

Interschool Speech Meet: The interschool speech meet will take place November 6.  The secondary students who qualify will compete here at Logos and the elementary competitors will travel to the Oaks in Spokane.  Please let me know if you are interested in chaperoning.


Coats: Please send your child dressed for the weather.  Students will go out to recess unless it is in the low teens or very wet.

Uniform Reminder: This is the last week that elementary students can wear shorts/capris to school until April.  Two more days of glory!


Secondary Speech Meet 7th-9th: This Friday, October 30 is the speech meet.  Students should come in their dress uniforms for this event.  There will be an awards assembly in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:25 in the auditorium.  All are welcome to attend.

Winter Activities: Winter is an exciting time in the secondary with knowledge bowl, mock trial, and basketball all starting up.  Mr. Carnahan is working hard to schedule these three activities so that there are very few or no conflicts between them.  If your child wants to participate in more than one of these events, it is important that he communicate this to his coaches before the season begins.

Note for Parents

The following message ran in today’s secondary announcements.  This might be a good opportunity to talk to your upper elementary and/or secondary student about his/her words, both spoken and written.

Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. -Ephesians 5:4

Students, Consider your words and what they might say about you.  Some Christian kids think that if their language is half a step away from the “really bad stuff” they are OK.  Crap, Fricken and all their ugly little sisters live on the tongues of those who cherish them.

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/


Matt Whitling