3rd Grade Play: The 3rd graders will be performing The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe this Friday morning. The assembly will open with a recitation by the 5th Graders at 8:35. As usual, all are welcome to attend.
Parent/Teacher Conferences, March 25 & 26: Conference sign up sheets will come home this Friday. We are looking forward to meeting with you after spring break.
Name on the Board: One of our assembly sayings is, “If your name’s on the board…go make it right.” The goal is to teach students to take responsibility and deal with sin faithfully. Toward that end, my teaching and encouragement has been that when a student gets his name on the board that he go, at the next convenient time (recess, lunch, after school), and ask forgiveness of his teacher for whatever he did. In addition to this, our household policy is that if one of my kids gets his name on the board in class, he comes and tells me right after school. If your household discipline leans toward requiring your kids to take this responsibility and make things right, then making excuses, hiding the sin, or spinning the story will just not pay off.
Latin Office Hours: Mr. Sumpter is available to help 9th and 10th graders with Latin questions on Tuesdays from 12:00-12:30 in Room 3 and Thursdays from 3:15-3:45 in Room 2.
Knight Day: Next Thursday, March 11, is Knight Day in the secondary. This is a seminar-type day in which students attend plenary talks and select from a wide array of academic and recreational workshops. This year’s theme is Money. More information will be coming out next week!
For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/
All the best,
Matt Whitling