LOGOS SCHOOL UPDATE – 2021 – Fall #3

————-  GENERAL  ————-

Teacher Development (Half Day):  Friday September 17th is a half-day of school, while teachers spend the afternoon in teacher training and curriculum development.  Release times for students are as follows:  

     Logos South, 1st grade 11:20 am

     Logos South, 2nd grade 11:30am

     Logos Nazarene 11:40am

     Logos Main (elementary) 11:50am

     Logos Main (secondary) 12:05pm


Class Picture Day with LaMoreaux Photography: 

     Main Campus:  Friday, Sept. 10th

     Logos South:  Friday, Sept. 17th

     Naz Campus:  Friday, Sept. 24th

Picture day attire is Friday dress uniforms.  Photo envelopes will be coming home the week before pictures for each campus. 


Activities Department OpeningsIf you are interested in serving with the Logos Activities Department please contact our AD, Patrick Lopez, at ad@logosschool.com.  We currently are seeking individuals in our Mock Trial, JH Basketball and Lacrosse programs. 

  • Mock Trial B Team Coach –  Work with our young and talented mock trial members.  Mock Trial practice begins in November. 
  • JH BB Coach – Assist with our 6-8th grade intramural program this winter, boys and girls.
  • JH Lacrosse – Assist with our spring lacrosse program for grades 6-8.


Email from Logos:  Google, Hotmail, and others have been more aggressive about automatically filtering out emails it thinks are spam.  Check your spam folder for e-mails from Logos.  For example, 12th Grade parents, please check your spam/junk files for an email that Mr. Wiggins sent on Tuesday, Aug 31 explaining the “Principal’s Pig Fest.”


————-  SECONDARY  ————-

Next Tuesday (Sept 14th) is our Secondary World View Assembly in the gym.  These talks by local pastors are typically once a month.  This month, Pastor Sumpter will be speaking on “The Gospel.” This is a mandatory event for ALL secondary students whether or not you normally have a class during the first period on Tuesdays.  Parents are always welcome and encouraged to attend.  


————-  ELEMENTARY  ————-

Assembly Accompaniment Tryouts:  4th – 6th grade students are welcome to tryout to accompany singing at elementary assemblies.  Tryouts will take place tomorrow, Thursday, September 9 during lunch recess in the lunchroom.  Packets of sheet music went home last week.  Student accompanists chosen receive one free hot lunch for every assembly they accompany. 

Speech Meet: Selections are due to teachers Monday, September 13.

Logos South:  Please remember to follow the School Uniform Policy.  Common violations we are seeing:  no belt; wrong shirt colors for the Friday dress uniform (boys are to wear a white oxford; girls, white blouse).  Thank you!



Loren Euhus

Assistant Superintendent, Logos School