THE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF: The show opens Wed, Nov. 2, and runs each night at 7:00 pm through Sat, Nov. 5. There are over 30 Logos students in this show. Tickets are on sale in the Logos lunchroom from 7:45- 8:15 am, Mon-Thurs this week. As seating permits, tickets will also be available at the door each night.
Fight’n Knight Day! In order to celebrate the Fiddler on the Roof performances, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt).
Interschool Speech Meet: We will be hosting the interschool speech meet this Friday. Competitors should wear their dress uniform. The rosters for each division will be posted outside the front office window Thursday at lunch. Please no camcorders or cameras during the meet.
Matt Whitling
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