



5th Grade Play: This Friday the 5th graders will be performing Perseus and Andromeda.  The assembly will open with a recitation from the 4th graders at 8:35.  All are welcome to attend.


Speech Meet: Just a reminder that the 10th-12th grade students competed in the Poetry Out Loud competition this year and therefore the high school speech meet listed on the annual calendar (2/27/09) is already complete. Track and LAX: Track and Lacrosse will begin March 2. Dissecting Darwinism: On March 13, New Saint Andrews College is offering a day camp in presenting the argument for intelligent design and exposing the flaws of Darwinism.  Dr Gordon Wilson will be presenting.  Open to high school Juniors and Seniors.  Find out more at www.nsa.edu . For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




Fight'n Knight Shirts: This Thursday is the first day of the MCL High School Basketball Tournament.  Our varsity team will head to Spokane to compete with the top eight teams in the league.  Students and staff are welcome to wear their Fight'n Knight t-shirts and nice jeans to school on Thursday. NBC Shooting and Offensive Skills Clinic: On Monday, February 16 there will be a basketball clinic for students age 9-15 in Spokane.  For more information visit https://www.nbccamps.com/camps/basket_ball/camp_sub/clinics.htm#spokane


Name on the Board: One of our assembly sayings is, "If your name's on the board...go make it right."  The goal is to teach students to take responsibility and deal with sin faithfully.  Toward that end, my teaching and encouragement has been that when a student gets his name on the board that he go, at the next convenient time (recess, lunch, after school), and ask forgiveness of his teacher for whatever he did.  In addition to this, our household policy is that if one of my kids gets his name on the board in class, he comes and tells me right after school.  If your household discipline leans toward requiring your kids to take this responsibility and make things right, then making excuses, hiding the sin, or spinning the story will just not pay off. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




3rd Quarter Midterms: Midterms will come home with the elementary students this Wednesday and with the secondary on Thursday. Logos Fundraiser Dessert: This Friday evening at 7:00 Logos will be holding its annual fundraiser dessert in the gym.


Spelling Bee: The 1st - 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4.  The Final Showdown Sudden Death Spell-Off will take place this Wednesday afternoon at 12:40.  The top two spellers from 3rd - 6th grade will be competing at this time in the auditorium.  Parents are certainly welcome. Second Grade Play: This Friday morning the 2nd Graders will be performing the play The Lion and the Mouse.  The show will begin with a 5th grade recitation at 8:35.


Poetry Out Loud: The 10th - 12th graders will be competing in the Poetry Out Loud in-school competition this Friday.  There will be a final competition in the auditorium at 2:30 PM between  the top three competitors of each grade to see who will go on to compete in the regional competition at Moscow High on Monday.  All are welcome to attend.

Study Tip of the Week

Study Tip of the Week:  Each family has a different routine for dealing with report cards and midterms when they come home from school.  You may consider incorporating the following elements into yours: a.       Read and discuss the grades and comments together with your spouse.  This can be a great opportunity for God to reveal potential blind spots in your parenting. b.      Make time to sit down with your child, without any distractions, and read over the report together.  Explain the different categories, discuss any areas in which you see progress or a drop, and make a plan for how to finish off the quarter. c.       Pay attention over the next few weeks and talk to your child further about the plan to see if it is working. d.      Sign and return the bottom of the midterm (elementary).  Take a few minutes to jot down an encouraging note to the teacher in addition to your signature.  One of the most effective ways to raise thankful and grateful kids is to be thankful and grateful in their presence. Doing these things will help reinforce to your child that you love them, that you value their education, and that you are interested in seeing them be successful at Logos. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




Re-registration Packets: Re-registration packets are due this Friday for the 09-10 academic year. School Ball: The seniors will be sponsoring a school ball on Friday, January 30 from 7-10 PM in the gym (the Friday of Knights' Festival).  $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $25 for families (Parents are encouraged and welcome to come.)  Semi-formal dress is required. Home Basketball Game: This Thursday evening we will host the last JV and varsity home games of the season against Lakeside at 5:30 and 7:00.  Come on out and cheer for the Knights! Uniform Mini Skirts: Just a friendly dress code reminder.  Girls' skirts and jumpers must be knee-length or longer.  Some skirts that were knee-length at the beginning of the year may look more like a cheerleader's uniform today.


Spelling Bee: The 1st - 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 2.  The rules are included below.


