————- GENERAL ————-
Winter Ball: The Winter Ball will take place Friday, December 3 (hosted by the 8th-grade class). This is for Logos students only, as are all Logos balls. Dress: GENTLEMEN – Dress shirts, ties, and slacks. LADIES – Knee-length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES – Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person and $15 family.
————- ACTIVITIES ————
JH BB will have sign-ups in December and begin practice after Christmas Break. All boys and girls in grades 6-8 are allowed to participate in the Logos Intramural Basketball programs. More information will be available in December with meetings and practice schedules released. All athletes must have a physical on file in order to participate in Logos athletics.
Public Address position: Logos Athletics is looking for the “Voice of the Knights”. If you would be willing to volunteer at Logos home games please contact Mr. Lopez. The duties include: Player Introductions, Pre-game prayer, and playing music.
————- ELEMENTARY ————-
6th Grade Play: This Friday Mr. Belk and Mrs. Anderson’s class will be performing in the gym (main campus). The show will open with a recitation by Mrs. Akin and Mrs. Bradley’s 3rd-grade class at 8:35. All are welcome!
Elementary Midterms (Main, South, and Nazarene Campuses) will be coming home this week. Please complete and return these by Wednesday, December 1.
Homework-O-Meter Results: Homework surveys are in, and we’ve crunched the numbers below (averaged between the double/triple classes). Parents, thank you for taking the time to complete the surveys! Grade / Actual Numbers / Guideline Targets (per night/5 days a week):
1st = 13 min. (15 min.)
2nd = 21 min. (30 min.)
3rd = 18 min. (45 min.)
4th = 16 min. (45 min.)
5th = 38 min. (45 min.)
6th = 45 min. (60 min.)
————- SECONDARY ————-
Secondary Electives: We are looking for elective teachers for the second semester. If you have an area of interest that you think would be appealing to 8th-12th graders, please contact Mr. Wiggins for details. We are open to a variety of topics: art, music, hobbies, basic Christianity, etc. Elective classes are volunteer-taught and meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:25-9:15.
Mr. Loren Euhus
Assistant Superintendent
Logos School, Moscow ID
208.882.1226 x12