ics


Matt Whitling




Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 21. More details are available on the school website.

Valentine’s Day

You may wonder what the scoop is on this “holiday” at Logos. Lower elementary classes will often integrate their phonics and math activities with special days like this, and we think this can be appropriate if done well. We do not spend class time recognizing the day in 3rd grade and above. Some secondary students/parents will organize an activity in which all the guys buy pizza for the class, or all the girls put candy in the guy’s lockers, etc. Even though these are not school events we appreciate when students run their ideas by me, and we think they can be healthy if done well (whole class, not singling out individuals, nothing outside the lockers, etc.).


Matt Whitling



Midterms: Midterms come home this week. Please complete this, sign the bottom, and return it by next Wednesday.

1st Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Handel’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 3rd grade (Akin) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.


Secondary Grades: We are halfway through the 3rd quarter and grades are current in RenWeb. This would be a good time to sit down with your secondary student and check on their progress.

Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 21. More details are available on the school website.


Matt Whitling



Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 3.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.


Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 21. More details are available on the school website.

Knights’ Festival: Knights’ Festival is an annual three-day secondary school celebration. It will take place this Wednesday through Friday, January 29-31. This year’s theme is Music. Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…).

Elementary Friendship Talk

Over the past few weeks I have been visiting the elementary classes (2nd-6th grades) to discuss friendship. This years’ conversation focused on two passages:

Faithful are the wounds of a friend…-Proverbs 27:6

Love covers a multitude of sins…-I Peter 4:8

We discussed examples that fall into each category, the fact that love motivates both responses in different situations, and that wisdom is required in order for us to be good friends to each other. The simple message is the second greatest commandment, “love your neighbor as yourself.” As always, please feel free to follow up on these conversations at home and let me know if you have ideas for what could be covered in the future.


Matt Whitling



Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will be open until January 27. After that time we will begin processing new applications.

Logos Auction: The auction is January 25. See the school website for registration and details.


2nd Grade Play: This Friday Mrs. Blum’s class will be performing their classroom play. The show will open with a 5th grade (Kohl) recitation at 8:35 in the gym. All are welcome.

Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 3.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.


Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 21. More details are available on the school website.

Knights’ Festival: Knights’ Festival is an annual three-day secondary school celebration. It will take place next Wednesday through Friday, January 29-31. This year’s theme is Music. Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…).


Matt Whitling



Re-enrollment: Re-enrollment for current students will be open until January 27. After that time we will begin processing new applications.

Logos Auction: The auction is January 25. See the school website for registration and details.


Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in the in-school spelling bee February 3.  Lists and rules are posted on the website under Academics/Elementary Program/Spelling Bee.

Saturday Hoops: The final camp was last Saturday. If your son did not receive his t-shirt, have him see me this week.


Rhetoric Speech Meet (10th-12th Grade): The meet will take place February 21. More details are available on the school website.

Knights’ Festival: Knights’ Festival is an annual three-day secondary school celebration. It will take place next Wednesday through Friday, January 29-31. This year’s theme is Music. Major events include plenary speakers, workshops, competitions (baking, art, volleyball, basketball, archery, chess…), and a feast in which the students provide entertainment (poetry, hymns, skits, movies…).


Matt Whitling