
New Room Heaters: With the help of Jody Jacobs and Bob Smathers our rooms on the north side of campus have new heaters!  Now that these rooms are warmer students will no longer need or be allowed to wear jackets or sweatshirts in class.  If your child tends to run cold, he is welcome to wear a uniform sweater.

Interschool Speech Meet: The Interschool Speech Meet will take place November 7.  The secondary students who qualify will travel to compete at the Oaks in Spokane. In the elementary, the top two superior scores in each category will advance to the Interschool Speech Meet.  We are hosting the meet this year, and we are looking forward to having two sister schools to compete with: The Oaks (Spokane, WA), and Lakes Bible Academy (Hauser, ID).


Homework-o-Meter: Elementary Homework-o-Meters will come home this Friday with your children.  Please fill these out over the course of the next week and return them to the classroom teachers on November 10.  This helps us gauge the amount of homework our elementary students are doing each night.


Secondary Speech Meet 7th-9th: This Friday, October 31 is the speech meet.  Students should come in their dress uniforms for this event.  There will be an awards assembly in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:25 in the auditorium.  All are welcome to attend.

Winter Activities: Winter is an exciting time in the secondary with basketball, knowledge bowl, and mock trial all starting up.  Mr. Carnahan is working hard to schedule these three activities so that there are very few or no conflicts between them.  If your child wants to participate in more than one of these events, it is important that he prioritize his level of commitment to each activity, and that he communicate this prioritization to his coaches at the beginning of the season.

Guidelines for Keeping Sick Children Home

Colds: Please keep your child at home if he has a fever over 100 degrees or is experiencing discomfort that would interfere with his ability to perform in school (i.e. uncontrollable coughing, severe lack of energy).

Conjunctivitis (pink-eye): Follow your doctor’s advice for returning to school.

Diarrhea/Vomiting: A child with diarrhea and / or vomiting should stay at home and return to school only after being symptom-free for 24 hours.

Fever: The child should remain at home with a fever greater than 100 degrees.  The child can return to school after he has been fever free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medicine such as Tylenol or Motrin).

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/

All the best,

Matt Whitling