

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – #6   General Jam the Gym: Tonight is Jam the Gym at 6:00 PM!  Come watch some great girls’ volleyball as your 1st place Logos Knights take on the 2nd place Kendrick Tigers. This is a varsity only game that will end around 7:30. Bring the whole family and take advantage of the special meal deal - Polish dog or hotdog, chips and soda for only $3.   Two Weeks Left: There are only two weeks left in the first quarter. This is a good time to check grades on Renweb (grades 2-12) and make sure that your student is ready to finish the quarter strong!   Parent/Teacher Conferences: Families with three or more students in the elementary should have received an email last week with details on how to sign up. If you fit this category, and didn’t receive an email, please contact the front office. All other families will receive an opportunity to sign up this Friday.   Individual Picture Retakes: Retakes have been rescheduled for Tuesday, October 3. If you missed the first picture day or would like retakes, please send the packet with your child. Students are allowed to change into different clothes for the retakes, but will need to change back into their school uniform afterward.   Elementary 4th Grade Play: This Friday morning Mr. Whitling and Mrs. Bradley’s 4th graders will be performing a play. The show will open in the gym at 8:35 with a short recitation by Mr. Kohl’s 5th graders. All are welcome!   Speech Meet: Selections need to be memorized by October 6.   Secondary Sports Pictures: HS and JH XC and Volleyball pictures are this afternoon. JH will start during PE with HS following. Athletes will need their uniforms and athletic shoes.   Study Tip for the Week Flashcards are a super way to commit material to memory. Whether it is multiplication facts in the elementary or the periodic table for a secondary science class, using flashcards can be a huge help, if they are used wisely. Here are a few tips:
  1. Have the student make the flashcards himself. This is a valuable part of studying. Write the question on one side (5 + 6) and the answer on the back (=11). Make sure that the material is written correctly (spelling and neatness) so that the student is not studying incorrect or confusing material. Also, make sure that the answer is written lightly enough so that you cannot see it through the card.
  2. Have the student go through the stack of cards. Every card that he gets right should go on the ‘right’ stack and the ones he gets wrong go on the ‘wrong’ stack. Study the ‘wrong’ stack a few times and then go through it again dividing it into two stacks. This will allow him to focus on the information that needs the most attention. Eventually, remix the cards and test on all of them, repeating the process until he has it down.
  3. Break study time into small bites. It’s usually best to focus on two or three intense fifteen-minute sessions rather than a solid hour with the attendant distractions and bathroom breaks.
    All the best,   Matt Whitling


