LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2023/24 – Update #2 (Aug 30, 2023)

————-  GENERAL  ————-

Logos West Picture Day:  Logos West Picture Day will be this Friday, September 1st.  Students may wear their dress (MWF) uniforms or an outfit of their choosing that is clean, professional, and modest.

Guidelines For Keeping Sick Children Home (from Parent Handbook)

  • Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e., uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy). 

  • Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and/or vomiting should stay home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours. 

  • Fever: The child should remain home with a fever over 100 degrees. The child can return to school after he has been fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin). 

Family Friday release times (the first one is Sept 15). We aim to create an opportunity for dads and moms to take their kids to lunch and spend time with them in the afternoon. Here is a short description of what we are trying to create. All parents are welcome to attend the secondary worldview assembly in the gym at 11:45, but we are especially encouraging dads to come. The topic is, What is the Gospel?

-Logos East dismissal at 11:40.  Friday afternoon, the PK section will not meet.    

-Logos South dismissal: 1st at 11:50, 2nd at 12:00

-Logos West elementary dismissal at 12:15

-Secondary dismissal at 12:30, after the assembly.  

Labor Day: Monday, September 4, is Labor Day.  No school! Enjoy time with your family!

Study Tip for the Week:  Busy parents need to have a system for staying in touch with how their kids are doing in school.  For example, don’t wait for the elementary midterm progress report to come home and get your attention.  Require your child to drop off all graded and returned schoolwork at your spot at the dinner table right when he gets home (or some other convenient spot).  Before dinner, you can look through the pile to check progress.  This will also give you the information required to ask intelligent questions during dinner about the topics that are being covered in school. 

School Quarter Zips!: These are now available through this link. Elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear these in class. Please note that girls wear gray and boys wear navy. 

————-  ELEMENTARY  ————-

Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts:  4th – 6th-grade students are welcome to try out to accompany singing at elementary assemblies.  Tryouts will take place on Wednesday, September 6, after each lunch in Mr. Berry’s office.  The music came home last week.  Student accompanists receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. 

Logos South Picture Day is Thursday:  Students may wear either their Friday Dress uniform or nice church clothes. 

————-  SECONDARY ————-

Honors Classes:  For students interested in taking honors classes, information letters are being sent home by teachers who are offering those classes.  Students who are interested, need to return their commitment letters to their teachers by Friday, September 1.  

Fightn’ Knights Day Uniform:  To clarify, students are to wear their normal dark wash blue jeans as part of the FKD uniform.  The FKD uniform video has been updated here. (1 minute, 20 sec) 

Study Tip for the Week: Be sure to read the weekly test schedule (sent Fridays) to stay abreast of the tests and quizzes that your child should be studying for during the coming week.  The test schedule can create good conversation around the dinner table which will also assist your secondary student in recalling the information they will need for their test or quiz.


Sept 4        Labor Day, no school

Sept 7        Elementary Speech Meet Selections Due

Sept 15        Family Friday



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School