

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #7   General One Week Left: There is only one week left in the first quarter. This is a good time to check grades on Renweb (grades 2-12) and make sure that your student is ready to finish the quarter strong! Elementary quarter grades stand alone as four individual grades per subject over the course of the year. Secondary quarter grades are averaged together for a semester grade that is recorded on a student’s transcript (Q1 averaged with Q2 = Fall Semester, Q3 averaged with Q4 = Spring Semester).   Parent/Teacher Conferences (October 20 & 21): Almost all of the scheduling is complete. A reminder email will be sent out the Monday before conferences. If you have not scheduled yet, please visit this site to do so: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Logos   Elementary Speech Meet: Selections need to be memorized by October 7.   Secondary 7th-9th Speech Meet: Memory checks will take place during the week of October 10.   PSAT: The 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT the morning of October 19 in the gym. Study Tip for the Week Plan ahead. Sit down with your child on Saturday and read over the HAS (elementary) or the Weekly Test Schedule (secondary) together. Talk about the tests and assignments with your child so that he is prepared before the week begins. A few minutes of discussion and study Saturday morning can help take the pressure off in the middle of the week when the circus is in full swing. One elementary example is having your child learn the first 7 Latin and spelling words on Saturday. This puts them in the position of starting the following week ahead of the game. If your child is in 2nd-12th grade, their grades are available on RenWeb. Many families use the weekend to check on academic progress so that they can help emphasize areas that may need extra attention.   Cheers,   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #5   General Fight’n Knight Day: Our cross country teams will have a “home” race tomorrow at the Elks Golf Course. Elementary and secondary students are allowed to wear their Logos Game Day Shirts (this year’s or a previous year’s) and nice blue jeans (no rips, stains, etc…) or the regular school uniform to school that day. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for yourself, an elementary student, or a younger sibling, please see the front office.   Land Party: Today is the last day to RSVP! Come celebrate God's goodness in giving Logos land on which to build and grow!  WHEN: Saturday, Sept. 24, from 4-7 PM WHERE: Our new property on Mountain View Road. The festivities will include a dedication service, live music, inflatable jump houses for the kids, and more. Dinner is on us - fried chicken or Carson Sensing's famous burgers.   Sub List: Parents do the majority of our substitute teaching throughout the year. Compensation comes in the form of decreased tuition for the following school year. If you are interested in being on our sub list, please come by the front office and fill out a short application.   Individual Picture Retakes: Retakes are Wednesday, September 28. If you missed the first picture day or would like retakes, please send the packet with your child. Students are allowed to change into different clothes for the retakes, but will need to change back into their school uniform afterward.   Drop Off and Pick Up Times: Please drop your child off between 8:00-8:25 AM and pick them up between 3:10-3:30 PM (unless they are participating in an extracurricular activity) as there is not supervision beyond those times. Thank you!     Elementary Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms will be coming home this Wednesday. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by next Wednesday, September 28.   2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A midterm form will be coming home on Wednesday. Please log on to Renweb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out Renweb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by Wednesday, September 28.   Speech Meet: Selections need to be memorized by October 7.   Secondary Progress Reports: Secondary grades are available at any time via Renweb. Since we are halfway through the quarter, this would be a great week to sit down with your secondary student and see how they are doing in each class.   Speech Meet: Secondary (7th-9th) Speech Meet selections are due September 26.   Study Tip for the Week One helpful way to teach your kids not to procrastinate is to ingrain in them the need to study at least Two Days Out. Two Days Out means studying for Friday’s test on Wednesday and Thursday instead of simply the night before. Studying for predictable subjects like spelling and Latin should be spread over the course of the entire week, but for other quizzes and small tests, especially in the secondary, Two Days Out helps form a pattern of planned investment rather than last minute gambling.       Cheers,   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #4   General   Elementary First Elementary Play-September 25: Our first play of the year will be put on by Mr. Kohl’s 5th grade class. The play will open with a short recitation by Mr. Becker’s 6th grade class at 8:35 in the gym. Please be sure to bring your students on time this Friday as we will be heading up to the gym first thing. All are welcome!   Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place this Wednesday, September 14 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom.   Speech Meet: Selections are due September 19.   Secondary Secondary Assembly: Our first secondary assembly will take place this Tuesday morning from 8:25-9:15 in the gym. All 7th-12th grade students will be there and parents are welcome to come join us!   Speech Meet: Secondary (7th-9th) Speech Meet selections are due October 2. Information will come home this week.   Study Tip for the Week Encourage your children (1st-9th grade) to begin memorizing their speech meet parts early. The dinner table is a great place to practice. Start by having each child read through his selection, beginning and ending with the title and author. The next night have them recite as much as they can, reading the remainder that has not been memorized yet. By the time the speech meet comes around, the whole family will be ready to hit the stage and perform!       