Knights' Festival: As part of Knights' Festival this year each house will be participating in a community service project.  The rationale for this element being included in Knights' Fest is that we want to self-consciously see feasting and celebration as the result of sacrifice and service.  This year we will have the privilege of conducting service projects at Clark House, Sabbath House, Carenet of the Palouse, Good Sam, the City of Moscow, Bridge Bible Fellowship, the University of Idaho Dairy Parlor, and the NuArt Theater. Each house will receive service project specifics this Wednesday afternoon.  Thursday morning students should show up to their service project location at 8:30 dressed in their Fight'n Knight t-shirt and jeans (a bus will be leaving from school at 8:15 for any students who can't be dropped off at their project location).  Each house will have a supervising teacher working with them throughout the morning.  All projects should be complete between 11:00 and 11:30.  At that time students with their own transportation are welcome to head home or back to school for lunch (students without transportation will ride back to school on the bus).  If your child does not have a car, please talk to him or her about your family's policy about riding with student drivers.  Logos does not generally recommend it, and there will be a bus available to get everyone there and back. Knights' Fest activities will resume after lunch at 12:35 in the gym.  See the Principal's Page for more details. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




School Ball: The seniors will be sponsoring a school ball on Friday, January 30 from 7-10 PM in the gym (the Friday of Knights' Festival).  $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $25 for families (Parents are encouraged and welcome to come.)  Semi-formal dress is required. Home Basketball Game: This Thursday evening there will be a varsity home game against Genesis Prep. at 5:00.  Logos is ranked 2nd in the MCL.  Come on out and cheer for the Knights!


Spelling Bee: The 1st - 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4.  The rules are included below. Kindergarten Play: This Friday the Kindergarteners will be performing their first classroom play.  The show will open with a recitation from the 3rd Grade at 8:35 AM.  All are welcome. Elementary Basketball: A few folks have asked about elementary basketball this year.  This will start up after the high school season is over - Mid February.  Stay tuned!


PLAN test Results: The 10th graders were given their PLAN Test results this past Monday. Knights' Festival: Next week is Knights' Fest, check the Logos Principals Page for details.

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling




School Ball: The seniors will be sponsoring a school ball on Friday, January 30 from 7-10 PM in the gym (the Friday of Knights' Festival).  $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $25 for families (Parents are encouraged and welcome to come.)  Semi-formal dress is required. Hall Closet Announcement: Hall Closet is carrying two new products that are consistent with our uniform guidelines:  White Oxford shirts with an expandable collar, and Khaki pants with an expandable waist. Home Basketball Game: This Thursday evening there will be a varsity home game against Kootenai at 7:00.  Come on out and cheer for the Knights!


Spelling Bee: The 1st - 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4.  The rules are included below. Lunch Songs: Each day before prayer at lunchtime the elementary students sing together the first verse of a psalm or hymn.  Here is a list of the lunch songs for the third quarter.  All of the 1st - 6th graders are working on memorizing these. Monday: Ps. 98 O Sing a New Song to the Lord Tuesday: Be Thou My Vision Wednesday: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Thursday: Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken Friday: Ps. 100 All People That on Earth do Dwell


CTP-4 Testing: All regular testing will be complete Thursday afternoon.  If your child has missed any of the test components due to absences this week, please contact Mr. Carnahan to schedule a make up on Friday.

Snow Clothing Guidelines

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling



OFFICIALS: 1. Spellmaster - This person will explain the rules, give the words, and run the bee. 2. Secretary - This person will write down the letters of each word as the competitors state them. COMPETITION CRITERION: All students will participate in at least one in-class practice spelling bee prior to the real competition to give them exposure and experience in competing in a bee.  Students who earn a 90% and above in the subject of spelling on the second quarter report card will compete in the official spelling bee competition held February 4, 2009. RULES: 1. The competitors will be given a practice round to acquaint them with the procedures and give them a chance to relax. No one will be eliminated during the practice round. 2. Each competitor, after being given a word, should SAY the word, SPELL the word, and then SAY it again. If the word is mispronounced, the spellmaster should correct the student (Homonyms should automatically be put into a sentence or accompanied with a definition).  This SAY-SPELL-SAY procedure must be followed to ensure that: (1) the speller understands the correct word, and (2) the judges know when the spelling is complete and no more letters will be added.  The head judge will stop the student if he fails to pronounce the word before spelling, or if it is pronounced incorrectly.  NOTE: Failure to say-spell-say will not in itself eliminate the speller from competition, but it will reduce the chances of correct spelling and/or the ability to arbitrate. 3. Contestants must speak clearly and loudly.  The spellmaster=s decision is final in determining the correctness of the spelling, which may be misunderstood if not spoken clearly. 4. The contestant may, before beginning to spell, ask for a definition of the word, ask for the word to be used in a sentence, and/or ask for the word to be repeated.  Requests will be granted until the officials agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the speller.  If a student takes unreasonable advantage of this opportunity, he will be advised by the spellmaster to say the word and begin spelling. 5. If the word is a proper noun, the spellmaster must say "proper noun" after the word is given so that the student will know to say "capital" at the beginning of the word.  It does not disqualify the student, however, if he forgets to say "capital" but spells the word correctly. 6. If there are two words, e.g. Rocky Mountains, the student should say "space" between the words.  No penalty will be incurred if the student does not say "space." 7. Books of the Bible that have a Roman numeral in front of them, e.g. I, II, or III John, should only be used as the name. The student should not be required to say or spell "first", "second", etc. 8. Words should be selected in a planned sequence, without regard to the perceived ability of the student. The student will have 30 seconds to spell the word from the time he begins the word. Once a word is started, the student may start over, but may only use the letters originally stated; no letter changes are allowed.




