Fight'n Knight Shirts: This Wednesday is the first home lacrosse game. The game starts at 5:00 at the east Kibbie Dome turf field. Students are welcome to wear their Fight'n Knight shirts and nice jeans to school on Wednesday. Easter Weekend: This year we are taking Good Friday and the Monday after Easter off from school. Enjoy this time with your family as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. There will be an assembly Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in the field house. All are welcome to attend. Logos Summer Camps: The 2010 brochure will come out in April with information on the camp offerings for this summer.Elementary
Blue Knights Basketball Camp: Elementary basketball for boys in grades 4-6 is underway. The second round of games will take place this Thursday at Lunch (11:35-12:15). Parents are welcome to come and cheer.Secondary
Mock Trial: Congratulations to the Mock Trial A Team. They came in 1st place in the State Mock Trial championships. They'll be traveling to Philadelphia in April to represent Idaho in the national championships. Way to go! For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 27
JH Drama Production: All in Good Time will be showing this Friday at 7:00 PM and Saturday at 2:00 and 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
Logos Summer Camps: The 2010 brochure will come out in April with information on the camp offerings for this summer.
Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 25 & 26: We are looking forward to meeting with you this Thursday and Friday.
Blue Knights Basketball Camp: Elementary basketball for boys in grades 4-6 is underway. Games begin this Friday at Lunch (11:35-12:15). Parents are welcome to come and cheer.
Mock Trial: Both of our teams will be heading to the state championships this Wednesday!
Knowledge Bowl: Congratulations to the Knowledge Bowl team. They came in 1st place in the State Knowledge Bowl championships/small schools division. They'll be traveling to Washington D.C. in April to represent Logos in the national championships. Way to go!
For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/
All the best,
Matt Whitling
Teacher Work Day: This Friday, March 12, will be a teacher work day. Teachers will be working on 3rd quarter report cards and making preparations for the 4th quarter. There will be no school this day. Fight'n Knight Day: This Thursday students in the elementary and secondary are welcome to wear their Fight'n Knight shirts and nice jeans to school.Elementary
Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 25 & 26: We are looking forward to meeting with you after spring break.Secondary
Latin Office Hours: Mr. Sumpter is available to help 9th and 10th graders with Latin questions on Tuesdays from 12:00-12:30 in Room 3 and Thursdays from 3:15-3:45 in Room 2. Knight Day: This Thursday is Knight Day in the secondary. This is a seminar-type day in which students attend plenary talks and select from a wide array of academic and recreational workshops. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 24
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - Week 24Elementary
3rd Grade Play: The 3rd graders will be performing The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe this Friday morning. The assembly will open with a recitation by the 5th Graders at 8:35. As usual, all are welcome to attend. Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 25 & 26: Conference sign up sheets will come home this Friday. We are looking forward to meeting with you after spring break. Name on the Board: One of our assembly sayings is, "If your name's on the board...go make it right." The goal is to teach students to take responsibility and deal with sin faithfully. Toward that end, my teaching and encouragement has been that when a student gets his name on the board that he go, at the next convenient time (recess, lunch, after school), and ask forgiveness of his teacher for whatever he did. In addition to this, our household policy is that if one of my kids gets his name on the board in class, he comes and tells me right after school. If your household discipline leans toward requiring your kids to take this responsibility and make things right, then making excuses, hiding the sin, or spinning the story will just not pay off.Secondary
Latin Office Hours: Mr. Sumpter is available to help 9th and 10th graders with Latin questions on Tuesdays from 12:00-12:30 in Room 3 and Thursdays from 3:15-3:45 in Room 2. Knight Day: Next Thursday, March 11, is Knight Day in the secondary. This is a seminar-type day in which students attend plenary talks and select from a wide array of academic and recreational workshops. This year's theme is Money. More information will be coming out next week! For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 22
Principals Page: The Principals Page is up and running again! Thank you for your patience. 8th Grade Ball: The annual Logos 8th Grade Ball is this Friday, February 19th in the Logos Knights' Court (Elementary from 6:30-8; Secondary & up 8-10). The cost is $5 per person; $25 for families. Semi-formal dress is required. Refreshments will be served. Parents are encouraged and welcome to come. Proceeds will go towards the cost of the annual 8th Grade Northwest History trip this spring. Hope to see you there!Elementary