General Sub List: Parents do the majority of our substitute teaching throughout the year. Compensation comes in the form of decreased tuition for the following school year. If you are interested in being on our sub list, please come by the front office and fill out a short application. Individual Picture Retakes: Retakes are Tuesday, September 26. If you missed the first picture day or would like retakes, please send the packet with your child. Students are allowed to change into different clothes for the retakes, but will need to change back into their school uniform afterward. Drop Off and Pick Up Times: Please drop your child off between 8:00-8:25 AM and pick them up between 3:10-3:30 PM (unless they are participating in an extracurricular activity) as there is not supervision beyond those times. Thank you! Elementary Preschool-1st Grade Midterms: Midterms will be coming home this Wednesday. Please sign the bottom of the form and return it by next Wednesday, September 27. 2nd-6th Grade Midterms: A midterm form will be coming home on Wednesday. Please log on to Renweb and help your child complete it. Our goal is to encourage families to check out Renweb and to help students use the midterm to plan for improvement in any areas that may need work. Please return these forms by Wednesday, September 27. Speech Meet: Selections need to be memorized by October 6. Secondary Speech Meet: Secondary (7th-9th) Speech Meet selections are due October 2. Study Tip for the Week One helpful way to teach your kids not to procrastinate is to ingrain in them the need to study at least Two Days Out. Two Days Out means studying for Friday’s test on Wednesday and Thursday instead of simply the night before. Studying for predictable subjects like spelling and Latin should be spread over the course of the entire week, but for other quizzes and small tests, especially in the secondary, Two Days Out helps form a pattern of planned investment rather than last minute gambling. All the best, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – #4 General Air Quality: Over the last few years we have needed to deal with smoky conditions due to fires in the northwest. We will limit or modify outdoor activities when the index is 151 or higher (recess, athletic practices, etc.). Elementary 6th Grade Play: This Friday morning Mrs. Kappmeyer and Mrs. Anderson’s 6th graders will be performing a play. The show will open in the gym at 8:35 with a short recitation by Mrs. Loyd’s 3rd graders. All are welcome! Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 13 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. The music came out last week. Speech Meet: Selections are due September 18. Secondary Secondary Ties: We are having trouble with the Land’s End link for ties. They are children’s size. Please stand by as we pursue other options. If you don’t have a secondary tie for Fridays, just have your son wear a conservative tie until we get this figured out. Absences/Tardies for secondary students: If your child will be absent or tardy from school for any reason (illness, planned, funeral, Dr. appointment., etc.) please notify the front office along with having the student contact each teacher to get assignments. Secondary Assembly: Our first secondary assembly will take place this Tuesday morning from 8:25-9:15 in the gym. All 7th-12th grade students will be there and parents are welcome to come join us! Speech Meet: Secondary (7th-9th) Speech Meet selections are due October 2. Information will come home this week. Study Tip for the Week Busy dads need to have a system for staying in touch with how their kids are doing in school. Don’t wait for the midterm progress report to come home and get your attention. Require your child to drop off all graded and returned schoolwork at your spot at the dinner table right when he gets home (or some other convenient spot). Before dinner you can look through the stack to check progress. This will also give you the information required to ask intelligent questions during dinner about the topics that are being covered in school. Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e. uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy). Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): Follow your doctor’s advice for returning to school. Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and / or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours. Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees. The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin). All the best, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – #3 General Enrollment for 2018-19: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2018-2019 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/admissions/application/ Preschool classes are filling up-now is the time to apply. Elementary Girls Crossover Ties: We have a new shipment of elementary crossover ties in the front office for $6 each. Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 13 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. The music came out last week. Speech Meet: Selections are due September 18. Secondary Extracurricular Calendars: For those of you who would like to have Logos extracurricular calendars on your phone, tablet, or computer, please use the following links (Some phones will automatically ask if you would like to add the calendar when you click on the link. Here are instructions for manually copying the links to your device.): HS Drama Practice: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_838g6c302ic0h2unlceuobhq9c%40group.calendar.google.com/private-e6a5f8224a9889b9285fc7c27f6533f9/basic.ics HS Volleyball Practice: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_5u4l7daes9tr5cupeij6g5t8dk%40group.calendar.google.com/private-8f59dd5d5222e487dec5b1c5b589c05e/basic.ics HS Cross-Country Practice: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_i2cpfekq2nh6hotrhq4c7h37qc%40group.calendar.google.com/private-be856e91eaa4c453e61820cf0048f6b9/basic.ics JH Volleyball Practice: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_04fc4ca92fbuh0bhhdhcd0vq80%40group.calendar.google.com/private-eaa414e317b8245cbbb64154d4533c1e/basic.ics JH Cross-Country Practice: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/logosschool.com_03mh54jp7ou9ch8g9lsd8rq878%40group.calendar.google.com/private-06e3a948125db69ec6a8f7881643dbde/basic.ics Logos Events (games, productions, etc.): https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/twhitling%40gmail.com/private-55e49937b168c2a43be7b8b69ad98d0d/basic.ics Honors Classes: The following honors classes will be offered for the first semester: 9th Grade European History and Church History, 11th Grade Pre-Calculus, and 12th Grade British Literature and Calculus. Invitations will be coming home to all students who earned a 94% or higher in these subject areas in the 4th quarter of last year. Further details about our honors classes are included on the invitation. Grievance / Improvement Policy Logos is committed to making small improvements each year so that our school becomes better over time. If you have a suggestion that you think would help improve the school, or if you have a concern (or grievance) with someone involved with the school, please follow the Grievance / Improvement Policy listed in the Parent/Student Handbook. Here are a few basics to keep in mind: 1. Always assume the best (the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbor) 2. Go directly to the person responsible and graciously ask for their perspective. Explain your concern or idea. Do not pass your concern along to others as this can hurt the school, spread gossip, and possibly make the problem worse. 3. If you still have a concern, go to the next level of authority. We want to hear from you and we want to use your perspective to help improve the school. All the best, Matt Whitling


LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – #2 General Enrollment for 2018-19: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2018-2019 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/admissions/application/ Preschool classes are filling up-now is the time to apply. Fight’n Knight Day: Our high school girls will have a home volleyball game against Potlatch this Thursday. Elementary and secondary students are allowed to wear their Logos Game Day Shirts (this year’s or a previous year’s) and nice blue jeans (no rips, stains, etc…) or the regular school uniform to school that day. If you would like to purchase a t-shirt for yourself, an elementary student, or a younger sibling, please see Mr. Jed Whitling at the AD office this Wednesday or Thursday before school. Individual Pictures: Individual pictures will be taken this Friday morning. Families may choose between having their child wear his or her dress uniform or dressing up in a special outfit of your choice. Modesty standards still apply. This is not a day to dress down. Elementary Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 13 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. The music came out last week. Speech Meet: Speech Meet information packets will be coming home with your students this Friday. All students in 1st-6th grade participate. Selections are due September 18. Secondary Honors Classes: The following honors classes will be offered for the first semester: 9th Grade European History and Church History, 11th Grade Pre-Calculus, and 12th Grade British Literature and Calculus. Invitations will be coming home to all students who earned a 94% or higher in these subject areas in the 4th quarter of last year. Further details about our honors classes are included on the invitation. Book Covers: All secondary hardback books need to be covered tomorrow. Please encourage your child to cover these and bring them to class to show their teachers-Thanks! Grievance / Improvement Policy Logos is committed to making small improvements each year so that our school becomes better over time. If you have a suggestion that you think would help improve the school, or if you have a concern (or grievance) with someone involved with the school, please follow the Grievance / Improvement Policy listed in the Parent/Student Handbook. Here are a few basics to keep in mind: 1. Always assume the best (the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love your neighbor) 2. Go directly to the person responsible and graciously ask for their perspective. Explain your concern or idea. Do not pass your concern along to others as this can hurt the school, spread gossip, and possibly make the problem worse. 3. If you still have a concern, go to the next level of authority. We want to hear from you and we want to use your perspective to help improve the school. All the best, Matt Whitling


    General Enrollment for 2018-19: We are currently accepting applications for new students to Logos for the 2018-2019 school year (current students will re-register in the spring). If you would like to add your child to the new student enrollment pool, applications can be found at https://logosschool.com/admissions/application/ Preschool classes tend to fill up quickly-now is the time to apply.   Logos Ties: We have a few elementary ties left, but when those are gone, all dress uniform ties will be provided by Lands’ End. Details can be found here.   Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 25th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. The Belschners will be teaching a new dance during the practice time, so be sure not to miss it! After the dance practice, the secondary ball will go from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.   Elementary Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts: 4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies. Tryouts will take place Wednesday, September 13 @ 12:00 in the lunchroom. Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. I will distribute music this week.   Secondary Junior High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing junior volleyball (7th and 8th grades) the first practice will take place Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 PM. Junior high practice will usually be at 5:30 PM 3-4 days a week. Days will vary. There are so many 7th and 8th grade girls coming out for volleyball, 6th graders will not be able to play this year. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jim Becker: jbecker@logosschool.com   Field Day: Field Day is this Friday, August 25. This event is a fun way to kick off the year and welcome the new students to the secondary. Students are welcome to meet at school by 8:30am to catch a ride on one of the buses, or they can meet up with us at Mountain View Park by 9:00am. We will sing and pray, and then divide the students into teams for volleyball, ultimate frisbee, kickball, and soccer. After lunch, there will be tug of war, and the traditional seniors vs staff volleyball game. We will be back to school by 3:20pm. Mrs. Whitling has emailed out details regarding attire and what items to bring to the potluck lunch.     All the best,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #7

General Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary is this Friday, August 18 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please).   Eclipse: Due to the fact that some amazing teachers have purchased eclipse glasses for their classes and the NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium has donated even more, all 2nd-12th graders will have glasses available on the first day of school! The 2nd through 12th graders will have time to go up and view the eclipse between 10:25-10:30 AM. Preschool through 1st grade students will need a parent to come if you would like for them to view the eclipse at the same time in the morning. Here is a link to the NASA Eclipse website so that you can prepare your family for the event.   Dress Uniform: The first day of school will be a dress uniform day (see the school website for details). Students will not need to wear their dress uniforms on Friday of the first week. Elementary students will wear their regular M-Th uniforms and secondary students will be in Field Day attire (more information coming) on Friday the 25th. Dress uniform days will occur only once a week due to laundering considerations.   Logos Ties: We have a few elementary ties left, but when those are gone, all dress uniform ties will be provided by Lands’ End. Details can be found here.   Welcome Back Ball: The Student Council will be hosting the Welcome Back Ball on Friday, August 25th.  The elementary dance will run from 6:00-7:30, with a secondary dance practice following from 7:30-8:00. The Belschners will be teaching a new dance during the practice time, so be sure not to miss it! After the dance practice, the secondary ball will go from 8:00-10:00.  The cost will be $5 per student, no more than $15 per family. Parents are encouraged to attend and their admission is free. Please come, we would love to have you! Attire for balls - Men: dress shirts, ties & slacks; Ladies: knee length dresses/skirts, modest necklines, no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps; Shoes: Clean athletic shoes on the floor only. No dress shoes or high heels.   Elementary Elementary Welcome Assembly: First day of school, August 21, from 9:00-9:30 AM in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend.   Secondary New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 18 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. School uniforms are not required. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).   Secondary Welcome Assembly: August 22 from 8:25-9:15 AM in the gym. Parents are welcome to attend. Since this will be Tuesday morning during our normal elective time, the first day of secondary electives will be Thursday.   Junior High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing junior volleyball (7th and 8th grades) the first practice will take place Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 PM. Junior high practice will usually be at 5:30 PM 3-4 days a week. Days will vary. We won’t know the JH game schedule until the end of the 2nd week of school. There are so many 7th and 8th grade girls coming out for volleyball, 6th graders will not be able to play this year. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jim Becker: jbecker@logosschool.com     All the best,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #6