Cheers,   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #3 General Fight’n Knight Day: Our high school girls will have a home volleyball game against Kendrick tomorrow. Elementary and secondary students are allowed to wear their Logos Game Day Shirts (this year’s or a previous year’s) and nice blue jeans (no rips, stains, etc…) or the regular school uniform to school that day. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for yourself, an elementary student, or a younger sibling, please see the front office. Enrollment for 2017-18: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2017-2018 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/16-17-Application4.pdf Preschool classes are filling up quickly! Absences/Tardies for secondary students: If your child will be absent or tardy from school for any reason (illness, planned, funeral, Dr. appointment., etc.) please notify the front office along with having the student contact each teacher to get assignments. If we don't hear from you then we record it as an unexcused absence and follow up with an office visit. Elementary Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 14 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Speech Meet: Selections are due September 19. Study Tip for the Week Busy dads need to have a system for staying in touch with how their kids are doing in school. Don’t wait for the midterm progress report to come home and get your attention. Require your child to drop off all graded and returned schoolwork at your spot at the dinner table right when he gets home (or some other convenient spot). Before dinner you can look through the stack to check progress. This will also give you the information required to ask intelligent questions during dinner about the topics that are being covered in school. Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e. uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy). Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): Follow your doctor’s advice for returning to school. Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and / or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours. Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees. The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin). Cheers, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #2   General Friday Attire: This Friday we will begin our normal pattern of wearing our dress uniforms. Sometimes it is tempting to want to slide into the weekend both mentally and physically. By dressing up, we want to remind ourselves and each other, to finish strong.   Individual Pictures: Individual pictures will be taken this Wednesday morning. Families may choose between having their child wear his or her uniform or dressing up in a special outfit of your choice. Modesty standards still apply. This is not a day to dress down.   Fight’n Knight Day: Our high school girls will have a home volleyball game against Kendrick on September 8, the day after Labor Day. Elementary and secondary students are allowed to wear their Logos Game Day Shirts (this year’s or a previous year’s) and nice blue jeans (no rips, stains, etc…) or the regular school uniform to school that day. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for yourself, an elementary student, or a younger sibling, please see the front office this Friday. Originally, we were shooting for the first home game (8/31), but this year’s new shirts are still on their way!   Enrollment for 2017-18: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2017-2018 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/16-17-Application4.pdf Preschool classes are filling up quickly!   Elementary Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 14 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. Music was distributed last week.   Speech Meet: Speech Meet information packets will be coming home with your students this week. All students in 1st-6th grade participate. Selections are due September 19.   Secondary Honors Classes: The following honors classes will be offered for the first semester: 9th Grade Latin, 10th Grade Latin, and 12th Grade British Literature. Invitations will be coming home to all students who earned a 94% or higher in these subject areas in the 4th quarter of last year. Further details about our honors classes are included on the invitation.   Book Covers: All hardback books needed to be covered by today. Please encourage your child to cover these and bring them to class to show their teachers by tomorrow at the latest-Thanks!   Cheers,   Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – #1   General Enrollment for 2017-18: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2017-2018 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/16-17-Application4.pdf Preschool classes tend to fill up quickly-now is the time to apply.   Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 26th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. The Belschners will be teaching a new dance during the practice time, so be sure not to miss it! After the dance practice, the secondary ball will go from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.   Elementary Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 14 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. I will distribute music this week.   Secondary Field Day: Field Day is this Friday, August 26. This event is a fun way to kick off the year and welcome the new students to the secondary. Students are welcome to meet at school by 8:30am to catch a ride on one of the buses, or they can meet up with us at Robinson Park by 9:00am. We will sing and pray, and then divide the students into teams for volleyball, ultimate frisbee, kickball, and soccer. After lunch, there will be tug of war, and the traditional seniors vs staff volleyball game. We should be back to school by 3:20pm. Mrs. Whitling has emailed out details regarding attire and what items to bring to the potluck lunch.   Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #7

