

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - 12 2009-2010


Homework-o-Meter: Please remember to fill these out over the course of the week and return them to the classroom teachers on November 16.  This helps us gauge the amount of homework our elementary students are doing each night.


Weekly Test Schedule: We are working to make the Weekly Test Schedule as accurate as possible.  Please stay flexible as occasional adjustments will be made based on a myriad of details.  In order to encourage and recognize individual student responsibility in our older students, we are considering only supplying this schedule for the 7th-9th grade students.  Please let me know if this would cause any heartburn for your family. Extracurricular Activities and Schoolwork: There are lots of great activities going on in the secondary (girls volleyball tournament, Nicholas Nickleby production, junior high boys basketball games, high school boys basketball tryouts, etc.).  At Logos, school comes first.  This means that students who participate in extracurricular activities will be held to the same standard as everyone else.  Students should look ahead, plan ahead, and redeem the time during busy seasons like this. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - 11 2009-2010


Interschool Speech Meet: The interschool speech meet will take place November 6.  The secondary students will compete here at Logos and the elementary competitors will travel to the Oaks in Spokane.  We currently have enough drivers and chaperones, but of course other parents are welcome to come along and support their kids. Fight'n Knight Shirts: This Friday is the first day of the MCL Volleyball Tournament.  Fight'n Knight shirts and nice jeans are in.  Inter-school speech meet competitors should be in dress uniform until the competition is over.


Family Lunch Table: Parents are welcome to come and eat lunch with their students anytime.  We have a special Family Table devoted specifically for that. Homework-o-Meter: Elementary Homework-o-Meters will come home this Friday with your children.  Please fill these out over the course of the next week and return them to the classroom teachers on November 16.  This helps us gauge the amount of homework our elementary students are doing each night.


Winter Activities: Winter is an exciting time in the secondary with knowledge bowl, mock trial, and basketball all starting up.  Mr. Carnahan is working hard to schedule these three activities so that there are very few or no conflicts between them.  If your child wants to participate in more than one of these events, it is important that he communicate this to his coaches before the season begins.

Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home

Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e. uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy). Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): Following a diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis, the child may return to school after the first dose of prescribed medication. Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and / or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours. Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees.  The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin). For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - 10 2009-2010


Interschool Speech Meet: The interschool speech meet will take place November 6.  The secondary students who qualify will compete here at Logos and the elementary competitors will travel to the Oaks in Spokane.  Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning.


Coats: Please send your child dressed for the weather.  Students will go out to recess unless it is in the low teens or very wet. Uniform Reminder: This is the last week that elementary students can wear shorts/capris to school until April.  Two more days of glory!


Secondary Speech Meet 7th-9th: This Friday, October 30 is the speech meet.  Students should come in their dress uniforms for this event.  There will be an awards assembly in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:25 in the auditorium.  All are welcome to attend. Winter Activities: Winter is an exciting time in the secondary with knowledge bowl, mock trial, and basketball all starting up.  Mr. Carnahan is working hard to schedule these three activities so that there are very few or no conflicts between them.  If your child wants to participate in more than one of these events, it is important that he communicate this to his coaches before the season begins.

Note for Parents

The following message ran in today's secondary announcements.  This might be a good opportunity to talk to your upper elementary and/or secondary student about his/her words, both spoken and written. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. -Ephesians 5:4 Students, Consider your words and what they might say about you.  Some Christian kids think that if their language is half a step away from the "really bad stuff" they are OK.  Crap, Fricken and all their ugly little sisters live on the tongues of those who cherish them. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling





Elementary Speech Meet: Friday, October 23.  Parents are welcome to attend.  No camcorders or younger siblings please. Parent/Teacher Conferences: Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place October 22nd and 23rd in the morning and late afternoon.  This is a great opportunity to see blind spots-if you want to.  We are looking forward to meeting with you!


