Student Technology


Dear Logos Parents,

It is clear to the board and administration that we need to provide more structure when it comes to student technology at school. In addition to this, many of you have asked for input and back-up on what the school thinks is healthy for Logos families outside the school day. Toward these ends, we have spent time this summer researching, comparing notes with other classical Christian schools, and seeking out wisdom from 13 area pastors. The results are below. Over the next few updates we will share resources that may be helpful. For now, here is a quick lay-of-the-land video from Matt Walsh. Please take a few minutes to watch this. As always, feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.



We want to support parents as they prepare their children to navigate technology in a way that creates a healthy standard among Logos families. We want students at Logos School to be free from feeling the need or pressure to acquire technology too early or to use it poorly and we want a school environment where students are free to listen, think, read, talk, laugh, and engage with the people around them.


School Policy:

Student technology is not allowed on campus through the end of the school day, other than in cars. A violation results in an office visit and returning the device to the parents.



  1. What qualifies as student technology? Phones, smartwatches, tablets, computers, earbuds, etc. My child has a smartwatch but we don’t allow it to connect to a phone, is that acceptable? Any device that can connect to a phone or the internet is not allowed (watches, earbuds, etc.).

  2. How do I contact my child during the school day? Please feel free to call the front office. Our secretaries are glad to pass along messages. We also have a phone in the lunchroom that is available for students to use. Students may also use their phones in their cars.

  3. How do we request an exception (medical, emergency, etc.)? Please contact your child’s principal. 


Recommendations for Home:

  1. No personal technology before 10th Grade (phones, tablets, computers). A shared computer with a password in a “public” area of the house can be a great resource. A “dumb phone” to be checked out at specific times may be warranted.

  2. 10th Grade(+/-): “Dumbphone” with no internet or social media access. Most students start driving at this time, and it makes sense for them to be able to communicate while away.

  3. 12th Grade: Smartphone and access to the internet with lots of guidance and accountability from parents (no social media, some kind of accountability software ie: Accountable2You, CovenantEyes)

  4. General Recommendations: No technology in the bedroom (computer, phone, TV, video games), charge the tech. each night in the parents’ room. Parents always have access to monitor and discuss. Have a family tech. curfew.


Thank you for the privilege of serving your families,

Matt Whitling

Logos School Superintendent


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