LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2023/24 – Update #10 (Oct 25, 2023) 

————-  GENERAL  ————-

Fight’n Knight Day: This Friday, October 27th, will be a Fight’n Knight Day in support of our Cross Country teams competing at the state meet in Pocatello. 

Report Cards.  It’s the end of the first quarter; report cards will come out Wednesday for the elementary and Thursday for the secondary.  Elementary parents: please sign the envelope and have your student return it to their teacher.

Family Friday: Next Friday, Nov 3rd. Half day of school; see more info on Family Friday linked in the Parent Handbook

————  ELEMENTARY  ———–

Homework-O-Meter:  These will come home with your student on Friday, October 27.  The Homework-O-Meter helps us assess how much work students do at home. Thank you in advance for helping with this survey.  Your student will be returning this to school on Friday, November 3rd.

Winter Clothes: Be sure to send your children to school with warm clothes.  We will have recess outside unless it is raining hard or below 20 degrees.  Now would be an excellent time to ensure that winter clothing is labeled – just in case! 

Elementary Honor Roll:  This is a special recognition for outstanding academic achievement. Honor roll is achieved based on a student’s grades in the academic courses in a given quarter.  An A honor roll award is for students who earn all A’s in the quarter.  A/B honor roll is for students who earn no more than 2 B’s (and all the rest A’s) in the other subjects in the quarter. 

Elementary Romance Talk:  We speak to the 2nd – 6th grade students about elementary romance each year. We are glad to say that this has not been an issue that Logos elementary students have struggled with in recent memory, nor do we have grave concerns this year.  Our primary goal is to maintain a positive school culture in which students do not feel pressure to “grow up” too fast in this area.  Over the next couple of weeks, Mr. Becker and Mr. Brockwalder will visit classes for this year’s installment, and we thought it would be good for you all to know what we are saying to the students and our expectations in this area.  First, the school policy for the elementary and secondary reads, “Public displays of romantic affection are not permitted at school or school activities.”  Our interpretation of a public display of romantic affection is very narrow.  Any singling out of a person of the opposite sex and anything you could do to earn yourself the title of “an item” falls into this category.  Discussions with the 2nd – 6th graders usually begin with Mr. Becker/Mr. Brockwalder asking how old the students are, and then following up by asking how old they think they will be when they get married.  Then, we move on to the application.  The short form is that these students are many years away from getting married, and any preliminary negotiations are inappropriate in the elementary.  We are strongly against silly talk about who likes whom and are thoroughly opposed to premature pairing up (in elementary and secondary).  There is far too much fun and hard work for us to keep ourselves occupied with to give attention to cheap soap operas.  Please don’t hesitate to let Mr. Becker or Mr. Brockwalder know if you have any questions or concerns. 


————-  SECONDARY ————

Spring Electives: Parents interested in teaching an elective course for JH or HS students, please contact Mr. Wiggins with your idea.  wwiggins@logosschool.com  

World View Assembly: The next worldview assembly will be on Friday, November 3, 11:45-12:30 p.m.   The topic will be “Social Media and the Internet,” presented by Loren Euhus.  All parents are welcome.  Please mark your calendars for this powerful presentation on social media’s physiological and psychological effects on young people.  The end of the assembly at 12:30 is the end of the secondary school day. Parents are encouraged to take their kids out to lunch and discuss this topic.

Rhetoric Speech Meet:  All rhetoric students (10-12th grade) will participate in Speech Meet this month. The schedule is as follows:

  • This week – Students present pieces for a test grade
  • October 31 – Speech Meet during first and second periods (8:25-10:15 am)
  • November 2 – Speech Meet Assembly during 5th period (12:40-1:30 pm) in the Logos Field House

————- ACTIVITIES  ————

Drama Positions available: 

  • JH Drama Director. If you are interested in directing our JH Drama production this year, please contact Mr. Lopez for more information at plopez@logosschool.com.  
  • Drama Coordinator. Logos is looking for someone to help coordinate the Drama Department. If you would be interested in helping to identify potential scripts and personnel to direct our drama productions, please contact Mr. Lopez at plopez@logosschool.com.

HS Girls Basketball begins practice on Monday, October 30th, at 7:30 pm. 

Varsity Football will host a state quarterfinal game on either November 3rd or 4th.  Check the Logos Football Page beginning October 29th for details about the game time, date, and location. 


Oct 25-27  Elementary Parent-Teacher Conferences

Nov 3 Family Friday, half day of school

Nov 3, 11:45 am Worldview Assembly

Nov 20-24 Thanksgiving Vacation, no school

Dec 1st Family Friday, half day of school




Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School