Each year the high school students participate in the Logos Protocol program in which we teach the importance of manners and deference.  After teaching classes on proper dress, the art of conversation, table etiquette, and more, we create an enjoyable social event in which the students can practice and become comfortable with what they have learned.  Each year the juniors and seniors participate in High Protocol, a formal event, usually in Spokane.  The freshmen and sophomores participate in Low Protocol, a local semi formal event. This year the juniors and seniors will dine at the Glover Mansion and then attend the Broadway production of The Lion King in Spokane on December 2nd.  Today the high school students attended their first protocol training session which covered grooming and proper attire for semi formal and formal events.  The remainder of the junior and senior protocol training sessions will occur the week before Thanksgiving break.  In the spring we will conduct training for the freshmen and sophomores before their Low Protocol event. It is important to keep in mind that this is not the equivalent of "prom" or a date.  The young men will be assigned a young lady to escort for the first half of this event, but escorts will be changed at least once during the evening.

Study Tip for the Week

From this point on, the speech meet judges will not have a copy of each student's selection in front of them.  If your child misses a word or even a whole line from his selection, the best thing to do is - smile and keep on reciting.  If the student continues on confidently after a mistake, there's a good chance that no one else will even notice. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling




This Week: This week is the last week in the first quarter.  Encourage your child to finish strong!  Friday, October 16, is a teacher work day (no school for students).  Teachers will be wrapping up the first quarter (grades and report cards) and preparing for the second quarter. Dress Uniforms: There will be no dress uniform day this week.


Elementary Speech Meet: Friday, October 23. Selections will be presented in class and graded on the judge's sheet this Thursday as a last practice before the real meet. Parent Teacher Conferences: Parent Teacher Conferences will take place October 22nd and 23rd in the morning and late afternoon.  Sign-up sheets come home to all families this week.  We are looking forward to meeting with you! 4th Grade Play: This Thursday the 4th grade will be presenting A Flag for Freedom.  The assembly will open with a 2nd grade recitation at 8:35.  All are welcome to attend!


High Protocol: The juniors and seniors will be attending The Lion King in Spokane on December 2 for their protocol event this year.  More details to come!

Elementary Romance

Each year I make a point of speaking to the 4th - 6th grade students about a fascinating and sometimes delicate oxymoron - elementary romance.  I am very pleased to say that this has not been an issue that Logos elementary students have struggled with in recent memory nor do I have grave concerns this year.  My primary goal is that we maintain a positive school culture in which students do not feel pressure to "grow up" too fast in this area.  Over the course of the week I'll stop in for this year's installment, and I thought it would be good for you all to know what I had to say to the students and what my expectations are in this area.  First of all, the school policy for the elementary and secondary reads, "Public displays of affection are not permitted at school or school activities."  My interpretation of a public display of affection is very narrow.  Any singling out of a person of the opposite sex and anything that you could do to earn yourself the title of "an item" fall into this category.  The discussion with the 4th - 6th graders usually begins with me asking how old they are, and then following up by asking how old they think they will be when they get married.  After clarifying, for the sake of the boys, that most people do not wait until they are 37 to marry we move on to the application.  The short form is that our students are a lifetime or more away from getting married, and any preliminary negotiations are absolutely inappropriate in the elementary.  I am strongly against silly talk about who likes whom, and I am thoroughly opposed to premature pairing up (in the elementary and secondary).  There is far too much fun and hard work for us to keep ourselves occupied with to give attention to cheap soap operas.  Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling





Speech Meet: Friday, October 23. Selections should be memorized on October 9.


10th and 11th Grade Students: Be sure to register with Mrs. Polek for the PSAT.  It takes place next Wednesday morning in the auditorium. High Protocol: The juniors and seniors will be attending The Lion King in Spokane on December 2 for their protocol event this year.  More details to come!

Study Tip for the Week

Plan ahead.  Sit down with your child on Saturday and read over the HAS (elementary) or the Weekly Test Schedule (secondary) together.  Talk about the tests and assignments with your child so that he is prepared before the week begins.  A few minutes of discussion and study Saturday morning can help take the pressure off in the middle of the week when the circus is in full swing. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling




Picture Retakes: If you would like individual picture retakes please send your picture packet to school with your child on Thursday.  Uniforms are required, but you may send clothes to change into for the picture. Fight'n Knight Shirts: This Saturday our cross country teams will be running in the Moscow Invitational.  This will be our first "home meet" so elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear their Fight'n Knight shirts and jeans to school on Friday.


