Athletic Forms & Fees

Activity Fees

Athletic participation fees will be billed after the first practice.

Activity Fees 2024-2025

Athletic Forms

Each student needs one of the forms below in order to participate in a high school athletic activity at Logos. Please read the explanation under each form carefully to be sure you complete the correct form. 

New Physical/IQ Form procedure (2023-24): All Physical forms and IQ forms are to be uploaded onto DragonFly. The required form must be uploaded into your student’s DragonFly account and approved before the first practice. Your child will not be able to participate in practice or games until the required form is uploaded and approved.

Below are step-by-step instructions on how to set up your parent account on DragonFly, connect to Logos, add your students on DragonFly, and upload forms.

  1. Getting Started with DragonFly
  2. Connect to Logos
  3. Add Your Students
  4. Upload Forms

For more tips on setting up your account, read the following: Dragonfly Intro

Sports Physical Form (Download)
High School: Every 9th and 11th grade student (and any student who did not play a sport the previous year, regardless of grade) participating in an athletic activity must have a physical performed and this form completed by a physician. The parent completes the front side of the form and the physician the back side.

Junior High: Every 6th grader (and any student who does not have a current physical on file, regardless of grade) participating in an athletic activity must have a physical performed and this form completed by a physician. The parent completes the front side of the form and the physician the back side.

Interim Questionnaire Form (Download)
Every 7th, 8th, 10th and 12th grade student participating in an athletic activity must complete this form on DragonFly and be approved before the first day of practice, unless it is their first time participating in a sport with Logos. If that is the case, a Sports Physical Form is required (see above).

Dual Activity Participation Request Form (Download)

All students seeking to participate in more than one activity at a time must turn in a completed form to be approved.

Weight Room Waiver (Download)

All students seeking to use the weight room must turn in a completed waiver before their first use.