LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #9  (Oct 27, 2021)

————-  GENERAL  ————-

Fight’n Knight Day! In order to support our cross country runners as they head to state, this Friday will be a Fight’n Knight Day (nice jeans and your Logos T-shirt). A few people have asked about other shirts: Feed the Need, volleyball, basketball, summer camps, etc. Only the navy game day shirts qualify, from any year.

Report Cards.  It’s the end of the first quarter; report cards will come out Wednesday for the elementary and Thursday for the secondary.  Elementary parents: please sign the envelope and have your student return the envelope to their teacher.

————-  ELEMENTARY  ————-

New Hire: Please join us in welcoming Kortnie Brockwalder to the Logos teaching team!  Mrs. Brockwalder has been hired to teach the afternoon preschool class, starting Monday, November 1st.  We are grateful for her desire to serve our youngest students and their families. When you see her, please congratulate her!

Parent/Teacher Conferences: Conferences begin Thursday morning.  If you have not scheduled yet, please visit this site to do so: http://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Logos .

————-  SECONDARY  ————-

Choir Festival: On November 12th, the high school choir will be going to The Oaks in Spokane to compete in the ACCS Choir Festival.  Since the majority of our high school students are in the choir there will be no classes held for 9-12th grade on that day.  7-8th grade will be released early at 12:05pm for teacher development day.



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School