5th Grade Play: This Friday the 5th graders will be performing a play at 8:35 in the auditorium. The show will open with a recitation from the 3rd graders. All are welcome to attend. Blue Knights Basketball Camp: The 4th-6th grade boys were given permission forms for basketball camp today. The pertinent information is listed below: Who: Boys in 4th - 6th grade When: Permission Form is due Tuesday, February 23. Practice starts Wednesday, February 24 and will run through mid April. Games and practices take place on Wednesdays and Fridays during lunch. Details: The focus of the program is to provide a solid foundation in the fundamentals of basketball with instruction and practice in dribbling, passing, shooting, defense, and general conditioning. Tryouts will take place during the first two weeks of practice. Each player is required to bring his own basketball. There is no cost, and no one is guaranteed a spot on a team. We are looking for young men who work hard, pay attention, and set the same sort of example in the classroom.Secondary
Basketball Awards Banquet: For all high school basketball players and parents (girls JV, boys JV and V). This Wednesday evening at 7:00 in the auditorium. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 18
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - Week 18Elementary
Spelling Bee: The 1st - 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4. The rules are included below.Secondary
CTP-4 Testing: All regular testing will be complete this week. If your child has missed any of the test components due to absences, please contact Mr. Carnahan to schedule a make up. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt Whitling Spelling Bee Rules: 1. The competitors will be given a practice round to acquaint them with the procedures and give them a chance to relax. No one will be eliminated during the practice round. 2. Each competitor, after being given a word, should SAY the word, SPELL the word, and then SAY it again. If the word is mispronounced, the spellmaster should correct the student (Homonyms should automatically be put into a sentence or accompanied with a definition). This SAY-SPELL-SAY procedure must be followed to ensure that: (1) the speller understands the correct word, and (2) the judges know when the spelling is complete and no more letters will be added. The head judge will stop the student if he fails to pronounce the word before spelling, or if it is pronounced incorrectly. NOTE: Failure to say-spell-say will not in itself eliminate the speller from competition, but it will reduce the chances of correct spelling and/or the ability to arbitrate. 3. Contestants must speak clearly and loudly. The spellmaster's decision is final in determining the correctness of the spelling, which may be misunderstood if not spoken clearly. 4. The contestant may, before beginning to spell, ask for a definition of the word, ask for the word to be used in a sentence, and/or ask for the word to be repeated. Requests will be granted until the officials agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the speller. If a student takes unreasonable advantage of this opportunity, he will be advised by the spellmaster to say the word and begin spelling. 5. If the word is a proper noun, the spellmaster must say "proper noun" after the word is given so that the student will know to say "capital" at the beginning of the word. It does not disqualify the student, however, if he forgets to say "capital" but spells the word correctly. 6. If there are two words, e.g. Rocky Mountains, the student should say "space" between the words. No penalty will be incurred if the student does not say "space." 7. Books of the Bible that have a Roman numeral in front of them, e.g. I, II, or III John, should only be used as the name. The student should not be required to say or spell "first", "second", etc. 8. Words should be selected in a planned sequence, without regard to the perceived ability of the student. The student will have 30 seconds to spell the word from the time he begins the word. Once a word is started, the student may start over, but may only use the letters originally stated; no letter changes are allowed. 9. No talking will be allowed among contestants or between contestants and members of the audience. If a contestant receives assistance from anyone in the audience, he will be disqualified. The audience is also requested to remain seated until a break, to avoid confusing or distracting the contestants. 10. When a word is misspelled, the spellmaster will say, "That is incorrect," then correctly spell the word for the contestant, and give the next word to the next speller. However, when only two spellers remain, the procedures will follow rules #12 and #13. 11. Rounds will continue, with a written record of which students went down in which round, until four students remain. Then it will be announced that third and fourth places will be determined by the next two contestants to go out. 12. When only two spellers remain, the spellmaster will pause to announce the change of elimination procedures. At that point, when one contestant misspells a word, the other contestant shall be given an opportunity to spell that same word. If the second contestant spells that word correctly, plus the next word on the spellmaster's list, then the second contestant shall be declared the champion. 13. At any point in the bee, if the competitors exhaust the word list for that grade, the spellmaster is to use words from the next highest grade's list. If, after a number rounds, no one has been eliminated, the spellmaster is to switch to the next higher grade's word list. This applies even when there are only two competitors remaining. 14. The names and places of the top four winners should be turned in to the principal right after the bee. 15. The top two place winners in 3rd - 6th grade will compete in a School Championship Bee. This will determine the Champion Speller of the school.LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 16
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - Week 16 Christmas Program: The Preschool - 10th grades will be performing at the Christmas Program, December 17 at 7:00 PM in the gym.- Attire for performers is the Logos dress uniform (young ladies may wear a special Christmas dress if desired, and young men are welcome to wear blazers).