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #7   General 2016-17 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, secondary fall schedule, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary or Secondary Program.   Combined Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and the secondary will take place together this Friday, August 19 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). Registration for all students Pre-12th grade will take place this evening as well (registration will be open from 6:00-9:00 PM at the front office). It takes about 10 minutes to fill out the appropriate paper work to register. If you are not able to come Friday evening please drop by the school sometime between 8:00 AM-4:00 PM that same day.   Dress Uniform: The first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see the school website for details). Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday of the first week. Elementary students will wear their regular uniforms and secondary students will be in Field Day attire (more information coming) on Friday the 26th. Dress uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.   Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 26th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. The Belschners will be teaching a new dance during the practice time, so be sure not to miss it! After the dance practice, the secondary ball will go from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.   Elementary Elementary Welcome Assembly: First day of school, August 22, from 9:00-9:30 AM in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend.   Secondary New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 19 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the auditorium. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).   Secondary Welcome Assembly: August 23 from 8:25-9:15 AM in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend. Since this will be Tuesday morning during our normal elective time, the first day of secondary electives will be Thursday.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #6

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #6   General 2016-17 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, secondary fall schedule, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary or Secondary Program.   Combined Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and the secondary will take place together the Friday before the first day of school: August 19 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). Registration for all students Pre-12th grade will take place this evening as well (registration will be open from 6:00-9:00 PM at the front office). It takes about 10 minutes to fill out the appropriate paper work to register. If you are not able to come Friday evening please drop by the school sometime between 8:00 AM-4:00 PM that same day.   Dress Uniform: The first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see the school website for details). Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday of the first week. Elementary students will wear their regular uniforms and secondary students will be in Field Day attire (more information coming) on Friday the 26th. Dress uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.   Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 26th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. The Belschners will be teaching a new dance during the practice time, so be sure not to miss it! After the dance practice, the secondary ball will go from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.   Elementary

Preschool: We are getting close to having enough students to offer an afternoon preschool class (MWF 12:30-3:10). If you know of anyone who would benefit from this fun and exciting introduction to Logos, please spread the word. If we have two more students accepted by this Friday we will open the class.

  Secondary Secondary Sports & Activities: Fall sports and activities will start up this week. Be sure to bring the appropriate forms and payment to the first practice. Junior and Senior High Cross-Country will begin this Friday, August 12 from 8:30-9:30 AM at the Moscow JH tennis courts (D Street and Mountain View). High School Volleyball will begin this Friday, August 12 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Logos gym. High School Drama will begin next Monday, August 15 from 1:00-4:00 PM in the gym.   New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 19 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the auditorium. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).   JVBBB Coach: We are currently accepting resumes for a junior varsity boys basketball coach. See me or John Carnahan for details.   Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #5

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #5   General 2016-17 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, secondary fall schedule, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary (or) Secondary Program.   Combined Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and the secondary will take place together the Friday before the first day of school: August 19 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please).   Elementary

Preschool: We are getting close to having enough students to offer an afternoon preschool class (MWF 12:30-3:10). If you know of anyone who would benefit from this fun and exciting introduction to Logos, please spread the word.

3 Ringed Plain Black Binder (non-clear view): We ask our 2nd-6th graders to bring these binders for music (see the Elementary Materials List). Apparently it has been difficult to find the ½ inch size. Please feel free to purchase either the ½” or the 1” binders. This has been updated on the website.

  Secondary Secondary Sports & Activities: Fall sports and activities will start up next week. Be sure to bring the appropriate forms and payment to the first practice. Junior and Senior High Cross-Country will begin next Friday, August 12 from 8:30-9:30 AM at the Moscow JH tennis courts (D Street and Mountain View). High School Volleyball will begin next Friday, August 12 from 7:00-8:30 PM in the Logos gym. High School Drama will begin Monday, August 15 from 1:00-4:00 PM in the gym.   New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 19 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation (if you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).   JVBBB Coach: We are currently accepting resumes for a junior varsity boys basketball coach. See me or John Carnahan for details.   Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.   Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be finalizing their proposals. These are due on August 8 to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.     Cheers,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #1

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2016 – Summer #1   General Summer Camps: The 2016 Summer Camp brochures are available on the school website. Details for each camp are available if you click on the event in the school calendar. -The following classes are full: Basic Drawing and Pastels, Engine Camp, Welding Camp -The following classes are cancelled: Algebra 1, Intermediate English (4-8), Self Dense, Logic & Debate   Teaching Positions: We are currently accepting resumes for the following teaching positions: Elementary Art (4th and 5th grades), Elementary Latin (3rd-6th Grade), English (7th Grade), Algebra I (8th Grade), Algebra II (10th Grade), and Biology (10th Grade).   Secondary JVBBB Coach: We are currently accepting resumes for a junior varsity boys basketball coach for next year. See me or John Carnahan for details.   Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.   Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 8 to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.   Cheers,   Matt Whitling