School Uniform Exchange: Logos will host a uniform exchange on the stage in the auditorium this Tuesday through Friday.  If you are interested in participating, please come by to drop off clothing that you no longer need and pick up whatever you can use - everything is free. Snow Closure: Remember to check the Logos Principal's Page for up-to-date information on possible school closures (address below). Home Basketball Game: Tomorrow night there will be a game in Knights' Court vs. Pullman Christian; JV at 5:30 and Varsity at 7:00.


Electives: This Tuesday morning the secondary students will go right to their second semester elective classes in the morning.  Just a reminder to girls in the fitness class, your elective begins at 8:00 AM in the gym.

Snow Clothing Guidelines

1. Students are not to wear snow clothes in the classroom (hats, jackets, snow pants, etc...). 2. Snow boots are allowed in the classrooms as long as they have been sufficiently stomped and cleaned prior to entering the building. 3. Parents of younger students, please have your child practice putting his own snow clothes on, otherwise it can take half of recess just getting dressed!  Thank you. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Welcome Back! Matt Whitling




Christmas Program: The elementary and secondary Christmas Program will take place December 18 at 7:00 in the gym.  Preschool - 2nd grade students will sit with their parents after they sing. Fight'n Knight Shirts: The Friday before Christmas vacation, students are allowed to wear their Fight'n Knight shirts and jeans or the regular school uniform.  This will be Trivia Day for the secondary and the day after the Christmas Program for the elementary. School Uniform Exchange: If your kids are like mine, they are starting to grow out of some of their school clothing that seemed to fit just fine in August.  Logos will host a uniform exchange on the stage in the auditorium the week we get back from Christmas break.  Please come by to drop off clothing that you no longer need and pick up whatever you can use - everything is free.


Winter Gear: It may be good to remind your kids to bring home all winter coats, gloves, and hats.  These items could come in handy over Christmas break!


Final Exams: Final exams are taking place Monday through Thursday this week.  Finish strong. Basketball: The varsity boys' basketball team will be traveling to Seattle for two games on December 29 and 30.  A detailed itinerary will come home with the players this week. Trivia Day: The secondary students will be competing in an all day review/trivia contest that will help to cement many of the things that they have learned in the first semester of the year.  Parents and friends might be interested in attending some of the special features of the day: 12:45-1:45 PM  Special Presentation in the Gym: -Scene from Les Miserables -Cross Country Letters -Guest speaker: Mr. Nance on China 2:00-2:40 PM Trivia Contest Final Round 2:40-3:10 PM Christmas Caroling

Snow Clothing Guidelines

1. Students are not to wear snow clothes in the classroom (hats, jackets, snow pants, etc...). 2. Snow boots are allowed in the classrooms as long as they have been sufficiently stomped and cleaned prior to entering the building. 3. Parents of younger students, please have your child practice putting his own snow clothes on, otherwise it can take half of recess just getting dressed!  Thank you. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Merry Christmas! Matt Whitling




Christmas Program: The elementary and secondary Christmas Program will take place December 18 at 7:00 in the gym.  Both elementary and secondary students will be wearing their dress uniforms for the Christmas Program.  Sorry about the confusion regarding secondary girls wearing something different. Fight'n Knight Shirts: The Friday before Christmas vacation, students are allowed to wear their Fight'n Knight shirts and jeans or the regular school uniform.  This will be Trivia Day for the secondary and the day after the Christmas Program for the elementary.


1st Grade Play: This Friday the 1st grade will be performing the play ANTS.  The show will start with a Latin recitation by the 5th grade at 8:35.  All are welcome to attend.


Plan Test: This Friday morning the 10th graders will be taking the PLAN Test.  See Mr. Carnahan for details. Final Exams: Final exams will take place Monday through Thursday next week.  The final schedule is attached. Second Semester Registration: Elective choices and senior class selections are due to Mrs. Polek this Wednesday, December 10. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling



High School Basketball: The opening game of the season will take place this Thursday evening in Hayden, Id. The first home game will be this Saturday in the Knight’s Court. See the Principal’s Page for details.

Fight’n Knight Shirts: Next Monday (12/8) students are welcome to wear either their Fight’n Knight shirts and jeans or the regular school uniform. Monday evening is a home basketball game for the JV and Varsity teams.

Finish Strong: There are only 2 ½ weeks left in the 2nd quarter. Encourage your kids to finish strong.

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/

All the best,

Matt Whitling