- There will be a dress rehearsal for grades Preschool-10th this Thursday afternoon from 2:00-3:00. I realize that this is not during the regular school day for our preschool and kindergarten, but it would be a huge help to have everyone there.
- Elementary students should meet at 6:40 PM in their classrooms and secondary students at 6:00 PM in the auditorium on the night of the program.
- Preschoolers and Kindergarteners will meet their parents at the back of the gym after they perform and sit with their parents for the rest of the program.
- Please consider bringing a plate of treats to share and staying to fellowship after the show.
Finish Strong: There are only 1 ½ weeks left in the 2nd quarter. Encourage your kids to finish strong. Christmas Program: The preschool - 10th grades will be performing at the Christmas Program, December 17 at 7:00 PM in the gym. Attire for performers is the Logos dress uniform (young ladies may wear a special Christmas dress if desired, and young men are welcome to wear blazers). Fight'n Knight Shirts: Next Tuesday (12/15) students are welcome to wear either their Fight'n Knight shirts and jeans or the regular school uniform. Tuesday evening is a home basketball game for the JV and Varsity teams.Elementary
1st Grade Assembly: This Friday the 1st graders will be performing the musical play Gingerbread Man. The show will open with a fifth grade Latin recitation at 8:35 AM. All are welcome to attend.Secondary
1st Semester Finals Schedule & 2nd Semester Electives: see the Principal's Page for details. High School Basketball: The first home game of the season will be this Saturday in the Knight's Court. See the Principal's Page for details. Plan Test: This Friday morning the 10th graders will be taking the PLAN Test. See Mr. Carnahan for details. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – Week 14
Finish Strong: There are only 2 ½ weeks left in the 2nd quarter. Encourage your kids to finish strong.Elementary
Homework-0-Meter Results: Homework surveys are in and we've crunched the numbers below. Parents, thank you for taking the time to complete the surveys! Grade Guideline Actual 1st Grade: 15 min./night 13 2nd Grade: 30 min./night 17 3rd Grade: 45 min./night 32 4th Grade: 45 min./night 25 5th Grade: 45 min./night 35 6th Grade: 60 min./night 63Secondary
Poetry Out Loud: 10th - 12th Grade students will be choosing their Poetry Out Loud poems over the next few weeks, stay tuned for more information.Snow Clothing Guidelines
(Just in case!)
1. Students are not to wear snow clothes in the classroom (hats, jackets, snow pants, etc...). 2. Snow boots are allowed in the classrooms as long as they have been sufficiently stomped and cleaned prior to entering the building. 3. Parents of younger students, please have your child practice putting his own snow clothes on, otherwise it can take half of recess just getting dressed! Thank you. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ All the best, Matt WhitlingLOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 13
LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE - 13 2009-2010General
Thanksgiving Vacation: There will be no school next week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Snow Boots: Elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear snow boots during the snow season.Elementary
Utensils: If necessary, please be sure to include utensils with your child's lunch. We've seen some creative problem solving going on at the lunch table recently. 3rd Grade Play: This Friday the 3rd graders will be performing The Three Princes, by Peter Leithart. The show will open at 8:35 AM with a Kindergarten recitation. All are welcome.Secondary
Weekly Test Schedule: Thank you for your feedback regarding the Test Schedule. We are glad that it has been a help, and we will keep sending it out each Friday afternoon. Blue vs. White Scrimmage: The varsity boys' basketball team will host an exhibition game the day after Thanksgiving, November 27 at 6:00 PM. All are welcome to come out and see this year's squad go head to head in the Knight's Court. Admission is free.Study Tip of the Week
Over the past couple years we have had a few questions about the school's policy regarding keeping old tests for younger siblings to use in subsequent years. For example, I have children in grades 9, 8, 5, 4, 2, and Preschool this year. If I was inclined to save tests from year to year, could I use those tests to help the next child study for the same test one or two years later? The short answer is, no. Students who have access to the previous year's tests and answers have a distinct and unfair advantage over the other students in the class. Teachers, both in the elementary and secondary, provide review sheets before each test. This is what the students should use (along with notes, previous work, etc.) as they prepare for tests. At Logos, using someone else's old test to study for your test is cheating. For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/ Cheers, Matt Whitling