Speech Meet: Friday, October 23. Selections should be memorized on October 9. 6th Grade Play: The 6th graders will be performing an Internal Combustion Engine play this Friday morning.  The show will open with a recitation by the 4th grade at 8:35 in the auditorium. All are welcome to attend.


10th and 11th Grade Students: Be sure to register with Mrs. Polek for the PSAT.

Study Tip for the Week

Every year I have conversations with parents about motivating their kids to do well in school.  Here are a few observations from The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis: "The schoolboy beginning Greek grammar cannot look forward to his adult enjoyment of Sophocles as a lover looks forward to marriage or a general to victory.  He has to begin by working for marks, or to escape punishment, or to please his parents, or, at best, in the hope of a future good which he cannot at present imagine or desire.  His position, therefore, bears a certain resemblance to that of the mercenary; the reward he is going to get will, in actual fact, be a natural or proper reward, but he will not know that till he has got it." For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling




Label your Items: Last Friday we had our first Lost and Found sale.  It is amazing how much is lost each month.  Please consider writing your family name on clothing, lunchboxes, etc. so that we can return these items to their owners.


Speech Meet: Friday, October 23. Selections should be memorized on October 9. Midterms: Midterms will come home with the elementary students this Wednesday.  Please sign the bottom portion and return by Friday.


Midterms: Midterms will come home with the secondary students this Thursday. Picture Day: Students in fall sports will have their pictures taken this Thursday after school.  They will need their athletic uniform for this event.

Study Tip for the Week

One helpful way to teach your kids not to procrastinate is to ingrain in them the need to study at least Two Days Out.  Two Days Out means studying for Friday's test on Wednesday and Thursday instead of simply the night before.  Studying for predictable subjects like spelling and Latin should be spread over the course of the entire week, but for other quizzes and small tests, especially in the secondary, Two Days Out helps form a pattern of planned investment rather than last minute gambling. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling





Speech Meet: Elementary Speech Meet selections are due to the classroom teacher this Friday, September 18. 5th Grade Play: The 5th graders will be performing Gilgamesh and the Bull of Heaven this Friday morning.  The show will open with a recitation by the 3rd grade at 8:35 in the auditorium. All are welcome to attend.


Absences: Please be sure to contact the front office if your child is going to miss school for any reason.

Study Tip for the Week

Encourage your children (1st-9th grade) to begin memorizing their speech meet parts early.  The dinner table is a great place to practice.  Start by having each child read through his selection, beginning and ending with the title and author.  The next night have them recite as much as they can, reading the remainder that has not been memorized yet.  By the time the speech meet comes around, the whole family will be ready to hit the stage and perform! For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling




Class Picture Day: This Friday is class picture day.  Students should wear their dress uniforms. Fight'n Knight Shirts: The first home volleyball game will take place next Monday, September 14.  Elementary and secondary students are allowed to wear their Fight'n Knight shirt (this year's or last) and jeans or the regular school uniform.  If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for your elementary student or a younger sibling, please see Mr. Carnahan in the registrar's office.


Speech Meet: Elementary Speech Meet selections are due to the classroom teacher next Friday, September 18.


Secondary Back to School Night: This year we are trying something completely different for Secondary Back to School Night.  On September 11 from 7:00-9:00 PM we will re-enact, in miniature, a secondary school day.  This is an opportunity for parents to come and sit under the instruction of their child's teachers as we move through all seven periods contained in a normal school day.  Dessert will be provided afterward. PS: At Back to School Night, parents of 7th and 8th graders will be playing volleyball in the gym during "7th period."  Any other parents who do not have a class to attend at this time are welcome to come up and join the fun.  Please bring athletic shoes.

Study Tip for the Week

Busy dads need to have a system for staying in touch with how their kids are doing in school.  Don't wait for the midterm progress report to come home and tell you how things are going.  Require your child to drop off all graded and returned school work at your spot at the dinner table right when he gets home.  Before dinner you can look through the pile to check progress.  This will also give you the information required to ask intelligent questions during dinner about the topics that are being covered in school. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling