
Snow Boots: Elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear snow boots during the snow season.

Review of Logos School’s production of OKLAHOMA!: After giving a spontaneous and sustained standing ovation, all I could say was “What a great show!” Last night my family and I had the pleasure of watching the Logos School production of “Oklahoma!” They have really gone the extra mile to make this a fantastic production that everyone can enjoy. Under the very capable directing of Tom Garfield, Kate Henreckson and Katie Grauke, the actors sing and dance, dream and fight, weep, woo and wed in a sweeping performance across the stage that will be sure to keep you humming the tunes for days afterward. Watch Curly romance Laurie, Will romance Ado Annie, and Ali Hakim romance everybody (and don’t worry, this is Logos: all “kissing” is discreetly hidden or interrupted). See the boisterous Aunt Eller, the frightening Jud Fry, and all the other iconic characters come to life on the Knights’ Court stage. Every song and every scene is worth the price of admission. Oklahoma is a masterpiece that you really shouldn’t miss. – Jim Nance

The show opens tonight at 7:30 in the Knights’ Court and runs each night through Saturday, Nov 15. Tickets are available ahead of time from the school office (882-1226) or at the door.


Winter Clothes: Be sure to send your children to school with warm clothes.  We will have recess outside unless it is raining hard or below 20 degrees.  This may be a good time to make sure that winter clothing is labeled – just in case!


Extracurricular Activities and Schoolwork: There are lots of great activities going on in the secondary (girls volleyball tournament, Oklahoma production, junior high boys basketball games, high school boys basketball tryouts, etc.).  At Logos, school comes first.  This means that students who participate in extracurricular activities will be held to the same standard as everyone else.  Students should look ahead, plan ahead, and redeem the time during busy seasons like this.

Saturday Workout: There will be an opportunity for Logos secondary students to work out and be tested this Saturday in the gym.  We will begin at 10:00 with pull-ups and push-ups.  Afterward we will head to the U of I track to run a timed mile.  This may be especially beneficial for high school boys wanting to play basketball this season.  Tryouts begin Monday, November 17 @ 3:30 PM.

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/

All the best,

Matt Whitling