Worldview Assemblies

2024-2025 School Year

Stories From A Modern Day Evangelist: Pastor Kirk Brower
1. Why is the Gospel such good news?
2. What does the fruit of the Gospel look like in your life?
3. What connection does our understanding of the Gospel have with 1 Peter 3:15-16?

Living in Community and Keeping Short Accounts: Pastor Toby Sumpter
1. What does “keeping short accounts” mean?
2. How do you actually keep short accounts according to 1 John 1:3-9?
3. Can you remember one of Pastor Sumpter’s stories about keeping short accounts?
4. Do you have a story from your own life about keeping short accounts?

The Naive, The Scoffer, The Wise: Pastor Ben Zornes
1. What does it mean to be void of understanding?
2. In what ways is it dangerous to become a scoffer of the truth?
3. What did Jesus say distinguished the wise man from the foolish man in His parable?
4. What are some of the attributes that describe the wise man and set him apart from the naive and the scoffer?

Good Resistance – Cultivating Objective Beauty: Pastor Jared Longshore
1. Why is cultivating beauty a timely project for Christians?
2. Why should we beware of beauty?
3. What is the relationship between spiritual and physical beauty?
4. List four of the standards of beauty.

Uncle Screwtape’s Advice For Destroying the Next Generation of Families: Pastor Doug Wilson
1. What eventually happens to any created thing when we idolize it?
2. In what sense are human beings individuals? In what sense not?
3. Under what confusion are people operating when they are pulling away from each other?
4. What is the standard temptation that is disruptive to families?

Building the Next Generation of Families: Pastor Toby Sumpter
1. How does Psalm 127 say that God builds houses and cities?
2. How long is a generation in the Bible? Can you think of famous (or infamous) generations in the Bible?
3. Discuss how recent American generations are characterized (e.g., Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Z). Do you agree or disagree?
4. How does Malachi 4:5-6 help you think about building the next generation of families?

Making Wise Choices: Movies & Music: Nate Wilson
1. Why do people become so defensive about their entertainment choices?
2. Is there anything in your entertainment diet that is stupid or unedifying?
3. Is it ever okay to turn your brain off and consume media like a baby bird?
4. What are some of the effects of an unhealthy entertainment diet?

2023-2024 School Year

What is the Gospel?: Pastor Jared Longshore
Elementary Questions:
1. What does the word “gospel” mean?
2. Who is the “seed of David according to the flesh?”
3. What does it mean “to be ashamed?”
4. Why should we not be ashamed of the gospel?

Secondary Questions:
1. Explain what the word gospel means and who it is about.
2. Identify two Old Testament passages in which God promised the gospel beforehand.
3. What is the significance of Christ being the “seed of David according to the flesh?”
4. Why should we not be ashamed of the gospel?
5. And how have you personally not been ashamed of God’s gospel?

What is Classical Christian Education?: Pastor Kirk Brower
Elementary Questions:
1. What makes an education “Classical”?
2. What makes an education “Christian”?

Secondary Questions:
1. What necessarily makes an education “Classical”?
2. Similarly, what makes an education “Christian”?
3. How is a classical Christian education instrumental in shaping culture?
4. What is one way God has used Logos School in your life or family to help establish you as a disciple of 5. 5. Jesus Christ who will be better equipped to shape culture?

Social Media: Loren Euhus
Elementary Questions:
1. What sorts of activities are good in small amounts, but become a problem in larger amounts? (ideas: video games, TV, sports, dessert,…)
3. Parents: At what age do you think your children should get a smartphone and social media? Why?
4. Students: At what age do you think you should get a smartphone and social media? Why?

Secondary Questions:
1. Why is social media so compelling?
2. What does it mean that “Technology is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master”?
3. Within your family, what are the rules or guidelines for using the internet, smartphones, or social media?
4. Do you need a Sabbath rest from the internet, smartphones, or social media? What would that look like?

Life Between the Sexes: Pastor Toby Sumpter
Questions for elementary families:
1. How should boys show honor to girls?
2. How should boys and girls show honor at home?
3. How should girls show respect to boys?

Questions for secondary families:
1. If you don’t know Christ, what do biblical instructions – like honoring one another as male/female – seem like? See 2 Cor. 2:16.
2. What are the two reasons Paul gives in 1 Cor. 6:19-20 for fleeing sexual immorality?
3. Since Hebrews 13:4 says that the marriage bed is to be honored by all, what are some ways teenagers can honor the marriage bed now? What are some things to “flee” so that you do not dishonor it?

Wokeness: Pastor Doug Wilson
Questions for Secondary Families (could be modified for elementary students):
1. What is the biblical antithesis?
2. What is the woke antithesis?
3. Why is the woke antithesis inherently unstable?
4. Why is compromise between a biblical worldview and a woke worldview an impossibility?
5. What are some basic reasons why Christians don’t speak out?

Cultural Marxism: Dr. Ben Merkle
1. What does it mean for something to be “unfair.”
2. When is it immoral for something to be unequal?
3. When is it alright for something to be unequal?
4. What is the difference between opportunity and result?

Pornography: Pastor Toby Sumpter
1. What is pornography?
2. When did shame for nakedness first enter the world?
3. What does it mean that we are living in the nuclear fallout of the sexual revolution?
4. What is the glory of women and how does sin tend to twist this?
5. What are some of the lies of pornography and sexual sin?

