
3rd Quarter Midterms: Midterms will come home with the elementary students this Wednesday and with the secondary on Thursday.

Logos Fundraiser Dessert: This Friday evening at 7:00 Logos will be holding its annual fundraiser dessert in the gym.


Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4.  The Final Showdown Sudden Death Spell-Off will take place this Wednesday afternoon at 12:40.  The top two spellers from 3rd – 6th grade will be competing at this time in the auditorium.  Parents are certainly welcome.

Second Grade Play: This Friday morning the 2nd Graders will be performing the play The Lion and the Mouse.  The show will begin with a 5th grade recitation at 8:35.


Poetry Out Loud: The 10th – 12th graders will be competing in the Poetry Out Loud in-school competition this Friday.  There will be a final competition in the auditorium at 2:30 PM between  the top three competitors of each grade to see who will go on to compete in the regional competition at Moscow High on Monday.  All are welcome to attend.

Study Tip of the Week

Study Tip of the Week:  Each family has a different routine for dealing with report cards and midterms when they come home from school.  You may consider incorporating the following elements into yours:

a.       Read and discuss the grades and comments together with your spouse.  This can be a great opportunity for God to reveal potential blind spots in your parenting.

b.      Make time to sit down with your child, without any distractions, and read over the report together.  Explain the different categories, discuss any areas in which you see progress or a drop, and make a plan for how to finish off the quarter.

c.       Pay attention over the next few weeks and talk to your child further about the plan to see if it is working.

d.      Sign and return the bottom of the midterm (elementary).  Take a few minutes to jot down an encouraging note to the teacher in addition to your signature.  One of the most effective ways to raise thankful and grateful kids is to be thankful and grateful in their presence.

Doing these things will help reinforce to your child that you love them, that you value their education, and that you are interested in seeing them be successful at Logos.

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/

All the best,

Matt Whitling