1. What if our family can’t afford the entire cost of tuition? Are there scholarships available?
*Since it began in 1981, Logos School has not turned away a family due to their not being able to afford the entire tuition. If you have financial questions, please set up a time to talk with the superintendent. Certain scholarships and discounts may be applicable to your situation.
2. Do we need to attend any particular church to be accepted into Logos?
*Logos School is a non-denominational Christian school. That means we are delighted to have over twenty area churches represented among our student body. Our staff and board members also come from a number of different strong evangelical churches. We operate under our historical and common Statement of Faith.
3. Do our children need to attend every class? Do you have part-time programs?
*Certainly the vast majority of our students are full-time students. However, in our secondary (7th -12th grades) program, on a space-available basis, we enroll part-time students. If you are interested in the possibility, please discuss this with our principal.
4. What version of the Bible do you teach from?
*In our lower elementary grades we use the New International Version for its easier readability. In our older grades we use the New King James Version. Of course, students are allowed to bring any translation of the Bible to school for private reading and/or to fulfill the Scripture reading schedule we have the students follow.
5. How do you deal with new upper elementary or older students who haven’t had any Latin?
*Each student’s abilities are considered on an individual basis, but very often when a new student enters 5th grade or higher, we allow the student to ‘audit’ the Latin class. That is, the work is attempted by the student, but there are no Latin grades issued. This often leads to the student ultimately moving into a graded position. We also have a Latin Tutorial class for the older students.
6. How can parents be involved in the school?
*We take parental authority and, therefore, parental involvement very seriously. Depending on your background, you might be surprised how ‘open’ Logos is to have you come and be part of the school’s daily routine. From helping with reading groups or helping grade elementary papers, to recess supervision, to chaperoning field trips, to even teaching an elective class at the older levels, there are numerous practical ways to be in your child’s school. You might even end up running for the school board (comprised of current parents or grandparents, by design)!
7. Is Logos accredited by the state?
*No. Logos believes the State (political governing authority) was never given the role of educating children. In God’s Word, He clearly assigns that task to parents (Deut. 6, Eph. 6). Therefore, as a school we answer to the collective and individual parental authority, as outlined in our policies. We also believe that accountability to an ‘outside’ agency is wise (not wanting to measure ourselves by ourselves). Therefore, we gained and continue to hold accreditation from the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS).
8. How many of your graduates go on to attend college?
*Very typically 95-100% of our graduating seniors go on to attend college. (The fact that Logos is not ‘accredited’ by the state of Idaho has not been a hindrance to our graduates entering a higher education institution.) Many of our graduates receive academic scholarships and we have a uniquely disproportionate number of National Merit Scholars for the size of our student body (normally much higher per capita than most other Idaho secondary schools, government or private).
9. What is Protocol?
* “Love in the details” of life at Logos is very important to us. You will see this in the way boys are required to hold the doors for the girls and the way students stand to address their teacher, among the etiquette standards we teach and enforce. In a sense all this training culminates in what we call our “Protocol” events at the Rhetoric level. We set aside two evenings, one each for the lower high school classes (9th/10th) and for the upper high school (11th/12th) during which the students dress up in semi- or formal, attractive and modest attire, and go out to a special meal and event. They receive detailed meal and behavior etiquette training over a few days prior to the event. Young men escort the ladies, but it’s not a ‘dating’ situation; rather a delightful time of showing mutual consideration and respect.
10. What is the Knights Fest?
*For many years we copied the government schools in having a “Spirit Week” and not surprisingly it got more and more insipid. Finally we decided enough was enough and decided to start over with a more biblical view of celebrating. Hence, the Knights’ Festival was born. It is four days of special activities for the secondary (7th-12th) grades in February (a dreary month here in Idaho). No classes are held. Instead the students participate in singing, feasting, dancing, sword (plastic) fighting (guys), archery (girls), baking/poetry/art contests, volleyball and basketball tournaments, and community service projects, among other events. All this is suffused in thankfulness to God.
11. What athletic league is Logos in, if any?
*Logos High School is a member of the White Pine League and a full member of the Idaho High School Athletic Association. We are also members of the North Idaho Lacrosse League for high school boys lacrosse.