JH Drama Production: Oliver Twist will be showing this Friday at 7:00 PM and Saturday at 2:00 and 7:00 PM. All are welcome to attend.
2011-12 Afternoon Kindergarten Teacher: I am very pleased to announce that the board has hired a second kindergarten teacher for our afternoon class. Anita Merkle comes to Logos with 34 years of kindergarten teaching experience. She is moving this summer from Boise where she currently teaches at Ambrose School, one of our classical Christian sister schools. She is a superb teacher who comes highly recommended. The plan is to have the afternoon class meet from 12:30-3:10 PM each day, but there is a possibility that it could meet in the morning if we are able to acquire enough portable classroom space over the summer. We’ll keep you posted!
Morning and Afternoon Kindergarten Rosters: Now that we have an afternoon teacher, families who are registered for the morning class have the opportunity to switch to a smaller class with more individualized attention in the afternoon. If we do have a few families who are willing to do this, it will also create a great situation by decreasing the student to teacher ratio in the morning class. Please let me know if you would like to make this change. Here are the current rosters:
Morning: Beauchamp, Casebolt, Cothren, Crapuchettes, Daniels, Driskill, Grauke, Grieser, Griffith, Hicks, Igielski McMurray, Miller, Mortimore, Nason, Rathbun, Rench, Rheingans, Story, Vivar
Afternoon: Becker, Breese, Carnahan, Hewitt, Jankovic, Rastogi, Soderberg
2011-12 Lower Elementary Enrollment: Due to the number of applications that we have for 1st -3rd grade, we are currently making plans to open additional classes. Stay tuned for more details.
Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 24 & 25: We are looking forward to meeting with you after spring break.
Mock Trial: Both of our teams are heading to the state championships today!
Knowledge Bowl: Congratulations to the Knowledge Bowl team. They came in 4th place in the State Knowledge Bowl championships. Well done!
Matt Whitling