We affirm that God created us male and female from the beginning. We further affirm that the inherent differences between men and women touch every aspect of our lives. Therefore, we desire to cultivate biblical masculinity through our boys’ athletic program. We aim for our young men to behave in such a way as to proclaim their masculinity to a fallen world – that is, to learn and practice godly leadership and reject all forms of male abdication. We aim for the boys to put others before themselves and not seek after personal gain or glory; balancing the behavior of a gentleman with the art of intense competition. We desire our young men to act humbly on the court, on the field, and on the track. We aim for them to consciously prepare themselves, through athletic rigor, for becoming men of God in their future vocations. We desire the young men to model godly masculinity to the younger boys and to be living temples of Christ at home and away. Finally, we desire our young men to glorify God through their abilities and attitudes, and to further glorify Him through their relationships with other teammates, coaches, and spectators.
With the opening game of the high school boys’ basketball season just one day out, I thought it appropriate to communicate the heart of what we are seeking to accomplish in our athletics program, especially as it relates to young men. When athletes don a jersey and step on to the court they are very much “on stage”- representatives and ambassadors of Christ, their families, and their school. We are delighted with the caliber of young men that will be representing our school this year, and we look forward to seeing them excel as they seek to follow after Christ on the court.
“In doing your work in the great world, it is a safe plan to follow a rule I once heard on the football field: Don’t flinch, don’t fall; hit the line hard.” –Theodore Roosevelt