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #6   General 2017-18 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, secondary fall schedule, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary (or) Secondary Program.   Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place next Friday, August 18 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please).   Uniforms 2017-18: Next year’s uniform requirements will be almost identical to this year’s. The exception will be in the area of secondary shoes. Canvas shoes will no longer be part of the 7th-12th grade uniform for young men or women. We are simply trying to provide some clarity on what Logos means by “dress” shoes.   Eclipse: As many of you know, there will be a solar eclipse on the first day of school (Aug. 21). You are welcome to send special eclipse glasses with your child so that they can view it from the playground. Please provide simple training at home. The 2nd through 12th graders, who have special glasses, will have time to go up and view the eclipse. Preschool through 1st grade students will need a parent to come if you would like for them to view the eclipse.   Elementary 6th Grade Sports: When space is available, we allow 6th graders to play on our junior high sports teams. If you have a 6th grader who may be interested in competing, please keep an eye on the secondary athletics announcements below.   Secondary New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 18 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com).   Junior High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing junior volleyball (7th and 8th grades) the first practice will take place Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 PM. Junior high practice will usually be at 5:30 PM 3-4 days a week. Days will vary. We won’t know the JH game schedule until the end of the 2nd week of school. There are so many 7th and 8th grade girls coming out for volleyball, 6th graders will not be able to play this year. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jim Becker: jbecker@logosschool.com   High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing volleyball (JV and Varsity), the first practice will take place August 11 at 8 AM. The following Monday we will start at the normal practice time of 5:45 AM. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jessica Evans: jessicaevansmoscow@gmail.com.   Junior High and High School Cross-Country: If your son or daughter is interested in running cross-country this year, the first practice will take place August 11 at 8:30 AM at the Moscow JH tennis courts. Practices will be at 8:30 AM until school starts, then at 6:30 AM from that point forward. We have room for 6th graders! If you are interested in participating this fall, please contact the appropriate coach: Junior High (6th-8th grades) – Sophie Whitling: sophie.ilene.whitling@gmail.com, High School (9th-12th grades) – Paula Casebolt: paulacasebolt@yahoo.com   Athletics Details: To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities students must have earned at least a 2.5 GPA during the 4th quarter of last school year. High school athletes must bring all required forms to the first practice. Your child will not be able to participate until all forms are in. You can find required form information at www. logosschool.com (Athletics/Athletics Forms). 6th – 8th grade athletes do not need to complete any paper work.   Fees are $90 for high school volleyball or cross-country and $60 for JH volleyball or cross-country. To make special arrangements for fee payment, contact our Activities Director (Jed Whitling ad@logosschool.com).   We would like parents to come to an informational meeting at the beginning of the first day of practice. This is the time that the coach will relay team expectations to you and your athlete. It’s also a great time to get questions answered!   If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.   Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 7 to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.   All the best,   Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #5