Abortion: Pastor Jared Longshore
1. What is autonomy?
2. How does having a child infringe upon a woman’s so-called “autonomy”?
3. Define God’s self-existence.
4. What did Ruth Bader Ginsburg mean when she said that a woman must have the “ability to stand in relation to man, society, and the state as an independent, self-sustaining, “equal citizen”? Was she right?
5. How might you destroy the lie of human autonomy?
6. How might you destroy the lie that women must stand in relation to men as independent, self-sustaining, equal citizens?

Honoring Parents: Pastor Joshua Appel
Elementary Questions:
1. What does the 5th commandment say? (Hint: Ephesians 6:1-3). What is the promise?
2. Is the 5th commandment addressed to young children only? Why does that matter?
3. How does the way we treat our parents show our relationship with God?
4. How do you can honor your parents now?

Secondary Questions:
1. What is unique about the 5th commandment? (Hint: Ephesians 6:1-3). Why is this important?
2. Is the 5th commandment addressed to young children only? Why does that matter?
3. How is the way we treat our parents a reflection of our relationship with God?
4. What are some practical ways you can honor your parents now?

2022-2023 School Year

What is the Gospel? Pastor Toby Sumpter
Elementary questions:
1. What is the Gospel?
2. How did Jesus defeat Satan on the Cross?
3. How does Jesus defeat Satan in us?

Secondary questions:
1. How is the word or related words for “gospel” used in the Old Testament? What’s the common theme?
2. How did Jesus defeat the serpent-king on the Cross?
3. How does Jesus defeat the serpent-king in us?

Evolution Pastor Kirk Brower

Elementary questions:
1. What is evolution?
2. How does the Bible say that God created the world?
3. How do you know which creation story is true?

Secondary questions:
1. What are the different meanings of the word “evolution”?
2. In what way is evolution often presented (even from a highly scientific perspective) which contradicts a Christian worldview?
3. What is the evolution narrative, and how does this contradict the Genesis narrative?
4. How do we determine whether or not a narrative is true?
5. Explain one way to combat evolutionary theory with Biblical truth.

Life Between the Sexes Pastor Douglas Wilson
Elementary Questions:
1. What does “obedience in the little things” mean?  How does doing that get you ready for obedience later in life?
2. How can friends influence you to be a good friend to others?
3. What kind of friend are you trying to be to others?

Secondary Questions:
1. Is life between the sexes limited to high school? What other aspects of life are involved?
2. What role can cliques and in-groups have on unwise decisions about relationships?
3. In thinking about relationships, what kind of person should you want to become?
4. What should you do if you know what to do? What should you not do? How does this relate to the subject of life between the sexes?

What is Education? Pastor Toby Sumpter

1. How is education a pursuit of wealth?
2. What is a “Christian” education?
3. Why is a Christian education valuable?

Confession of Sin Pastor Kirk Brower
Confession of Sin Q & A

1. What does it mean to confess?
2. Why do you think God wants us to confess our sins to Him even after we’ve been justified in Him?
3. Is it necessary to confess our sins to others?
4. What hinders you from confessing sins right away, keeping short accounts with God and others?
5. Are there sins you need to confess right now in your life?

Honoring Parents, Pastor Douglas Wilson
Honoring Parents Q & A
Elementary Questions:
1. What does it mean to honor your parents?
2. What does God promise if we honor (obey, respect) our parents?
3. In what two ways can you honor your mom and dad?

Secondary Questions:
1. What is significant about Paul’s comment that the fifth commandment is the first commandment with a promise?
2. What is the scope of that promise?
3. When you and your parents are both trying to understand the other, what significant advantage do your parents have?
4. What are the two ways that children should honor their parents?
5. What is the difference between these two ways?

Relativism (secondary) Pastor Joshua Appel
Relativism Q & A (secondary)
Be a Truth Teller-Even When it Hurts (elementary)

Elementary Questions:
1. What was Achan’s sin?
2. What is the great temptation for us when we do wrong? Why?
3. What is Pastor encouraging us/you to do?

Secondary Questions:
1. What is relativism?
2. What is the cause of relativism?
3. How is relativism manifested in our culture?
4. How are Christians vulnerable to relativism?

Shaping Culture Through Business (secondary) Andrew Crapuchettes
Shaping Culture Through Business Q & A (secondary)
Work (elementary)

Elementary Questions:
1.  Why does our work have a purpose?   Our work has been given to us by God
2.  What has God promised to do to our work?  Bless it
3.  What has God given us to do our work?  He has given us strength/power

Secondary Questions:
1. Why should Christians think about starting a business?
2. What is the point of your vocation/business?
3. Do you need to hand out tracts to be a Christian at work?
4. Based on what I learned, how am I going to act differently next week?

Pornography (secondary) Pastor Jared Longshore
Pornography Q & A (secondary)
Godly Men & Godly Women (elementary)

Elementary Questions:
1. From each of the following passages, list what God says about what you should be aiming at to be a Godly man or woman: Genesis 2: 18, 1 Thessalonians 2: 7, 11, 1 Peter 3: 1-4, 7
2. Boys, In your own words, what sort of man do you want to become?
3. Girls, In your own words, what sort of woman do you want to become?

Secondary Questions:
1. What is peculiar about the sin of pornography, as opposed to the sin of adultery or fornication? (Fruitless, like homosexuality).
2. How does pornography destroy manhood? (Makes men passive)
3. How does pornography diminish womanhood? (Diminishes feminine glory)
4. Is pornography idolatrous? How so? (Rejects the Creator’s design for sex and worships self)
5. How can you ensure that you and your parents are on the same page when it comes to pornography?