
Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our cross country runners and volleyball players as they head to state, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt). A few people have asked about other shirts: Feed the Need, volleyball, basketball, summer camps, etc. Only the game day shirts qualify, from any year.



Interschool Speech Meet: If your child has qualified and is going on to the interschool speech meet at The Oaks, please remember to let me know soon if you are able to chaperone.


Coats: Please send your child dressed for the weather. Students will go out to recess unless it is in the low teens or very wet.


Promotion Policy: Now that the first quarter report cards are out, I thought it would be helpful to include a reminder about the elementary promotion policy. This is especially important if your child earned an “F” in any subject. Please see the attachment for details. Don’t hesitate to call with any questions or clarifications.




Secondary Speech Meet 7th-9th: Friday, October 30 is the secondary speech meet. There will be an awards assembly for all 7th-12th graders in which some of the superior speeches will be delivered at 2:30 in the auditorium. All are welcome to attend.


Study Tip

Report cards came out last week. Many of us have busy enough schedules to think that if we actually looked over the card and made it to the right elementary conference at the right time, we had a successful week. Now is a good time, if you haven’t already, to sit down with each of your children and discuss their progress. Go over the report card together and talk about the feedback that you received from their teacher. Set a few simple goals that you will be able to remember and hold them accountable for when progress reports come home in November.






Matt Whitling




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