General 2017-18 Information: Please check the school website for updated school supply lists, uniform guidelines, secondary fall schedule, etc. The school supply lists can be found under Academics/Elementary (or) Secondary Program. Back to School Night: Back to School Night for the elementary and secondary will take place the Friday before the first day of school: August 18 at 7:00 in the gym. This is an opportunity for parents to hear from the administration and teachers so that we all get off to a strong start (parents only please). Uniforms 2017-18: Next year’s uniform requirements will be almost identical to this year’s. The exception will be in the area of secondary shoes. Canvas shoes will no longer be part of the 7th-12th grade uniform for young men or women. We are simply trying to provide some clarity on what Logos means by “dress” shoes. Elementary 6th Grade Sports: When space is available, we allow 6th graders to play on our junior high sports teams. If you have a 6th grader who may be interested in competing, please keep an eye on the secondary athletics announcements below. Secondary Latin Refresher: Mrs. Larsen is offering a Latin Refresher class for incoming 8th-10th graders August 7-11. Please see the Summer Camps brochure for details. New Secondary Student Orientation: All 7th graders and other new secondary students and their parents are welcome to come Friday, August 18 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM in the lunchroom. This is a time to learn about life at Logos and get set for the new school year. Please visit RenWeb, print out your schedule, and bring it to orientation. If you have questions about RenWeb please contact Mr. Euhus (loreneuhus@logosschool.com). Junior High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing junior volleyball (7th and 8th grades) the first practice will take place Wednesday, August 23 at 5:30 PM. Junior high practice will usually be at 5:30 PM 3-4 days a week. Days will vary. We won’t know the JH game schedule until the end of the 2nd week of school. There are so many 7th and 8th grade girls coming out for volleyball, 6th graders will not be able to play this year. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jim Becker: jbecker@logosschool.com High School Volleyball: If your daughter is interested in playing volleyball (JV and Varsity), the first practice will take place August 11 at 8 AM. The following Monday we will start at the normal practice time of 5:45 AM. If you have questions about the season, please contact Coach Jessica Evans: jessicaevansmoscow@gmail.com. Junior High and High School Cross-Country: If your son or daughter is interested in running cross-country this year, the first practice will take place August 11 at 8:30 AM at the Moscow JH tennis courts. Practices will be at 8:30 AM until school starts, then at 6:30 AM from that point forward. We have room for 6th graders! If you are interested in participating this fall, please contact the appropriate coach: Junior High (6th-8th grades) – Sophie Whitling: sophie.ilene.whitling@gmail.com, High School (9th-12th grades) – Paula Casebolt: paulacasebolt@yahoo.com Athletics Details: To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities students must have earned at least a 2.5 GPA during the 4th quarter of last school year. High school athletes must bring all required forms to the first practice. Your child will not be able to participate until all forms are in. You can find required form information at www. logosschool.com (Athletics/Athletics Forms). 6th – 8th grade athletes do not need to complete any paper work. Fees are $90 for high school volleyball or cross-country and $60 for JH volleyball or cross-country. To make special arrangements for fee payment, contact our Activities Director (Jed Whitling ad@logosschool.com). We would like parents to come to an informational meeting at the beginning of the first day of practice. This is the time that the coach will relay team expectations to you and your athlete. It’s also a great time to get questions answered! If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor. Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 7 to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details. Internship Opportunity: Mr. Jed Whitling is interested in having an athletics intern for the first semester of the year. If there is a senior who is interested, please contact him for details (ad@logosschool.com). All the best, Matt Whitling

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #1

LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2017 – Summer #1   General Logos Summer Camps: Enrollment is open and the brochure can be found here. Some camps are filling up, be sure to register soon. Camp update: -Engine Camp has 1 seat available -Hike on the Wild Side Camp is full -Drawing and Pastels Camp is full -The Girls Basketball Camp (ages 5-7) will be cancelled unless we have a few more students sign up this week.   Elementary 4th Grade: We are very pleased to announce that Miss Heather Wilson (AM) and Mrs. Bethany Calene (PM) have been hired to teach 4th grade next year. Miss Wilson (‘12) has been teaching 3rd and 4th grade Latin at Logos this past year. She will also be assisting Mrs. Spencer in teaching junior high girls PE. Mrs. Calene (‘98) has been a classroom aid at Franklin Elementary (4th and 5th grade) for the past year, taught math and Bible in Paraguay a number of years ago, and has a BS in Applied Music from the University of Idaho. Please congratulate and welcome these Logos alums when you see them!   Secondary Final Exams: All secondary final exams and projects that will be handed back are available in room 1 from this Wednesday through next Monday.   Uniforms 2017-18: Next year’s uniform requirements will be almost identical to this year’s. The exception will be in the area of secondary shoes. Canvas shoes will no longer be part of the uniform for young men or women. We are simply trying to provide some clarity on what Logos means by “dress” shoes.   Sports Physicals: If you have a 9th or 11th Grade student who is planning to participate in sports this coming year, he/she will need to have a physical before the season begins (especially time sensitive for volleyball and cross country). See the school webpage for the correct form to bring to your doctor.   Senior Course Options: 12th Graders who will be participating in senior course options (college/online courses and internships) should be thinking about their proposals for next year. These are due on August 7 to Mr. Whitling via email, or earlier if possible. See the school webpage for details.   Have a wonderful summer!   Matt Whitling