
School Ball: The seniors will be sponsoring a school ball on Friday, January 30 from 7-10 PM in the gym (the Friday of Knights’ Festival).  $5 for students, $7 for adults, and $25 for families (Parents are encouraged and welcome to come.)  Semi-formal dress is required.

Hall Closet Announcement: Hall Closet is carrying two new products that are consistent with our uniform guidelines:  White Oxford shirts with an expandable collar, and Khaki pants with an expandable waist.

Home Basketball Game: This Thursday evening there will be a varsity home game against Kootenai at 7:00.  Come on out and cheer for the Knights!


Spelling Bee: The 1st – 6th graders will be competing in an in-school spelling bee February 4.  The rules are included below.

Lunch Songs: Each day before prayer at lunchtime the elementary students sing together the first verse of a psalm or hymn.  Here is a list of the lunch songs for the third quarter.  All of the 1st – 6th graders are working on memorizing these.

Monday: Ps. 98 O Sing a New Song to the Lord

Tuesday: Be Thou My Vision

Wednesday: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

Thursday: Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken

Friday: Ps. 100 All People That on Earth do Dwell


CTP-4 Testing: All regular testing will be complete Thursday afternoon.  If your child has missed any of the test components due to absences this week, please contact Mr. Carnahan to schedule a make up on Friday.

Snow Clothing Guidelines

For more information about the school please visit https://logosprincipalspage.com/

All the best,

Matt Whitling




1. Spellmaster – This person will explain the rules, give the words, and run the bee.

2. Secretary – This person will write down the letters of each word as the competitors state them.


All students will participate in at least one in-class practice spelling bee prior to the real competition to give them exposure and experience in competing in a bee.  Students who earn a 90% and above in the subject of spelling on the second quarter report card will compete in the official spelling bee competition held February 4, 2009.


1. The competitors will be given a practice round to acquaint them with the procedures and give them a chance to relax. No one will be eliminated during the practice round.

2. Each competitor, after being given a word, should SAY the word, SPELL the word, and then SAY it again. If the word is mispronounced, the spellmaster should correct the student (Homonyms should automatically be put into a sentence or accompanied with a definition).  This SAY-SPELL-SAY procedure must be followed to ensure that: (1) the speller understands the correct word, and (2) the judges know when the spelling is complete and no more letters will be added.  The head judge will stop the student if he fails to pronounce the word before spelling, or if it is pronounced incorrectly.  NOTE: Failure to say-spell-say will not in itself eliminate the speller from competition, but it will reduce the chances of correct spelling and/or the ability to arbitrate.

3. Contestants must speak clearly and loudly.  The spellmaster=s decision is final in determining the correctness of the spelling, which may be misunderstood if not spoken clearly.

4. The contestant may, before beginning to spell, ask for a definition of the word, ask for the word to be used in a sentence, and/or ask for the word to be repeated.  Requests will be granted until the officials agree that the word has been made reasonably clear to the speller.  If a student takes unreasonable advantage of this opportunity, he will be advised by the spellmaster to say the word and begin spelling.

5. If the word is a proper noun, the spellmaster must say “proper noun” after the word is given so that the student will know to say “capital” at the beginning of the word.  It does not disqualify the student, however, if he forgets to say “capital” but spells the word correctly.

6. If there are two words, e.g. Rocky Mountains, the student should say “space” between the words.  No penalty will be incurred if the student does not say “space.”

7. Books of the Bible that have a Roman numeral in front of them, e.g. I, II, or III John, should only be used as the name. The student should not be required to say or spell “first”, “second”, etc.

8. Words should be selected in a planned sequence, without regard to the perceived ability of the student. The student will have 30 seconds to spell the word from the time he begins the word. Once a word is started, the student may start over, but may only use the letters originally stated; no letter changes are allowed.