
Winter Ball: The Winter Ball will take place Friday, December 7 (hosted by the 8th grade class). This is for Logos students only. Dress: GENTLEMEN – Dress shirts, ties and slacks. LADIES – Knee length dresses or skirts. Modest necklines only (no strapless tops, halter-tops, or spaghetti straps). SHOES – Clean shoes on the floor only; no dress shoes or high heels. 6-7:30pm for Elementary, 7:30-8pm practice dance, 8-10pm Secondary. Price is $5 per person and $15 family.


Snow Boots: Elementary and secondary students are welcome to wear snow boots throughout the winter season.



Saturday Hoops: Registration (form attached) is due December 5, this Wednesday. We have 7 slots left. Confirmed registrations can be found here.


Elementary Lunches: Please be sure to send lunch with your child each day. The front office will no longer be stocking soup.


Winter Clothes: Be sure to send your children to school with warm clothes. We will have recess outside unless it is raining hard or below 20 degrees. This may be a good time to make sure that winter clothing is labeled – just in case!



Honors Classes: The following honors classes will be offered for the second semester: 9th Grade European History, 10th Grade Latin, 11th Grade Classical Literature and 12th Grade British Literature. Invitations will be coming home to all students who earned a 94% or higher in these subject areas in the 2nd quarter. Further details about our honors classes are included on the invitation.


Final Exam Schedule: The week before Christmas is finals week for our secondary students. Please see the attached special schedule.




Matt Whitling

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